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I do see this working although, just not yet andI certainly wont bea fan:

Does anyone here have Sky? All you need is a sufficiently fast internet connections to stream any kind of video at 720p. Assuming that is available people will could just have some kind of 'player' similar to a Sky+ box. They lay back on their sofa, skip through a menu of games and then choose one to play.

Here is really why this will work..

Think about how much money people waste on ring tones, downloading stuff to their phone, buying pay per view movies off sky box office or subscribing to sports channels or pay per view events? etc. Sure, this isnt going to go down well with us who take gaming a little more seriously on system wars but for the casuals who throw money away on something because it is so imemdiately accessible then this will make huge money.

I mean this kind of thing could be incorperated into a next gen cable tv box. People get the tv package and also have the availability to subscribe to a 'games' package. (remember I'm assuming internet speeds are fast enough).

Streaming movies, sports events, games will be the norm!

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Nothing in KZ2 is more technically impressive or of higher quality than it is in crysis. :|


KZ2 has far more dynamic lights:)

No it doesnt, Crysis has whole levels, huge environments all with high dynamic range lighting. You have whole forests all casting real time shadows...KZ doesnt have HDR anywhere near that scale lol. Not to mention, water refracting and reflecting light.

Try again ;)

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Jeese, what is it with you cows?

Firstly, do you even read?? I posted earlier why Crysis' gameplay is neither generic or average...it may not be to your personal preference but across the board it is highly rated by critics and gamers alike. What you need to do is stop just copying what others (who probably havent played the game lol) and contribute to the discussion with why you think the gameplay is so average.

I like a lot of other pretty level headed pc gamers can at least recognise that it is different to most of the shooters out there, you have tons of options, massive levels, physics that affect the gameplay, you can hop in a vehicle and sped through a level, you can use stealth, with your suita ability to cloak or just use the terrain, you have korean soliders that move as squads and react very well considering its an open evnironment and thus considerably more difficult to get the AI right when compared your average linear corridor console shooter.

*pauses for breath*

Guys the game is complex! Sure, if you play it like every other console shooter out there on the easiest difficulty then sure, it will play like them. However, if crank up the difficulty then using your abilities, the terrain, your stealth, speed, surprise, the games physics to survive. You have to use your brain and think your way through a level!

OK thats enough about addressing the mindless "teh gameplay is average" posts by low level accounts lol

What I started this post for was to point out that this is yet again another Crysis bashing thread that specifically focusses on 'stuff goin on', right?

Well, firstly how on earth can you cows say all us hermits go on about is Crysis? You're the ones who are obsessed by it lol. If you're all so sure about KZ2 then why are you falling over yourselves to compare it to Crysis? I can tell you now, that 99% of the threads created (I would love to take the time to do an actual survey :P) are not by hermits. We are overwhelmingly the typical respondants! Basically, we're not the ones creating all these bloomin threads, we just pipe-in when we see you making rediculous claims lol :lol:

The reason I had a big rant about the gameplay is because Crysis' game play, as I explained above is not, I repeat is not average or generic and I back up my statement by referring to the various reviews the game has had across the boards. Can we please put to bed the stupid and un-based 'assumption' that Crysis' gameplay is average!!

(at the very least state that you 'personally' found it nothing special and stop stating it as fact as if everyone agrees with you because they dont lol)

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I forgot it was april fools until you guys told me hehe...this one was on for a winner!

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I'm all for more Halo games if:


1 They're in keeping with Halo lore and they don't start trying to be creative with the story to squeeze out another game like so many franchises do (and I kinda felt thats what they were doing with Halo 3!)


2 They do something a little different than the usual standard shooter that we've had so far and explore different directions like they are doing with ODST and Halo Wars


3 and they absolutely do not compromise quality for the sake of more sequels but keep them up there in the AAA category

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I've got my doubts about any leaked information, announcements or revelations for today lol

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Hmmm, Bungie choose April 1st to announce this? It makes perfect sense :D

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kidding right:| its impossible to even tell the integrity of the visuals from this blurry video. I think someone is just itching for console game to beat out Killzone 2:? Flocking to this as graphics king is terrible damage control. RE5 is the only game that comes close to Killzone 2s visuals and RE5 looks a crapload better than this game. I think the next console graphics king will be Uncharted 2 or Alan Wake. But to hype this games graphics is awful desperation on TCs part:?


Whether the TC was right or wrong in his opinion of whether it is the new console graphics king does not warrant your responce. I'm sure I'm not alone here but I see you're the one who is insecure and desperate for no one to challenge the mantle of KZ2. I mean you could of disagreed and went on your way but you didn't. You had to make accusations of 'desperation' and'damage-control' :lol:

So I guess I'm damage controlling, if I think the character models look better than KZ2? or I'm desperate if I dont happen to agree with KZ2 being the next coming lol. Man cows these days, you get 1 good graphically impressive game and you put barbed wire and warning signs up around your PS3s and cling on to the hope no game will release with better graphics. Good luck with that :;):

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Onslaught and Assualt says hello :lol:

2 levels right there that completely blow almost any game out of the water in terms of 'stuff going on'

You have 2 levels that are kilometres across, that have tons of HDR, occlusion mapping, some of the highest resolution textures, physics, water effects and a whole bloomin' battle is unfolding! There is a huge battle with both sides battleing it out, using vehicles, roadblocks, cover etc its not to call such a level "empty" shows you havent played it! :lol: . On Assault, you have 3 objectives to get to...

...you can make your way acropss country on foot, stopping off at villages, blowing up buildings with all guns blazing

...you can take a boat across the water or better yet, go full on stealth and swim avoiding all the hell breaking loose around you

...you could go in fast, get a vehicle, drive quick and use speed and surprise as you approach

...you could go stealth across country, using the foiliage and buildings as cover

Or any combination of the above. Basically, you have your objectives and its up to you how you get there, either way you can see right off into the distance, distant soldiers moving towards their objectives. Not to mention, this starts off during the night and unfolds as the sun rises and dawn breaks. There are patrols of korean soldiers who move as squads, are cautious and have some of the best open-world AI going (AI for corridor shooters is hugely more simple to get right that open world).

From the above you can draw several conclusions:

  1. Crysis gameplay is NOT Generic as it is very different from a lot of shooters out there
  2. The amount of 'stuff going on' is huge as its a whole battle being rendered with 'crysis' graphics lol

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I'm still yet to see people calling Crysis 'generic' or it having 'average gameplay' justify it. And these are the same people who praise GeOW, Halo3, KZ2 and COD4. Funny that.skrat_01

Thats what drives me nuts lol.

The consolites just spout a single line as if its fact without ever backing it up. Over and over again they do it.