OK so in summary the same applies to any CPU and not just the cell?
DAZZER7's forum posts
k....tbh i dont want a game thats been out for damn near 100 years anyway. its a great game, but im not gonna want halo 1 on the ps3 or w/e. its old news, i would rather have a new game, than a 3 year old porttmacscores91
OK but why does it matter to you consolites so much whether a game is new or not? lol, its not like shooters have moved beyond Crysis or anything. Is it like clothing and fashion that you dislike something that is "old" ??
this place is getting worse by the minute. Why is everyone hiding themselves behind the "opinion" wall? _Pedro_
I know but even opinions require some kind of reasoning behind them.
For example "crysis has average gamelay because....."
But we dont even get that, all we get is Crysis has good graphics but average gameplay, or you need a $2000 rig to play it etc. They're not even opinions, they're random fanboy statements copied from other fanboys lol.
Any ideas? I don't really see much on the horrizon for the PC, anything Crysis-quality...then again, concerning gameplay Crysis was so....SO, well...Average.
I don't want to start a war here, but it's getting out of hand when you have PC fanboys jumping in NON-PC related threads saying Crysis stomps on this, visually and that visually.
Crysis will always be that shallow experience, When you think Crysis you think Graphics. It's why all shooters out there for consoles (halo 3, Killzone 2, Hell, even resistance 2) will be more talked about. Maybe Crytek can think gameplay, next time they build a game, instead of pasting whats out there with a killer graphical engine.
That being said, why arn't there more exclusive killer PC titles? I mean solid Deep Story-driven shooters? Is it that Developers prefer Consoles over PC? Something i'm missing?
Of course this is my opinion, feel free to state your minds, keep in mind...i'm behind a keyboard and Screen. Not much you can do, but virbaly, go nuts. :)
So much fail, seriously so much fail I dont know where to begin!
To start with, its not PC fanboys or hermits always bringing up Crysis its you consolites always trying to dethrone it with each new exclusive announced!
Next, Crysis got very good reviews across the board for its gameplay. But you just couldn't resist just copying what every other consolite has said without finding out for your self :lol: Its game play is quite exceptional actually.
But then again I'm just another person behind a keyboard except when I state my opinion, I at least have some kind of reason behind my opinion. I mean how do you answer the fact that Crysis is praised right across the board for its 'gameplay' by many many of the main game review sites? How do you also answer the fact that time again (including you :lol: its you consolites making a thread about Crysis?
Oh dear better luck next time mate ;)
Half-life 2: Episode 3 (its simply a case of dying to see what happens next lol best story ever)
Battlefield 3 (please please please DICE)
Battlefield 1943 (as long as its not too much like Bad Company)
Star Wars: Old Republic (coming from a SWG vet lol)
Project Offset (By the time its comes out, I will no doubt upgrade)
OK, I'll be the first to admit I only read the first pages of responces but that was enough to say:
WTF are you cows on about??
Those screens look aweful. Can't you see the flat textures? I mean that brick work could easy be redone with nice normal mapping etc. Do you cows just say "wow" to every PS3 exclusive game coming out? lol. I dont understand how anyone could praise those particular screenshots and I'm certain I have seen much better Uncharted 2 screenshots that do deserve praise but come on!!
I wager you'd have a hard time naming more than 1-2 games at all that had more assets, better effects, better audio, or improved physics on the dvd version of the game... if any at all. We're talking assets, not content... there is a difference. Games have not become longer or offered any more modes than they did last gen... so of course you can fit comparable content on either disc. But developers from stand up studios such as Take Two, Rockstar, Activision, & even Mistwalker have complained that the limited space on a dvd has caused complications in fitting their assets on the disc... are you insinuating that you are better at their job than they are? Because I'm sorry, they have a lot more credibility than you do.[QUOTE="Sgt_Hale"][QUOTE="DeckardLee"]
Again, these are games that don't use compression well for audio and video or abuse FMVs. Show me a game that was multiplat that had features cut because of space when the game came out at the same time. Even if you could show me one, I would have several times more than that in which the developers added more content with less space.
And of Killzone 2, MGS4, Uncharted, R&C, Motorstorm, etc... not a single one abused FMV. So once again, that argument does not hold at all. It does not help your argument that on consoles, the games that pack the most detail, effects, and action onscreen are all PS3 exclusives... whether or not that makes them better games is a totally different argument, and one that is purely a matter of opinion. But the visual fidelity of these games really don't have anything left to prove. Sure, they have more than blu ray to thank for this... but to think that it did not contribute is silly. Ever since the Atari, developers have made advantage of having more space, period. Otherwise, why not just develop better compression tools and go back to printing games on cd's??? Don't be silly...
Again, you continue to maintain that the fact that the Blu-Ray can hold more data actually translates into more "detail, effects, and action onscreen". That's laughable.. at best. The only things today that are sacrificed due to size are audio and FMVs. Sure, in the future games will need more space. That's a no brainer. In fact, that's been speculated as to why GTAVI will be a PS3 console exclusive. It's painfully obvious that game's WOULD benefit from additonal space and in the future need it. But, for the most part, as of the moment, the difference between 8GB and 25GB can be solved through compression which is what games have been doing this generation.
Also, the reason you don't notice FMVs this generation and think they're not as common as they were before is because they are videos of the game running in the actual engine. This isn't the PSX generation where Final Fantasy VII ran FMVs of graphics far beyond the in-game graphics. Gears Of War had SEVERAL FMVs but you wouldn't have noticed they were FMVs if I hadn't told you because it looks damn near identical to the actual in-game graphics. They do this to get more things on screen that the hardware couldn't handle. Since in-game graphics are so much better this generation, the players and developers prefer to keep FMVs roughly the same so as not to cause a disconnect between the contrasting representations.
Here's some facts: Games just as big as PS3 exclusives are on DVDs with no loss in anything. There are really any games on the market today that use more than 8GB without a lack of compression unless they use a lot of audio or FMVs a la MGS4.
Also, LOL @ MGS4 not using a lot of FMV. MGS4 has TONs of FMV, again, you just couldn't notice because they were designed to look as if they were in-engine. Did you read any of Kojima's interviews? I doubt it. You know nothing. I'm going to chalk up your entire post as ignorance and be done with it until you can back up your claim.
Very good post, a lot of people dont realise this is how games like MGS4 transition from cutscene to gameplay!
there are many games on 360 and ps3 that lookmuch better then that. hermits are just pissed
Why should Hermits be pissed when these are CONSOLE screens? Logic and consolites don't go hand in hand, it would seem.
cryengine came to consoles and hermits are mad about it ;)
Actually we did warn you it would look bad!
...but you wouldn't listen lol
I played the demo and didn't like it. Am I not allowed to have that opinion? From what I played nothing made me want to buy the game. The graphics didn't wow me. Nothing I saw did. The only things that impressed me were the AI and sound design. The rest seemed like a huge bowl of average. Yes, you can say "but the graphics are amazing. Everyone says so. Everyone's opinion > yours" and it won't change anything.
Something about the way that you clearly only have a Wii after having looked at your profile pretty much means you're a liar.
I only have xbox 360 things related on my profile :o, and yet i have a ps3 and high end PC some people doesn't bother updating their profile just to make other people happy you know ;)Yeah, if you bash the game or better yet, if you say anything slightly negative...YOU HAVENT PLAYED IT!
For consoles, it IS amazing..tbh. No game matches the ligthing, effects and overall detail. NO current console game. RE5 wins concerning character models by just a bit..but overall that game is ugly. And what is this smudge and blurry, people keep talking about? The blur is motion blur, added for realism. Not to hide any flaws.[QUOTE="S-Slambo"][QUOTE="McdonaIdsGuy"] Nope you're not alone..it doesn't look bad but is not amazing either.AnnoyedDragon
Clearly it is down to preference; because KZ2 seems to be the exact opposite of what I like from a games visuals.
As I said in several other threads I like clean, sharp, crisp visuals. All of which Killzone 2 does the opposite of, it uses bland smudgy textures with post processing that makes it hard to look at everything clearly. You know how a game feels when you take a PC monitor way below its native res? That is how it always feels when I see KZ2.
I'm not saying the visuals are crap, they are just not to my taste.
Nah, I'd say they are completely overated! The cows cling on to anything that can justify their super-computer mentality. The game just uses so post processing effects to eliminate things like aliasing and things like that. Being a pc gamer, I'm used to playing at proper HD resolutions, having high resolution textures and proper AA! Killzone 2s character models are ok but the environments are just weak. Low res textures, absence of any normal mapping etc.
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