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Welcome to the "Crysis Effect", where just because a game looks great, people pan it as just a graphics-wh0ring game. People seem to forget that Crysis got a 9.5, a killer score that must have come from more than pretty foliage. I'm sure the same is true for KZ2, which also got a AAA score.SteezyZ

Exactly, when I saw the title of this thread, thats exactly the point I was going to post. Crysis was forever bashed by lemmings and cows saying "gameplay is meh" even though it got high scores across the board.

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There seems to be alot of people proclaiming that "This game looks better than that game." But what are they basing it on?

Would you say that a game has great graphics because of the textures? The lighting? The animation?

So I'll try to start something here. What do YOU, not the general public, think makes a game have "great" graphics? Post an example of your choice if you wish.

- Animation (To me, Uncharted...just so fluid)

- Texture (Easily Gears 2, though I didn't notice much of a leap from the first one)

- Lighting (Killzone 2 by a mile)

- Anti Aliasing (Dont know much games that do this really well, maybe cuz I don't own a PC)

-Frame Rate (Hmm...COD4 had a great frame rate =P )

- Character Model (Tied between Gears 2 and Killzone 2 for me)

- Artstyle (Okami)

- Other (Specify what you mean by other)

If this kind of thread had been done before then I'm sorry cuz I dont post here often and I probably have never seen it.


From a technical stand point, and I hate to bring this up but games like Crysis achieve the highest results in most of those categories with particular note, lighting, textures, occlusion mapping etc

I personally like to see 2 things. Good amounts of AA and a native 1080p resolution. It just makes everything so crisp and clear!

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Good thread TC! I completely agree that before we say "X-game 'dominates' Z-game" forum users should be clear why and at least qualify their observation. But this is system wars, this is never going to happen. If you post screenshots of a new game there will always be low level, new account users whose sole aim is to troll. It's just the way it is. The unfortunate part is that they tend to outpost those who try to discuss things in a reasonable fashion.

Then there are the ill informed fanboys of each side who only recognise the graphics of their system. There is one group who I feel who are the most misinformed and also the most devout in their dedication to the system. Trying to analyse a game's graphics objectively never works lol.

So while I completely agree TC I can't help feel it is futile!

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[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]... Crysis does not have poor gameplay.. I find this hilarious that we have people claim Killzone 2 or Halo 3 has amazing gameplay.. But sense Crysis came out, it some how has poor gameplay.. Seriously give me a break, every critic has agreed and the majority of pc gmaers that actually PLAYED IT.. And not people who pretended to play it or played it only for 5 mins, all agree that its a solid game graphics aside.lundy86_4

Mostly agreed, solid gameplay, if not fairly generic... Open-world is fantastic though

Well how do you define what is generic or not then? What makes Crysis generic because to me, having huge immersive game levels, destructable buildings, being able to play stealthily or full out action or a combination of both does not make a shooter generic. I think it makes it quite different to a lot of shooters out there. HALO, KZ2 and the majority of other shooters out there limit the way in which you can play.

My only criticism of Crysis is the limited number of weapons, but its anything but generic, its actually one of the more unique shooters out there!

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Lol hermits are finally going to talk about other games now are they? Has Crysis lost it's boasting value?


Ding ding lol

Here everyone, this is what I was talking about. Consolite doesnt read the whole message, jumps in and says something uninformed!


Dahaka, did you not notice that all these threads about Crysis are created mostly by console fanboys trying to compare the latest game to Crysis. You failed to read that you're precisely the type of forum poster that I was talking about :lol:

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OK guys, this thread is mainly in responce to all the threads that have popped up by a few consolites that say all us hermits go on about is Crysis. To set the record straight (and I'm sure the community in general will agree with me here) and that is it's consolites always bringing up Crysis! Seriously you guys seem obsessed with trying to bring this game down!

It's always: "X-game surpasses Crysis' graphics"

Here are some interesting points:

  1. We simply respond and we respond in the most simple way. We post screenshots! We're confident enough to let the actual game do all the talking when it comes to graphics.
  2. We have many other games such as Stalker Clear Sky and Empire Total War that exceed the best graphics consoles have to offer and we could quite happily use screenshots from those games running in much higher HD than your standard console shooter, with tons more AA, AF etc. We respond with Crysis screenshots because that's the game you guys are always comparing to. Now doesn't that make sense? WE respond with screenshots to the game you guys are talking about.
  3. Its so frustrating also that half of you guys dont even read the threads, you read the OP then jump down and comment ignoring all the posts in between that counter and points raised lol.
  4. When we do bring out the 'screen shots' and you guys are proven wrong you tend to do 2 things. You'll go into denial or you'll start resorting to every other damage control trick in the book. These are:
  • Crysis has nice graphics but poor gamelplay (even though its gameplay is unlike most shooters and is widely praised across all review sites as a AAA!)
  • It takes a $2000 rig to run Crysis at very high
  • PC gaming sucks, you 'have' to upgrade every 6 months (I love this one, its so retarded :lol: )
  • Sitting on a couch is better, controller is better etc etc

Basically, once you've lost the graphics debate you'll find any other possible reason to knock pc gaming. Then us hermits will counter every single point made. That's the point which you guys call us elitist snobs lol. We seriously can't win. You guys start the topics on Crysis the tell us we always go on about Crysis when we try and defend it? Maybe we should just shut up and humour you? We should just accept Crysis has medicre graphics and poor gameplay?

Now, I would like to mention at this point that not all console fans are like this. Not all console fans are like this. Some prefer console gaming. I myself have a 360 and Wii which I both enjoy. Some console fans are indeed on my friends list. So in that respect, I would like to aim this at all the ignorant console fanboys out there lol.

OK, so to finish off and to try and prevent this from ending up as some pointless rant :P I would like to suggest to all hermits to post screenshots of any imressive game on PC other than Crysis. We're fed up with you guys thinking we have nothing else other than Crysis so, I would like to invite fellow pc gamers to post screenshots of games other than Crysis. Lets call an amnesty on Crysis and show you guys what else PC gaming has to offer!

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Like I mentioned in the other thread, you're not very smart if you really believe its hermits always raising the subject of Crysis. You consolites are constantly using it as some kind of benchmark for which to compare you're graphics. Most of the time (as this thread itself proves) it is an over excited console fanboy who makes a "X-game is better than Crysis" thread.

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[QUOTE="frankberns"]Hermits spend 100X more time defending and boasting about Crysis than actually playing itPSdual_wielder

This is so true.

And TC is correct, he's not refuting crysis as being the best looking game out there, he's just annoyed how all the hermits always have to inject their "trump card" into every thread out there where its clearly not about the PC. Could you imagine talking to your friend one day trying to convince him to get a 360/PS3 and then all of a sudden some random guy jumps in and tell you Crysis looks better? How annoying could that be?

Thats not how it is and you know it!

You consolites are always saying this game surpasses Crysis. I mean almost every day, I hear a consolite using that exact term. "X-game surpasses Crysis", "Crysis gfx sucks in comparison to x-game". Sure there are 1 or 2 threads started by the odd hermit but this pales in comparison to how insecure you consolites are about your chosen machine and its graphics and how you're always using Crysis as some kind of bench mark.

If you really believe it is only hermits bringing up Crysis you're not very bright mate :lol:

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Ever notice when you are having a debate about graphics which is cleary between xbox 360 and PS3 some hermit will brown nose his way into the thread and say crysis murders/destroys/owns console game x in graphics and if your opinion is different the hermit bomb sqaud will try to modern day lynch you...redundant isn't it. If they were so sure that there graphics were so superior they wouldn't act like such jackasses, you dont see us xbox 360 and ps3 owners jumping into every wii thread throwing are BEST looking game at them cause we are threatened ? Also MGS4 got best graphics of 2008 and deservedly so...Wolfang07
So you're saying that we don't really believe that Crysis has the best graphics? :lol:

Firstly, its our trump card and we use because it simply wipes the floor with any other game out there especially on consoles. The other thing is that we have many other titles. If it wasn't Crysis it would be Stalker Clear Sky which has some of the best lighting and normal mapping texturing I have seen in any game.

So I suppose, you're right in the us hermits should stop owning you guys with Crysis, and I say we should start using lesser games such as Stalker Clear Sky instead lol!

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There are few lems on here saying "yes easily". You can't be serious. Whilst I think it could possibly be done on the 360, I don't think it would be 'easy' lol