There seems to be alot of people proclaiming that "This game looks better than that game." But what are they basing it on?
Would you say that a game has great graphics because of the textures? The lighting? The animation?
So I'll try to start something here. What do YOU, not the general public, think makes a game have "great" graphics? Post an example of your choice if you wish.
- Animation (To me, Uncharted...just so fluid)
- Texture (Easily Gears 2, though I didn't notice much of a leap from the first one)
- Lighting (Killzone 2 by a mile)
- Anti Aliasing (Dont know much games that do this really well, maybe cuz I don't own a PC)
-Frame Rate (Hmm...COD4 had a great frame rate =P )
- Character Model (Tied between Gears 2 and Killzone 2 for me)
- Artstyle (Okami)
- Other (Specify what you mean by other)
If this kind of thread had been done before then I'm sorry cuz I dont post here often and I probably have never seen it.
From a technical stand point, and I hate to bring this up but games like Crysis achieve the highest results in most of those categories with particular note, lighting, textures, occlusion mapping etc
I personally like to see 2 things. Good amounts of AA and a native 1080p resolution. It just makes everything so crisp and clear!
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