Ok I'm gonna have to jam alot of stuff into this blog so let's get the competition answers out the way first. The correct answers are:
- D - Driver (specifically Parallel Lines)
- I - Hitman
- M - Mass Effect
- A - Mario Bros. (not Super Mario Bros., but the original Mario Bros.)
- N - Kane & Lynch (can't believe no one got this)
- I - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
- C - Assassin's Creed
- U - Onimusha (again, no one got this)
- S - Wii Sports
The winner is, with 4/9 (not great) is:
So you win +1 cred, so make sure you remember that, but if you don't, I will cos it's the only one so far.
Next on the agendo is my rant on the Virtual Console, the new addition of the Commodore 64 section, currently with 2 games on hand.
The 2 games out at the moment are International Karate and Uridium, for 500 Wii Points. Uridium looks interesting, but I'd be lying if I said I was overjoyous at this selection.
And now my rant on films, this may require some space so I shall give it it's own title:
The Worst Sequels Ever
Well, recently I have been dwelling in and out of rating sequels on my list, and almost every single sequel, I have rated lower than the original, and as is the case for almost every other reviewer too. I will list just a few of the most extreme cases. The first is the big three 4's, Batman & Robin, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace and Jaws: The Revenge, each the forth in a prestigious series, they have almost exactly the same tale behind them. I've ranted plenty about them, so I do not need to again. My next two examples I may not have covered before, the first is Son of the Mask. Sure, we all know Jim Carrey doesn't reprise his roles in a sequel (except for Ace Ventura), but they could have at least made a watchable film. I'm not sure what else to say about the film, apart from it blows. The final example is the most extreme of all. It does not share a common title with it's predecessor, and I'm glad people would not associate them. If you were alive in the 70's (or even are a fan of films in the 80's or 90's) you WILL have seen the original film. Nowadays you will only see the likes of High School Musical, but back in the day, before HSM, before even Grease!, there was one, Saturday Night Fever. The sequel was released half a decade later, only with a few obvious changes. Whereas the original was directed by John Badham, the sequel was directed by none other than Sylvester Stallone. Ok, so that's not that bad, some actors going into directing, for example, William Shatner and Kevin Costner; but Star Trek V and Waterworld sucked! And so does Stallone's sequel to SNF. Sure he directed the good Rocky's (2 and 3) along with 4, but it was Alvidsen who directed the original and the unfortunate Part V. Stallone also directed Balboa, and the new Rambo film, Rambo, which was surprisingly good. Ok enough Stallone bashing, onto the film. The film is none other than Staying Alive. Yep, you guessed it, after the Bee Gees song, which features prominently in the original. Staying Alive is terrible, only because it is rated PG whereas the first one was an 18 (?! have you ever seen a sequel with such a lower certificate than that!?), it's because it almost totally overlooks the character development of the original, and, although bringing back Travolta, it's just Travolta dancing on stage in a loin cloth. Well, here's to you Sly, you certainly killed the vibe the SNF gave every single viewer.
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