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KameHameha! DaMan’s Collection: Dragon Ball Z

Its pretty weird I was slow getting into the series at work in a library kids were drawing a guy in a fighting gi with blond hair. I pretty much stumbled into it.


Dragon Ball Z: Idainaru Dragon Ball Z Densetsu [Legend] (Sat) import

I played it quite a bit but got stuck, you’re Piccolo and had to fight Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.

Dragon Ball Z Sagas (XBOX) could not quite get into this one

Dragon Ball Z Budokai (PS2) being a fighting game and having lots of stuff to get kept me busy

Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 (PS2) through the bulk of 2 game series

Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi (PS2)

Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2 (PS2)

Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi (360)

Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z (360) Updated with the storyline of Dragon Ball Super

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot (XB1) added when a co-worker gave me his DVD and case (he had the digital version)

Dragon Ball Xenoverse (XB1) play the DB storyline as you! Someone is messing up the timeline and you need to make sure the outcomes stay the same even if you have to ‘get involved’.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (XB1)

Dragon Ball FighterZ (XB1)

Wishlist: finish the ps2 game collection with budokai 3, and Budokai tenkaichi 3.

at one time I wanted the import DBZ Shin Butouden, not so much now.

Fight you? I came here to destroy you. Gohan to Super Buu.

Shows and Movies

I got started watching DB on broadcast tv when I was attending HCC and lived with my best

friend in an apartment.

When I originally started buying boxsets, I began with the Android saga and Cell then funimation decided to

rerelease boxsets in orange boxes and redid the DVDs to better viewing quality added a marathon viewing mode that skipped the “last time on

DBZ” synopsis unfortunately they skipped out on improving the viewing DBGT series. but still completed it.

working on getting Dragon Ball seasons 4 & 5, I completed DBZ and GT dvds

right now I have not decided to pick DB Super DVDs

Movies since the z movies did not release in theaters i’ve caught some on tv

the Dragon Ball Super Movies i’ve caught all on the big screen

battle of the Gods, Resurrection “F” and Broly, Super Hero

right now there are rumors of a new movie in 2022

instead of posting that i’ll let people search for it on their own careful not to mix it up with the one done by Fan animation.

Music CD

Dragon Ball Best Collection

I had purchased this with plans to get the music from certain seasons that I liked, but ended up stopping here.


Originally before the volumes became popular in the US I had started reading the comic book sized issues, I had

started on a new volume why wait? finding back issues were really hard to find. How complete is my collection? Hard to say for awhile I was reading shonen Jump and they serialized DBZ and DB

DBZ then stopped after the cell saga I have a mish mash of volumes with holes all in my collection.

Super I started it and then somehow I ended up missing vols 6-12 although I had a subscription at a comic bookstore

my excuse for not noticing? when the books came into the shop it was a few weeks after the release posted online.

I’ll probably will fill in the missing parts of this collection sometime.

Some may wonder

Why my blogs are published in 2 places.

well for one wordpress lets me work on the blog without it, here at gamespot it seems I have to do it all in one go, instead of at my leisure.

no offense to gamespot, 1up had its own issues which led me to do my blogs in gmail before publshing them for one if I spent Hours working on a blog the site would forget it when I hit publish and lose my work.

while I have not given GS a chance to prove that's not the case, its something I don't want to be on the wrong end of finding out.

DaMan's Collection : Doom

I don't want to start 2 blogs with bad language even if I do bleep it out

from Sarge in Doom Movie "Big ****ing Gun" aka BFG 9000

Doom I started late getting into it.

Having purchased Doom 3 on the Xbox along with Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil

I used to watch the demo of dos Doom at Software Etc.

Doom 3 Collector's Edition (XBOX)

(along with Doom 3 the game included Ultimate Doom and Doom II)

Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil (XBOX)

(which also has collector's edition stuff from Doom 3 and Master levels for Doom II)

Doom 2016 (XB1) 2016 is not part of the title, but the only way to differentiate between the original and the new game with the same name.

Doom Eternal

at the moment I have access to Doom eternal on Game pass. (multiplayer not campaign I think)

Wishlist : when on sale i'm considering Doom 64, Doom (for achievements)

According to the doom lore videos Doom guy is the same guy we call in Doom slayer in Doom 2016

although Doom 3 managed to skip being connected.

Doom Movies

Inspite of the bad rap this film gets I did enjoy it

Not a sequel more of a retelling

Seen both films

and i;ll leave it at that.

Doom Comics

nothing in wide release I saw there is a 16 page teaser comic.

with that i'll leave you with this.

R-Type Final 2, Got it!

what not a collection blog?

technically I did blog about this game when I was talking about the R-Type games I owned and

wished for while I did not join the kickstarter (I was too late) I did score a R-Type Final 2 Inaugural Flight Edition

which sound track CD and a Art book while putting the disc in the console is something I do rarely on the xbox one I think all the swag was worth it.

Yippee Ki-yay *Bleeeeeeeep*!! DaMan's Collection: Die Hard games

Originally published at Wordpress.

Yeah I did not want to stress the foul language, but what other line fits this series?

The games

Die Hard Arcade (Sat)

Die Hard Trilogy (Sat)

Wishlist : nothing at all

Die Hard arcade started in Japan as Dynamite Deka, with similarities to the 1st Die Hard movie the licence was a nice fit .

Played this one quite a bit even the mini game that lets you earn credits for the main game.

with plenty of weapons to use no lack of something to use.

The next game I did not play as much, but the main attraction for me was another game to use my pair of stunner light guns with,

Die Hard Trilogy represented the 1st three films with a different play style.

  1. plays like a 3rd person shooter
  2. is a gun game
  3. ia a driving game

the gun and driving games both support peripherals if you have them.

Usually when I grab a video it just shows the game, but the guy has commentary on the games and really shows the different modes of Die Hard Trilogy.

Comics apparently BOOM! Studios

have not read those.

Movies the games were based on the movies.

I know i’ve seen 1, and 5 for sure and maybe 2 and 4 and not 3, i’ll need to correct that before another 1 comes along…

why does some of the clips here remind me of Deathwish? and yje plot sounds like Taken.

do a search for die hard 6 and a bunch of rumors show up from disney canceling the movie to make it a Disney + series that its still happening so who knows?

2 quick hits Defense Grid and Definance: DaMan’s Collection

originally published in wordpress.

Quick because both games only have 2 games apiece, neither at the time I searched had a evolution or history video on youtube (yeah I know two games does not make for much history)

Defense Grid the Awakening (360)

Defense Grid 2 (XB1) gwg

These 2 are tower defense games you have to fend off enemies from trying to take over your resources that you need for your war effort against the invaders

both games were received through games with gold I did play the 1st a bit having to rethink troop and tank and turrent placements to pick off enemies.

Defiance was based off of the Syfy tv show and made 2 free to play game.

It kinda played like a mmo using guns

I did play a little of the 1st game and never got around to the 2nd

and time is running out both games are set to go offline april 29th while the 2nd does have a offline story mode the and I can’t recall if I was able to play offline in the 1st games or not

Defiance (360)

Defiance 2050 (XB1)

Ad for the show and a quick mention of the 1st game.

Other stuff

pre-ordered R-tyoe final 2 (xb1)

House of the dead is getting a remake on the switch

since panzer dragoon remake found its way to xb1 I will keep my eyes on this one.

PSO2 bouncing back and forth between ship 1 and 2 with 2 characters who were neck and neck leveling up Ms. Sho’Nuff took the lead as a lvl 83 Braver and DaMan is lvl 81 as a Techer.

I’m an engineer, not a soldier*DaMan’s Collection : Dead Space

Originally posted at my wordpress blog

*no quotes from the game series because I have played any of the games.

I got the whole series well the main games from games with gold on xbox 360

the games

Deadspace (360)

Deadspace 2 (360)

Deadspace 3 (360)

with gamepass/ea play I have access to dead space ignition so maybe I should give it a go since I won’t have to buy it.

Supposed to be a Dead Space 4, be cause I have not bothered to play what I have that will not be a purchase for me.


Dead space had a comic series published by image comics according to the Dead Space wiki

and the comics can be unlocked in the game Dead extraction

sorry I missed the boat here too.


did this actually come out no recollection straight to video? I know I should look up the info but here’s a trailer.

Dead Space Movie trailer

Dead Space Downfall

Dead Space Aftermath

previous movie says animated, but this trailer has cg from game? so now i’m more confused

I need a better (insert weapon of choice) DaMan’s Collection Dead Rising

This is a well known series that I have not touched, MacGyver meets Resident Evil?

and yet I have a good chunk of it thanks to Games with Gold (GwG)

Dead Rising (XB1 remaster) gwg

Dead Rising 2 Case Zero (360) gwg

Dead Rising 2 (360) gwg

Dead Rising 3 (XB1) (Disc) This one was given to me by my Brother when he got me my xbox one

Funny thing I started writing this on 1.16.21 the day Dead Rising 1 was released on gwg I saw it before but just thought I was getting a digital copy Dead Rising 3. now if I had not been paying attention and figured I already have that and not download it I could have missed out.


History / Evolution of Dead Rising

Comics / Manga I see Marvel published a Dead Rising 3 comic and IDW has a few titles for Dead Rising personally have not read anything.

Manga / nothing that showed up in a search/ quick glance

TV shows Dead Rising Endgame don’t know enough to really comment and one on imdb maybe one and the same? Maybe it was mistakenly called a tv show instead of the movie shown below.



Dead Rising Watchtower



Is this for real I say that because of the title it was like someone was trying to avoid a lawsuit

And i’ve seen none of these and was not even aware that it had live action films

normally i’d show a film for that reminds of a film when it doesn’t have a film of its own

we see dead rising has plenty off films and maybe even a tv show but seeing how you can use any weapon in with that in mind Butch in Pulp Fiction.


Everything, is my Delusion! DaMan’s Collection: Dead or Alive

Happy New Year Everybody!

The blog quote comes from the Boss Tengu in Dead or Alive 2 (I think)

The games

Dead or Alive Ultimate (DoA 1 & 2) [XBOX] it was neat to see what I missed with the 1st game (over priced saturn game)

Dead or Alive 2 (DC)

my 1st DoA game being introduced to danger zones and having tag team gameplay

Dead or Alive 3 (XBOX) on the xb I was wowed by the background graphics in the African stage with the elephant in the background.

Dead or Alive 4 bought on sale 5/28/2022 (14.99)

Dead or Alive 5 core fighters (XB1) free demo upgraded demo to the full game on 5/28/2022 ($19.99)

Dead or Alive 6 core fighters (XB1) free demo upgraded the demo to the full game 4.20.2022 (spring sale $19.99)

for these 2 demo I want get the base game someone in a video warned that the dlc costumes could cost as much as a cheap car

for those that believe the endgame is winning and looking Spectacular doing it. (definitely not me)

Wishing for DOA 4, and DOA 5 Last Round [edit: these 2 were purchased during an xbox sale]

In 1 corner we have SEGA with Virtua Fighter accurate depiction of martial arts in another corner Namco (now Bandai Namco) with Tekken with the over the top combos and flashy moves fighting the 3D fighting and somewhere in between we have Dead or Alive originally in the Arcades they used SEGA arcade hardware with the ahem jiggle physics (yeah mentioning just makes me feel dirty, so i’m not going into details)

I came close to picking tempestways video which is in this video, but they did not list which platform the games were on and had lots of guest appearances from the DOA series although having the Ninja Gaiden series in the that vid was tempting way for me to kill 2 birds with 1 blog i’ll wait til I get to the N’s of my collection.

Comics Manga a brief search showed a manga for Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball after that I don’t want get into what was out there.


The Live Action Dead or Alive film

I recall wanting to see this and never did… maybe one day i’ll see what it was all about.

[EDIT] I got to watch the film on Tubi for free while I did not have any major complaints i'm sure I could find some if

I wanted to, I guess I just was surprised this actually happened,

Still re-adding games to my gamespot stack for DaManFL

Blue Bluuuue Skiiiiiiieess DaMan’s Collection Daytona USA

Merry Christmas and Jesus is the reason for the season!

Originally posted as DaMan’s Collection: Rolling Staaaaaaart and 3 Frags Left. (1up archive) Mar 16, 2008 10:18PM PST

Since that blog I’ve gotten Daytona USA (360) bringing the total games to

Daytona USA (Sat)

Daytona USA Championship Circuit Edition (Sat)

Daytona USA (DC)

Daytona USA (360)

Wishing for Daytona USA 2 Battle on the Edge/ Power Edition since there were two versions include them both in the same package as mentioned in the link at the start of the blog the Daytona USA 2 tracks did make it into xbox exclusive version of OutRun 2.

several videos 1 looks better, 2nd is shorter and leave which platform its on longer and the 3rd is really detailed its nearly 2 hours long (I still have not watched the whole thing) why include it because the poster was in an online race with one of my xbox live friends on PS3 who i’ve raced against, Initial Dale!

that was awesome enough for me, hopefully I won’t have any of these videos disappear after I post this blog.

shorter but the video is kinda fuzzy

go pop some popcorn cause this ones gonna take awhile

You will ( well I did get info I didn’t know)

Comics / Manga Initial D while its street racing the goal for some is to go professional.


I still have yet to watch it, but

Days of Thunder makes me think of Daytona USA

and the Late Kenny Rogers film

Six Pack which I actually did see long ago.