Not to be nitpicky, but you (GameSpot) mention "stellar audio" among things like "improved graphics". - First of all, saying "stellar" isn't something that changed, so do you mean to say it stays the same as it already might have been "stellar"?
In case there is a change or improvement, in what aspect??
Because if you're talking about quality in terms of technical resolution, unless it's jumping from a very low bitrate MP3 type compression to much higher bitrate or lossless, you're not going to hear a difference, especially in terms of sound-effects (as opposed to music).
Because changing the resolution of sound is like changing the resolution of image. As in, it's not going to change the quality of the content. Bad graphics won't necessarily look better if you suddenly see it in 4K (in fact, it would become even more honest and show flaws more clearly, even if the image sharpens up with more pixels), and the same is the case for badly made audio, higher quality files isn't going to improve the audio magically.
So, just wondering what changed. If it's new sounds completely or an updated audio-engine, then maybe it's worth noting, otherwise it's a strange mention.
Cause audio could've been the best quality since the '90s, say the CD-ROM days, because there was no technical limitation other than the drive-space needed.
If anything, audio has become worse because of mastering too loud and perhaps also needing to compress gigabytes of audio down to MP3 (though, again, it depends what bitrate and what audio).
@heqteur: It says "We're going to give it a go."... Even if it was a PROMISE of literally saying "It WILL run at 60fps." it's usually not even going to happen. So, basically, nothing to see here.
@93ChevyNut: It's called "clickbait"... I thought the same. I thought it couldn't be possible, and it's not even true. They've intentionally left "the actor" out of the title so that people think they ARE adding Vaas.
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