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DarCowAlways Blog

Team Fortress 2

Since I got my modem replaced at the beginning of the year, because it was spotty and annoying, I've had a reliable connection! When those Comcast guys came over a couple days ago, however, the replacement modem they put in my room (which now handles phone calls and internet) acted just like that old one, quitting out consistently when I needed it most. NOW they came and replaced it AGAIN, and we once again have a reliable connection!

So, to both celebrate and test it out, I played Team Fortress 2, and I must say it's an amazing game. I personally like Scout, Pyro and Soldier classes best right now.

What's your favorite class? :D

Currently messing with User Icon

My internet is back and fully functional, after hours of error messages and Comcast guys calling for backup, so I've been playing around on GameSpot!

I've been thinking... I can never stick with one user icon. Right now I'm looking everywhere in my extensive collection and on the internet for a good icon. Right now I'm using an explosion from Crysis!

So... what should I do? Or should I scrap that and make a totally new one...?

Cleaning Frenzy, Ants Revisited and Faster Internet

Today's a pretty big day. In the next half-hour, a Comcast guy is going to come over and relocate our modem and router to my room, so that we all get better reception with our laptops, and I'm going to get a direct ethernet connection, instead of using an old router!

Also today, I cleaned like crazy and killed hundreds of ants, mostly with a vacuum. It's like an endless spawnpoint where they keep coming from, and I seem to have a history with ants, so I went crazy and killed them all as they came, and as a side note, my room especially and the entire house is very clean. I'm a perfectionist.

All Your Answers are belong to this Post

Here are the answers to your questions from yesterday...


I got my username after several things happened- first, I came up with good ol' Darth Cow up there in my banner because I loved cows and Star Wars, and then I used him as my username in Star Wars: Battlefront. One day I was passing notes with my friend and I wrote Darth Cow sloppily enough that she couldn't read it all, so she wrote back 'Dar Cow?" and I wrote "Always". It just kinda stuck. :D


Keep telling yourself that.


I've liked cows for a long time, mostly because they have the coolest spots and they go 'Moo'. :P


I'm from Salem, Oregon. West Coast FTW!




Your cake is in the fridge, getting stale.


The pie lie is a lie, so no. :)


Because your first pastrie infected you with the urge to eat more pastries. It's called a taste bud. ;)

All your Questions shall be Answered!

In WSGRandomPerson's question blog, based off another question blog, based off another question blog, which were all based off of other questions blogs, I asked if I should do question blog, and he said yes, so here we go--

Ask me anything! If it's legal and I'm willing to answer it, I will in a new blog! Go for it!

Impressions- Orange Box and Crysis (update)



Here are some quick impressions of mine on the different games in the Orange Box and Crysis.


---Half-Life 2---

A good FPS, but kinda boring some of the time. Very linear.

Overall score: 8.5 *great*


Very fun, though short, with great physics (same as HL2) and hilarious voice acting. GLaDOS really sells the game. The credits are awesome. "Congratulations on surviving the part of the test where we pretended we were going to murder you..." XD

Overall score: 9.5 *SU-PERB!*

---Team Fortress 2---

Good Battlefront-esque multiplayer shooter with lots of different characters to play as. Cell shading makes it very unique compared to others of its type. Voice chat is very promising, as I have a Mic.

Overall score: 8.5 *great*


Customizable weapons make for a lot of fun, suit powers are a blast to use, large and realistic island gets you into the game, weapons aren't too underpowered, visual effects are true to their real-life counterparts, vehicles are fun to take down or to steal yourself, nearly infinite ways in which to accomplish tasks makes a new village full of enemies another new experience, rather than a boring rehash, HUD is very effective and futuristic...

...Need I go on ;)

Overall score: 9.5 *SU-PERB!*

I would've given it a perfect if it doesn't run like crap on most systems! :)

Yesterday I was sick, and I'm home sick again today, so I've had a lot of time to play these games, since I got it the 18th. Yesterday I played a little bit of Crysis in the morning, and Orange Box for the rest of the day. I beat Portal, (didn't take long :cry: ), then played Team Fortress 2 and I played Half-Life 2. I plan to get some more Crysis into my day today!

Jolly good time. Cheers!

Solution: Everybody Wins!

Well, I've been at a crossroads: either get the Orange Box, or Crysis, and it's hard to decide when my friends and most of you GS friends have been saying Orange Box, while I've been enjoying the Crysis demo to no end, what with its sandbox FPS gameplay and amazing strategic gameplay.

Fantastically, there's a solution for us all! Remember the Logitech LX5 wireless mouse I got for my birthday, which I didn't really usee and replaced with my new Razer Lachesis? My parents and I have been planning on taking theat back anyway, and when we do, I'll be exactly $10 away (with my current money included) from being able to buy BOTH. CRYSIS AND THE ORANGE BOX.

I'm sure with a little explaining of how great the game is my mother will generously donate $10 to the DarCowAlways PC gaming fund.


And in other news, as of today, I'm Level 22: Blaster Master! Yesterday I was at 99.4%, so this comes as no surprise to me. :P

Crysis or The Orange Box?

Here's the deal- I've got a shiny new mouse and $60, and a will to First Person Shoot, and the Orange Box seems to fit the bill nicely; $50, with 3 (or 5, depending on how you see it) acclaimed games. It could also run at the highest settings on my system, without me having to worry about performance.


...On the other hand, Crysis has recieved endless praise, and now that I've played the demo, I can say it runs good on my system and is very fun to play. Hmmmmm...

What game should I get? I already own BioShock and Call of Duty 4, so those aren't on the list.

I'm leaning toward Crysis right now because my PC can run it looking pretty good and it makes for an awesome demo.

4000 DPI? Too much?

Well, I found something to spend it on, and frankly, it's left me speechless so far...

It's a Razer Lachesis 4000 DPI gaming mouse!

This thing is awesome. It's the most comfortable, feature-packed, utterly fantastic mouse I've ever used or dreamed of using, and it has the highest DPI out there: 4,000! That's what I like to call *precise*!

It is packed with fun gimmicks such as the blue lights- the palm light even glows bright and then dims! It's very natural-feeling when you rest your hand on it, it has two buttons on either side and two below the scroll wheel, it's curved in just the right way and exactly the length I need...

And best of all, I got it for 3/4 the price. You see, it was previously opened, so the insane $80 price tag went down to a palatable $60. And let me tell you, it's worth it. It was still never really opened! The only part which was opened was the seal, the rest had obviously never been touched, but that considerate person saved me $20, and I would never have gotten it for $80.

You should see how fast it moves around my screen :D