DarkNinja1994 Blog
Why you shouldn't attempt to teach sex ed to 8th graders
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
Oi, that was odd
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
Saw Jackson Rathbone/Jasper Hale at Wal-Mart!!!
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
Went shopping
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
I'm currently listening to the Lawrence Welk show... It sounds really gay Does anyone seriously even watch that crap? Anyway, I went shopping today, and since I'm president of the Edward Cullen fan club at school, I got a T shirt that says Team Edward and a button with his likeness on it. I got some other stuff too, but who cares? Ooh, I also got a Naruto hoodie and found Gurren Lagann on DVD, only Mom said I had to put it on my birthday list, which is next month. T_T So is Christmas. It has the episode that she skipped over (episode 21) because she was watching the stupid Colts game and I MISSED IT!!!!! Oh, and I'm kidna going out with Jonathon now. :| BYE!
Am I wrong?
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
Now bring us some friggin pudding, now bring us some frigging pudding, now bring us some friggin pudding, and bring it right here!
Racist Pigs!!! (an attempt on Sen. Obama's life)
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
Some idiot Skin Heads were making a hit list in Tenessee and planned to off Sen. Obama as the big finale... Of course, they were caught and arrested, of course. I hate to say this, but I almost wish Obama wasn't going to be the next president. That probably won't be the last of the attempts and I'm afraid that he'll really get hurt next time. The Secret Service and FBI are only humans too, they're not superheros. They bleed just like you and me. They can't protect him forever. I want Obama to be president, because I tihnk he's a wonderful speaker and would make a fine leader, but I fear for his life. He has two little girls and a loving wife. Its a sad day in America when we can't put aside our differences and accept a common ally.
And the winner is...
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
In case you haven't heard the good news, our new president of the United States of America starting in January is...
and his less famous running mate...
Even Indiana voted democrat this year... It's usually a facist state, in case you are malinformed. :P I'm allowed to say it because I'm from Indiana, but I'm Moderate Liberal, so I like Obama this time around! Personally, I sorta like the Republican candidate. He seems like a good guy, and he was hillarious on SNL. (Everytime someone mentions "The Sad Grandpa" campaign strategy, I burst out laughing) So let's hear a round of applause for...
And I apologize to her fans, but I despise Sarah Palin. The vice president is supposed to back the president and stand quietly in the background like Joe Biden. She went all out and became an international celebrity and it was like she just accepted the role of vice president so she could get more publicity.
See what I mean?
Sexually assaulted by my friend's dauchsand
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9iXbiBJsWA WATCH IT! Fvaorite horror movie scene EVER!
Well anyway, last night I went to B's Halloween party. After we went trick or treating, me, Robbie, and Alec were sitting in the living room eating pizza while everyone else was getting changed. I slept in my clothes, and they had to leave, so we didn't bother. Anyway, I was feeding pieces of pepperoni to Oscar, B's dauchsand. Then Robbie threw a piece of crust in my lap and Oscar jumped in after it, and well, I guess you could say I got sexually assaulted by B's weiner dog. :|
My favorite horror movie scene EVER (PLEASE READ)
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
My favorite horror movie scene from Ghost Ship. I mentioned it in my previous blog. Do not watch if you have a week stomach; there is LOTS of blood.
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