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DarkNinja1994 Blog

Sexiest Cullen Competition

YAY! OK, here's your chance to take part in the sexiest Cullen contest!!! You may vote a total of ONCE! Now meet the candidates!

Candidate #1: Edward Cullen

Likes: Watching people sleep, mountain lions, torturing himself, other acts of massochism...

Dislikes: Being mean

Candidate #2: Emmet Cullen

Likes: Rosalie, lifting weights, wrestling bears, playing baseball

Dislikes: Mean people

Candidate #3: Jasper Hale

Likes: Drinking blood

Dislikes: Humans

Candidate #4: Carlisle Cullen

Likes: Playing doctor

Dislikes: Mean people

GAH! Jasper's on a rampage! Run for your life!

So I finished Twilight and started reading New Moon and I got to the part at Bella's birthday party where she cut her finger on the wrapping paper (leave it to Bella to find some way to get hurt) and Jasper went balistic on her. In case you're confuzzled and like "Why would he go nuts? It's just a papercut!" Bella was bleeding and Jasper is a vampire. Actually, all 7 of them (not including Bella) are vampires. Jasper just can't control himself as good. Everyone else drinks animal blood. I can't wait for the Twilight movie. :D And while Rosalie may be a stuck up biyotch, I can't hate her. :) I mean, she kinda has a right to dislike Bella... Rosalie didn't choose to get beat and raped by her idiot fiancee! (Not Emmet, this was before Emmet) Luckily Carlisle found her when he did...

This is Bella:

Everyone else from here on down is a vampire

This is Jasper:

This is Edward (Bella's boyfriend):

This is Alice (Jasper's girlfriend):

This is Carlisle (Esme's husband, everyone else's adopted father):

This is Esme (Carlisle's wife, everyone else's adopted mother):

This is Emmet (Rosalie's husband):

This is Rosalie (Emmet's wife):

Doll House Drama hits 500

My webshow (Doll House Drama) has just gotten over 500 hits on its pilot episode. Here are the links to all four episodes. Episode 4 is my favorite. ^_^

Episode One: (514 hits)

Episode Two: (379 hits)

Episode Three: (110 hits)

Episode Four: (13 hits)

No fair! I wanna swim in a European toliet, too!

My choir teacher was gone for about a week. She went to Italy and then she came back and told an interesting story about the toilets. Apparently sometimes the toilets are just big slopes in the middle of the floor and there's a drain in the middle, and you stand and crap in it. And then it fills with water and makes it all go away. So then I started talking to Andrea and I was like, "Dude, so if you cleaned it, and then filled it up, it would be like a swimming pool!" So then I went on and on about how much I wanted to swim in a European toilet. I still want to! Who's with me???


Oh wow, I can't believe I let him do that. I think I'm gonna throw up. OK, so Jonathan was being uber emo and annoying today and it was mostly because he was still mad that I turned him down. So then he was like, I need something to make me feel better. So I told him I would do it, except go out with him. So then Jonathan said OK, and then he hugged me!!! And it wasn't any old "oh look at us, we're buddies" hug! No, it was like that episode of Fruits Basket where Kyo decided he didn't ever wanna be away from Tohru again and flat out grabbed her! Like this:

It was so nasty! Jonathan's like my bro! This is gonna sound really mean, but this is how I decided I would not date Jonathan. I pictured Cody G. (MY LOVE!) kissing another girl. I felt like I wanted to smash her face in! :D I pictured Jonathan kissing another girl and I was like, "Aw, how cute!" And then I pictured me kissing Cody and I nearly peed my pants out of excitement, and then I pictured myself kissing Jonathan and I...kinda threw up a my mouth...

I'm... somewhat touched

Stalker Boy sat behind me on the bus today... I could feel him watching me... But that's not what this blog is about.

So I was talking to Cody in Digi Tools yesterday, (not the Cody I am in love with, that would be Cody G. This is Cody C., also known as the little terror) and since he bugs the crap out of me all the time, I decided to have a little fun of my own! I ignored him all day long. It was hillarious! I pretended he wasn't there and I couldn't hear him, even when he started poking me and using his little kid voice (I don't think he's hit puberty yet) and kept whining, "Nikole! Nikole! Are you mad at me???" It was really funny. :P So I decided that I would drag this out and see how long it would be before he cracked. It wasn't long. Today in Digi Tools, I started off by ignoring him, then he went all berzerk on me and demanded to know why I was giving him the silent treatment. I burst into laughter and told him that I just wanted to see how long he could go before he snapped. :P Course, he didn't think it was so funny, but it made me laugh! :D I know, people tell me all the time that I have a weird ense of humor. So anyway, Ashley, the girl who sits on the other side of Cody, talked with the two of us. I don't remember what got us on this conversation, but Cody started talking about that I would be utterly miserable if he suddenly died and feel awful about all the cruel things I said about him. I rolled my eyes and said whatever, although I probably would, maybe just a bit. :P So me and Ashley told him that we would hold a party on behalf of his death and he wasn't invited. :P Finally, Ashley admitted that she would be sad if Cody died, but it took a few more pokes to get me to admit that maybe, just maybe, I might be just a teensy tiny bit sad if Cody died. Actually, I'd probably be a lot more sad than that, but like I'm ever gonna tell him that. So then I retorted by saying that HE would be the one who would be miserable if I weren't around and that he would be sad forever and ever. The answer he gave surprised me. And the thing was, it wasn't sarcastic. Cody said that he would in fact be very sad if I died, maybe for a couple of weeks. I for once, didn't know what to say. I got over Jordan's death in less time than that, and he was actually nice to me. Cody and I fight like brother and sister. :| The awkward silence was interrupted by Ashley pointing out that Cody would only miss me because he wouldn't have anyone to terrorize anymore. Then we changed the subject because it was WEIRD. I actually have had a few people ask me if me and Cody were dating before. But seriously, EW. He always agrees with me when I inform him that I am prettier than he, but that's sort of expected because he's a dude. :P And on occasion, he won't shut up about Cody G., and I accuse him of being jealous. :P He has a crush on some 10th grader but didn't admit it until I openly declared that I loved Cody G., but still, I have enough to put up with right now, what with Jonathon and Stalker Boy. Cody better not like me or I'll bite him. :|

More news on Stalker Boy/Level 25/Jonathon's ALIVE!!!

Level 25, YEAH BABY!!!!!

OK, so if you've read about Stalker Boy, here's my update on him. He sat across the aisle from me on the bus today. I smiled and waved a bit, he did the same. So then I busied myself in Twilight and the sexy Edward Cullen while listening to my iPod, and I SWEAR, he kept watching me. I could see him out of the corner of my eye. Then he started talking to the kid he was sitting with, then he just fell asleep or something. And then right before he got off, he started watching me again. I am SO glad he gets off first, or else he would know where I live and that's just CREEPY. But he's neighbors to my cousin, so I guess Zach might tell him... Little blabbermouth. I think Stalker Boy's name is Steven. But seriously, he's really weird.

Oh, and JONATHON IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hugged the living crap out of him today when I saw him and I told him he's never allowed to be absent again and he gave me a heart attack on Friday. He gave me the weirdest expression and told me he was sick. :P

The stalker at WalMart

So me and my mom went to WalMart yesterday to pick up a birthday present for my baby cousin who just turned one like on the 8th. His mom (my aunt) is really weird, so we don't get to see him that often, but he's a real sweetie. Anyway, I got tired of looking at baby stuff, so I buzzed over to the electronics to look at some Sims 2 expansion packs. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, there was a dude standing next to me, maybe about my age. I didn't get a good look at him, because of course, it was out of the corner of my eye. But I ignored him and kept browsing. Then he began murmuring to himself and then he asked me if I was looking for anything in particular. When I turned to answer him, I recognized him from school. He rides my bus and is a year older than me. I politely told him no, then went to another isle. Then he followed me over there. Again, he began murmuring to himself, so then I left. He was about to follow me again, but then my mom came and got me so I didn't have to punch stalker boy in the face. :|

Finished Romeo and Juliet/Worried about Jonathon

Posting this from GameSpot because as you may or may not know, is being very suckish right now. Anyway, I've just finished reading William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. LOVED IT!!! I'm going to read Macbeth next if I can get my hands on it. My favorite character was Mercutio. But he died. :( Stupid Tybalt killed him! But then Romeo kills Tybalt!!! :D Since I deleted Veronaville on my Sims game, I made my own Verona and instead of killing Mercutio, I made a me Sim and they run away and get married. :P

I'm pretty worried about Jonathon. I decided not to date him, and after I told him so, he started crying, and then for the next two days he went on and on about how he hated life and was going to kill himself and then he didn't show up at school today. I'm really freaked and hoped Jonathon didn't do it because he's my buddy and I don't think I could handle it if he killed himself because of me. :( And I'm pretty pissed at Lucas right now because Jonathon's self conscious about his weight, even though he ISN'T fat, and Lucas kept getting in his face all week and telling Jonathon that he was fat. Poor guy...