@MoronGotMyName @thorn3000 Apparently they didn't feel a well known serial killer who liked torture and bathing in virgins blood was a compelling enough character for us and had to make her a lesbian. I'm kinda annoyed by that.
@vironydc @DarkSaber2k @MoronGotMyName @blueinheaven Well that's probably for the best. Isn't gonna stop him promising the sun moon and stars to get your money and not delivering it though.
@vironydc @DarkSaber2k Indiegogo, however, does. AND they let you keep most of the money even if the campaign is unsuccessful.
No, I think "We're in Canada" was used as a handy excuse to avoid paying a Kickstarter service for using their service, whilst still copying practically everything about that service for their own campaign.
@vironydc @DarkSaber2k @MoronGotMyName @blueinheaven It would probably save time if people didn't give him their money to start with. And Dyack has a reputation for promising things he had no intention of following up on.
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