@Jd1680a @Blue-Sky They work on the Old Republic? I thought they just reskinned mount & robes for the Cartel Shop, and then charge even the subscribers $10 for some piss poor content most MMOs would have rolled out as a free patch.
@MoronGotMyName @DarkSaber2k @blueinheaven Stick with it, it actually comes full circle and starts talking about how shit their Eternal Darkness 2 work was. And THAT is incredibly relevant!
@MoronGotMyName @DarkSaber2k @blueinheaven Unlikely since 90% of the internet is drooling retards too stupid to do any research, but then bitch and moan when it bites them on the ass.
@MoronGotMyName @DarkSaber2k @blueinheaven Nothing so dramatic, but he will leave a lot of people feeling VERY pissed off. By all accounts Silicon Knights only went to total shit after Dyack had total solo-control away from the view of publishers.
@dreman999 @DarkSaber2k Purleeze. Cliched sci-fi storyline #23 with hints of numbers #16 and #9, repackaged for the dumb generation, and lauded as if it were some form of highly original creativity.
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