@blueinheaven @MKWizard Well yeah, you've demonstrated across several articles that you utterly fail to grasp the concept of Kickstarter, but keep going.
@MoronGotMyName @blueinheaven Considering it's "Take The Money And Run" Dyak here, yeah you'll be pretty much paying for just a Pilot. And you'll be lucky to get even that.
Anyone considering offering this lazy unethical waste of skin any of their money should probably read this first: http://kotaku.com/5955223/what-went-wrong-with-silicon-knights-x+men-destiny
@CruiserCaptain @cowbellkid Not enough Midichlorians to play? We got you covered! For only $4 you can get a midichlorian booster which will raise your levels enough to make the game work for THREE days!
@MAD_AI @DarkSaber2k Yeah like you say. Up until right now EA didn;t have an effective monopoly on Star Wars games for console/PC. I give that mod another month.
DarkSaber2k's comments