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Dark_Priestess Blog

24 years of Mallet mashing, ranting, and chocolate fetishes... w00tNESS!

Good morning my lil' Chocolate birthday cakes of joy!

I was going to keep mum about this, but the cat's been let out so it's best for me to let it out now. Today is my birthday. I'm 24... going on 4 :P My mom told me that I was anxious to get into this world (less than 2 hours... the shortest labour ever for her :P). And, well... yea, here I am, driving peeps crazy for the last 24 years and counting. YAYS!

I bet you're probably wondering what I got. Well, Walter's present arrived at my doorstep on Friday. He got me Fushigi Yugi... the entire series plus the OVAs. I spent the entire weekend watching them. It was so sad! :cry: I couldn't stop crying at all! :cry: A week ago, my niece sent me a birthday card. This morning, my mom gave me a card. And... that's it :P WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[color=pink]Random rants for teh added flavour[/color]
I want my Dante! NOW!!!!!!!!! I want DMC3! Dante must own my soul now! And partake in my chocolate stash! Just the two of us! MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

[color=yellow]And yet again! Why? 'Cause I want to![/color]
Nuriko owns your soul... you know it's true.

[color=lightgreen]Thumb update... because you care :P[/color]
My thumb is feeling 98% better... which is good because Johnny continues to taunt me in the Mission mode. What did he say? He says "You can't beat me with your non-uber Jam skillz" :| This means war, pretty boy! YAAAARRRRR!

[color=orchid]Any last words?[/color]
<_<' Beware the lint... it is in league with teh King Lemming and the left sock eating Monsters... beware... >_>'

Toodles for now! Ninja! Vanish! *poof*




*lands in pile of chocolate cheesecake* YAYS! :D

Rollin' with the homies (yea, I ran out of titles) :P

Hello All My Uber-Children!

Yea, it's been a while. I've been in limbo... with the painters :x And I've been lookin' for work too! :P So far, I've found 3 that have interested me and sent out my CVs. So, hopefully with a lil' luck I'll get something :P

[color=pink]Pain, pain... go away[/color]
Well, my thumb's feeling a lil better. I admit to taking off the brace every so often just to let it breathe. I mean, I'm not playing games or anything like that... really, I'm not.


Yea, I wouldn't believe me either :P Yes, I've been playing Guilty Gear X2. I couldn't help myself! I had to keep up my Jam training! I finished Story Mode with Bridget, and I finished some more of those close-to-impossible Missions @_@. Well, even if my butt got handed to me, I'm gonna keep on trying to kick A**!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00tness, w00tNESS!!!!!!!!!

[color=yellow]A lil' cleaning does a lot of good[/color]
I cleaned out my PC yesterday. Re-installed Windows and the like in the hopes that it'll run better. <_< I kinda forgot to tell my bro I was gonna do that... and he lost all of his MP3s :P He wasn't too mad though -- they were all burned onto CD anyway. @_@ Blah! Well, so far so good; since everything's running okay. But my PC's really old... so I don't trust it for the life of me :P

Yea, nothing much else has been happening. Sorry folks, guess you'll have to tune in next time to see what kind of mischief I'll get into. Until then, must... do.... laundry!

Up and atom! *flies off and lands in snow*

O.o' >_< WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toodles! ;)

Male bonding abound! ... And other stuff :P

Good morn-noon, my lil' Lego Maniacs! :P

I just woke up, so I'm getting some breakfast (toast with marmalade.... mmmmm *drools*). As I awoke this morning, I heard my dad and big bro talking in his room. Dad's teaching him how to play Dominoes! :P Honestly, though... it's weird to see my dad hang out with my bro and spend some quality father-son time with him. So, unless my bro actually asked him how to play, I'm suspicious of this act of parenthood. I bet some of you are thinkin' "What's the big deal? He's just spending time with his boy." <_<' Y'all don't know my pop. He'll most likely ask for money to pay the light, phone, or satellite bill -- all of which of suspiciously behind O_o'

[color=yellow]Writer's Block went boom[/color]
Speaking of father-son moments, Walter finally picked a topic for his English paper: his relationship with his step-dad. ^_^ It's due on Wednesday O.o' Cutting it close a lil' bit :P Anyhoo, it was nice to hear about the times Walter spent with his step-dad :D I'm helping him edit. He has to write 3 pages as a rough draft... the final has to be 6 pages (no longer, no shorter).

The guidelines his teacher gave him are... well, dumb. Size 12 font, double-spaced... those are fine, I hear that all the time. But... you must have 9 sentences in each paragraph; you must have 3 paragraphs on each page... @_@ poop on you!!!!!!!!! Are you gonna honestly expect your students to COUNT every, single sentence in their paragraph? That, gentle people, is asinine. And the only way for one to achieve this perfectness in page set-up would be to:

A) Make some really short sentences


B) Use a really small font to fit everything in @_@

Maybe I'm not used to hearing those kind of directions given to someone for a paper (besides 12 font and double space)... but that's honestly just dumb! If you want their ideas to flow freely and naturally, ya can't put restrictions like that! Otherwise, they'll be too worried about meeting those guidelines and won't be able to get their points across @_@ Blah to that teacher!

Anyhoo, I have to give his rough a 2nd read-over to make sure I didn't miss anything and that it sounds all goody-goody.

[color=lightblue]Gaia consumes me...[/color]
Hee hee hee... I tried something that I shouldn't have yesterday... I tried to play Kingdom Hearts. I was thinking, "well, I'm only rotating the analog stick... not as stressful as making sharp, precise motions on the Directional Cross. I should be fine!"


My thumb hurts like bloody hell @_@. So that sprain really has put me out of commission. So, I must find other ways to amuse myself. And I have :P

Yep! Gaia Online! I shall continue to sing its' praises until I pass out.... or if someone gives me chocolates :P I no longer look like a beggar! :D But, I must get more Gold! I must!

Anyhoo, go check it out if you haven't already. It's fun!

Well, that be all from me! Time to nurse that sprained thumb :( Toodles, and hope y'all have a great day! :D

Training Day 4: @_@ Mission incomplete! @_@

Hello my lil' Frosted Flakes of harmony!

Well, this morning I decided to go to the local clinic and have my thumb looked at. And, as suspected, I sprained it. So now I have to wear a lil' brace and try not to move it around so much. :cry: That means I won't be playing a lot of games anytime soon. Let's hope for a speedy recovery, yes? I guess it's all good -- last night I went down in a blaze of glory!! XD

[color=yellow]What were Arc Systems and Sammy smokin'!? @_@[/color]
I decided to try the Mission mode in Guilty Gear X2 last night. It's one of the most interesting modes I've seen in a fighting game... and it's also one of the most insane. As the name implies, you get to fight in these missions (one round fights). Everything's set up for you -- your character, your opponent, the conditions for victory, difficulty level... and handicaps @_@. All I gotta say is... the fine folks over at Arc Systems and Sammy are out of their bloody minds @_@. Some of these matches are just INSANE! And, needless to say, I got my a** handed to me. Many times. I managed to complete 3 out of the 50 missions. I don't think I can do the others though (the fact that not even Walter can finish them is disheartening to me, since he is the uber-expert @_@). I'll keep trying, though... once my thumb gets better. :P

[color=pink]Welcome to Gaia![/color]
Walter introduced me to this site called [color=pink]Gaia Online[/color] (he was told about it from our peep Scarletdeath). Anyhoo, it's like this online community where you can create your own avatar and explore around. They give you a certain amount of money to start, and you gain more as you become more active around the site. Seems pretty cool so far, I just hope I can earn more gold so I can buy some uber stuff :P Take a looksy for yourself:

Gaia Online

Oh, and if y'all do decide to sign up, give me a holla! XD My username is Heavenly_wraith (although at the moment I couldn't be more wraith-like -- I look like a begger! :P )

[color=yellow]Slow, slow, Friday[/color]
Well, besides going to the clinic, nothing much has happened today. It's bloody cold outside ( -6C now, probably colder with the wind chill >_< ). I cleaned the house a bit and hopped online. WEEEEEEEEEEE! :D

Well, that's all folks! Now if you'll excuse me, I gots a rumbly in my tummy. Must... go... eat! :P

Training Day 3: Zappa's a super-freak! Super-freak! He's Super-freaKAY!

Hello my lil' Monster movie lovers! (it is Gojira! We must flee! :P )

I continue my training in Guilty Gear X2. And the more I fight with Jam, the more awesome I think she is. I'm just about plum ready to skip my training with Ky and completely master her first! (Yes, she is that awesome! :D) She is teh uber-awesome!

On another note, I think Zappa is super-freaky. He's just so... odd. I guess I would be too if I was possessed by spirits :? I do like his Instant Kill, though. Quite nice.

Oh, and my left thumb is still killing me. I guess this is how you can tell that you haven't played a fighting game in ages -- when you sustain an injury because of it. <_<' And perhaps it shows how hardcore you are :P

[color=yellow]New banner... new siggys... new stuff[/color]
Well, I didn't do what I said I was going to do... finish up the remainder of my siggys @_@. I'm gonna put up my new avi and the siggys that I've done so far and just add the rest after. AND!!!!!!!... I'm gonna put up the new Journal banner that Walter gave me for Valentine's Day :oops: He made me 2, and I have to choose one... but they both so pretty! :)

[color=pink]Walter got grounded... and so did I[/color]
Speaking of Walter, you won't see him poking his nose around GS for the next 6 days. That's because he's been suspended :P For those who don't know, it's because he, offering the most extreme form of constructive criticism concerning Bethany's reviews (the straw that finally broke the camel's back? Her review of Xenosaga Episode II). Yea, that kinda caused a stink @_@ And he was quite opinionated too... to the point where they had to suspended him.

Oh, and I'm grounded too! Why? Over the last 2 months I haven't been doing many the things that I said I was going to do, mainly because I've been too tired. And Walter thinks it's because of him (spending most of my time with him). So, he has grounded me (normal couples would just call this taking a break, but yea, we're faaaaaaaar from normal folk :roll: ) And my "punishment"? No talking to him for a month @_@. My "punishment" starts on Monday. After thinking about it, a lil' break wouldn't hurt! I can go to bed early (staying up until 3 AM almost every night isn't the healthiest thing in the world...). Besides, it'll be one less thing he'll need to worry about :P

Well, that's all for now. Bye-bye! ^_____________^ *tumbles out of room* WEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! :P

Training Day 2: Slayer and a Jam sandwich go hand-in-hand :P

Good morning, my lil' snow bunnies! ^_^

It is snowing this morning! Big fluffy snowflakes! Me likey big fluffy snowflakes... <_< unless it's the all-consuming ones that try to suck your face off. Those are a no-no... :P

Well, I continue my quest for domination in Guilty Gear X2 and have found more favourites to add to the mix: Slayer and Jam (I would add pics, but it's past 10 in the morning and I'm too lazy :P). Slayer... I love Slayer! He's so debonair and hoity-toity (yes, I said hoity-toity even though I probably didn't spell it right :P)... but I guess that goes with the territory since he's the descendant of Nosferatu! :shock: He is just that cool. :P

And then there's Jam... Jam's moves are crazy. I love them. If she and Chun Li were to go at it, there would be nothing left of the battleground... yes, they would turn everything into rubble. Jam is just that good.

So, after careful consideration I decided to learn/ master the following characters, in this order:

  • Ky (must... master... LIGHTNING! :P)
  • Bridget
  • Jam
  • Slayer

I would add Sol BadGuy, winner of this award, but I think I have enough characters to tie me over:

But, it looks like I wouldn't be playing for a while... last time I played I hurt my left thumb (still feels weird when I move it). I could use the Analog Stick to play, but it doesn't feel right to me. I like using the Directional Pad more @_@ WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :cry:

[color=yellow]Rumble in the Bronx... er, I mean, Agrabah :P[/color]
Well, I finished Kingdom Hearts yesterday morning :P I loved the ending... so nice *sniff, sniff* :cry: And, as per instructions from CA HQ, I managed to secure all 99 puppies, sealed 100 Acre Wood, and beat the Hades Cup. I must say that I was disappointed with the last boss of the Hades Cup, the Rock Titan. I mean... wouldn't it make sense to have HADES at the end? I mean, that dude was hard... waaaaaaay harder than that Rock Titan dude @_@. Blah.

Anyhoo, I decided to go back and find some things that I didn't get before. I fought Kurt Zisa, the hidden boss in Agrabah... and he graciously proceeded to hand me my a** on a silver platter with an apple between the cheeks for good measure @_@. Guess Level 60 isn't high enough to beat that shmuck. :P I also visited Neverland and fought that Phantom dude... but I chose to reset the game when I was losing :P Must... think... of strategy! :P

[color=pink]And... clear![/color]
According to a certain person, who shall remain nameless *cough*anubis*cough* seems like the OverWorld Union is dying. I admit to not being on GS so much (even though it says I'm online, I'm really not... I just keep forgetting to log off :P). I guess I should try to be there more often and post some new topics. I think it's just a phase that most boards go through... this too shall pass! *commences CPR on the OverWorld*

And I suppose I have been a recluse for quite a bit... I miss the wacky antics of the forumites here! :cry: I'll try to be here more often :P

[color=lightgreen]Positive stuff... yays![/color]
I finished 2 siggys yesterday. If my creative juice continues to flow the way it has been, I should be able to complete 2 more today, along with some other things (sorry Giltrow! :cry: ). If all goes well, I be able to finish sometime tonight and my new siggys will be added early tomorrow... and I'll end my current run of siggys (except my OverWorld ID :P).

That's all for now. <_<...>_>...

*jumps head first into a pile of snow* WEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! :P

Training Day 1: I'm in love... with Bridget! :P

*hears "Eye of the Tiger playing in the background*
Hello my lil' punching gloves of Mischief!

Well, I started training in Guilty Gear X2. I must admit, my Ky skillz are a bit rusty. But they are coming back to me ^_^ I've been trying other characters too, and I must say my list of favourites are growing! My new fave: Bridget!

Why Bridget? Bridget is a yo-yo wielding girly psycho... and I love to associate myself with those kinds of peeps :P So yesh, I love Bridget. Bridget is awesome! Bridget is sexy! He is so wonderful! Bridget is -- :| why are you looking at me like that? <_< Guess some of you might not know, eh? Well, in the immortal words of Aerosmith's Steven Tyler "Dude looks like a lady!!!!!!!" Yes, gentle people, Bridget be a d00d. <.< And a sneaky one at that. Anyone whose "Instant Kill" move sends you flying into the moon (literally) is my kind of guy! :D

[color=yellow]From Zero to Hero... Herc is our Hero![/color]
I've been playing Kingdom Hearts ^_^ I just finished Deep Jungle (Tarzen cool) :P <_< Walter said that Wonderland was hard. But it was damn easy @_@ He said lots of people didn't like that world. Pfft. They couldn't stand the heat from teh Cheshire Cat Kitchen :P

[color=lightgreen]Siggy madness... kinda :P[/color]
I made a new Overworld ID for one of our new members. And I've been re-sizing Giltrow's siggy @_@ but it's hard to find a decent size for it: teh siggy has animation in it, so I'm trying to find a size that will be big enough to be seen yet at the same time won't go over Imageshack's limit. And I'm still trying to finish up my siggys. Blah @_@

That's all for now. Ta-ta! :P

Ride The Lightning (Metallica references are welcomed :P )

Hello my lil's Dizzys!

Well, I went to my local EB Games (I'm still not used to saying local @_@) and I bought Guilty Gear X2! YAYS!!!!!! While I was there, I asked the guy there if they were hiring. He said that they weren't now, but that they were in March. <.<...>.>... I must make a point to go back in March and hand in my C.V! But I'll still find something to do (need... money... now!) But if, after getting my C.V., they choose to hire me... bye bye nose-pickingly boring job! Hello gaming HEAVEN!!! :twisted: MWA HA HA HA HA!!!!! :P

[color=yellow]MMMmmmmmm... Ky... Riku!? O.o' Which to choose!? @_@[/color]
Well, now that I have my hands on Ky, er, I mean GGX2, I'll be practicing my sexy, mad Ky skills so that I can give Walter teh whoopy-whoop! But I also started playing Kingdom Hearts! O.O I must spend equal time with both, or they might feel the neglected! @_@ I could just spend an enormous amount of time in Training Mode... that might buy me some time to play through Kingdom Hearts :P

[color=pink]Siggy Update... because you care :P[/color]
I'm almost done another siggy (well, I should say almost 2 siggys). And I have to re-size another sig. @_@ To work I go!

Anyhoo, I should go! Ninja! Vanish! *poofy-poof-poof!*




*lands in Ky's stage* RIDE THE LIGHTNING!!!!!!!! :P

Teh honeymoon is over... back to work I go! :P

Good afternoon my lil' chocolate bon-bons!

Well, the honeymoon is over. @_@ I finished Xenosaga on Sunday, using the cheapest Final Boss Strategy ever @_@. Yea, the last two bosses were easy @_@. Anyhoo, I loved the ending; very dramatic! Oh, teh DRAMA! :P Anyhoo, it's got me excited about Episode II. I downloaded some of the trailers... *drools*

[color=yellow]Mmmmmm... Riku[/color]
Yesterday I started Kingdom Hearts! And I'm in love with it! <_< Has nothing to do with the fact that Riku's in it... really it doesn't! :P Seriously, this is one hell of a good game! I ain't far (still in Traverse Town), but I'm lovin' it! And I can't wait to play again! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha *cough cough* :P

[color=pink]Must get back into the thick of things![/color]
As many of you... most of you... ah heck, all of you might have noticed, I haven't been as active and productive as I usually was. *cracks knuckles* I gotta get back into the swing of things! I must finish long overdue siggys! And other such... er, stuff! :P So, I'm hoping to get all these last few things done @_@ then again, I said the exact same thing a few weeks ago. But I'll try my hardest to get these things done! <_< And trust me... there's a lot left for me to do @_@

Anyhoo, back to work I go! Ta ta, kiddies!

Prof. Belmont's gonna whoop me with Vampire Killer... again @_@

Hello my lil' Keyblades of Rapture!

Well, I'm writing this entry... from Detention Hall! I know what you're asking yourselves: "DP, you're too old for teh Detention!" <_< Yes, well, I am too old for Detention... but try saying that to my quack of a teacher--

Prof. Belmont: What was that?
DP: Nothing! O.o;
*Prof. goes to Blackboard and draws pic of Frankenstein and Igor*

*Ahem* *whispers* As I was trying to say, I got stuck in here because I didn't hand in my report for Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. <_< Prof. Belmont is one strict dude, I can tell ya that much. He's the one helping me through my Castlevania History Crash Course, as you could probably tell--

*looks up and sees Prof. staring down angrily*
DP: :|... :D
Prof. Belmont: Aren't you going to write this down?
DP: Yesh, sir :D
*Prof. walks away; I hold up a book and pretend to read*

Anyhoo, my Report is all done since I finished it on Crazy Mode a while ago... I'm just too lazy to hand it in :P And since I got Xenosaga on Sunday, well, looks like I'm gonna start Castlevania Legends much later than anticipated *sinks head lower behind book and whispers* and even if I were to start Legends now, my Report on IGA's conspiracy to keep Sonia Belmont out of the official Belmont Family Tree will be handed in later... much, much later. For I have finally gotten a copy of... [color=pink]KINGDOM HEARTS[/color]!!!!! w00tNESS!!!!!!

*Prof. turns around, I smile and wave* :D

*sinks back behind book* My best buddy told me last night that we had an EB Games here in my hometown (that tells you how much out of the loop I really am :P ). I went there this morning and lo and behold, there was my wondrous Riku, er, I mean, Kingdom Hearts staring at me. So, I bought it. I must go back there sometime soon -- <_< they have Guilty Gear X2 there for teh cheap >_>

[color=lightgreen]I (heart) chaos[/color]
*Shoots spit ball at Prof. Belmont's head and sink back behind book*

Yes, I made fun of his Tightie Whitie-short shorts last time, but now I have chaos in my party (got everyone in my party, actually) and I am now a fan. Yes... a fan of chaos (well, most of you know I favour complete anarchy anyway :P ). I'm gonna make an official chaos Fanclub! And I shall make me the President! Yesh! Sign up now and get a free Angel Feather with his autograph! <_< Gonna make some money off of this! Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha --

*Prof. approaches with Vampire Killer in hand*

O.o That's not good. *Prof whips the light and gains the Cross* O.O That's really not good...


*runs* TTFN! Ta ta for now! *Prof. starts chasing me* EEEEEEEEEeeeeee........
