Good morning, my lil' snow bunnies! ^_^
It is snowing this morning! Big fluffy snowflakes! Me likey big fluffy snowflakes... <_< unless it's the all-consuming ones that try to suck your face off. Those are a no-no... :P
Well, I continue my quest for domination in Guilty Gear X2 and have found more favourites to add to the mix: Slayer and Jam (I would add pics, but it's past 10 in the morning and I'm too lazy :P). Slayer... I love Slayer! He's so debonair and hoity-toity (yes, I said hoity-toity even though I probably didn't spell it right :P)... but I guess that goes with the territory since he's the descendant of Nosferatu! :shock: He is just that cool. :P
And then there's Jam... Jam's moves are crazy. I love them. If she and Chun Li were to go at it, there would be nothing left of the battleground... yes, they would turn everything into rubble. Jam is just that good.
So, after careful consideration I decided to learn/ master the following characters, in this order:
- Ky (must... master... LIGHTNING! :P)
- Bridget
- Jam
- Slayer
I would add Sol BadGuy, winner of this award, but I think I have enough characters to tie me over:
But, it looks like I wouldn't be playing for a while... last time I played I hurt my left thumb (still feels weird when I move it). I could use the Analog Stick to play, but it doesn't feel right to me. I like using the Directional Pad more @_@ WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :cry:
[color=yellow]Rumble in the Bronx... er, I mean, Agrabah :P[/color]
Well, I finished Kingdom Hearts yesterday morning :P I loved the ending... so nice *sniff, sniff* :cry: And, as per instructions from CA HQ, I managed to secure all 99 puppies, sealed 100 Acre Wood, and beat the Hades Cup. I must say that I was disappointed with the last boss of the Hades Cup, the Rock Titan. I mean... wouldn't it make sense to have HADES at the end? I mean, that dude was hard... waaaaaaay harder than that Rock Titan dude @_@. Blah.
Anyhoo, I decided to go back and find some things that I didn't get before. I fought Kurt Zisa, the hidden boss in Agrabah... and he graciously proceeded to hand me my a** on a silver platter with an apple between the cheeks for good measure @_@. Guess Level 60 isn't high enough to beat that shmuck. :P I also visited Neverland and fought that Phantom dude... but I chose to reset the game when I was losing :P Must... think... of strategy! :P
[color=pink]And... clear![/color]
According to a certain person, who shall remain nameless *cough*anubis*cough* seems like the OverWorld Union is dying. I admit to not being on GS so much (even though it says I'm online, I'm really not... I just keep forgetting to log off :P). I guess I should try to be there more often and post some new topics. I think it's just a phase that most boards go through... this too shall pass! *commences CPR on the OverWorld*
And I suppose I have been a recluse for quite a bit... I miss the wacky antics of the forumites here! :cry: I'll try to be here more often :P
[color=lightgreen]Positive stuff... yays![/color]
I finished 2 siggys yesterday. If my creative juice continues to flow the way it has been, I should be able to complete 2 more today, along with some other things (sorry Giltrow! :cry: ). If all goes well, I be able to finish sometime tonight and my new siggys will be added early tomorrow... and I'll end my current run of siggys (except my OverWorld ID :P).
That's all for now. <_<...>_>...
*jumps head first into a pile of snow* WEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! :P
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