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Dark_sageX Blog

An intresting scenario (Yes this is indeed a sex blog)

No nothing pornographic or anything like that but something to make you drama queens out there think a little ;) its been a long time since I wrote a blog so I thought I might as well put something down for the lulz, you ready? OK here goes.

OK so this friend of mine was after this girl (for around 6 months) so i decided to do him a favor and make a few arrangements, I decided to invite him and her and her friend (who I was intrested in but didn't show up and well....thats another story) to a house party a friend of mine was hosting, invite a girl you like to a party full of strangers, because she knows you best in the patry she will hang around with you the most, pretty neat trick right? ;)

So while I was wolling at my dissapointment (Oh why didn't she come! sure I had her number buyt come on why?! :cry: ) my friend was getting along well with the girl, in fact so well he could have nailed her, at some point they were both locked up in a room in the dark, the girl was sitting on top of my friend and was basically giving off signals to go, however my friend refused, why? you ask? well his reason was because I quote "She was drunk and I did not want to abuse her" of course I understood "I was a **** and cowarded away because I was not confident I would pull it off"

you think thats the end of it? hohoho it gets better

So they both went home (ALONE) and my friend escorted her back to her place, they were both at the door step, they said goodbye, as my friend was about to walk away the girl then said "It looks pretty cold, you could stay if you want.." at which my friend replies "Its OK I can take the cold and I wouldn't want to bother you, bye!"

its been 4 months since that epic fail of a night and my friend went and met her again and confeced that she liked her, of which she responded ".........yeah, I'm not sure....I don't know you well enough, so I would like to take my time to get to know you" then my friend responds "OK! :)"

My sympathetic side is telling me that he could make it, my rational and reasonable side on the other hand is telling me his success rate is now currently on 00.01%. I think its safe to say at this point the girl has no romantic intrest in him, which sucks for him but thats not the point of this blog.

So as for the scenario,

if you were my friend right now, and the girl you like has a great intrest in one of his friends (BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING NO ITS NOT ME! :x) and your friend is also quite intrested in this girl, by then you would most likely have figured out she has no intrest in you and just wants to be friends,

with that in mind how would you take this situation? would you accept that your friend is dating the girl you have been going after for almost a year? or would you hate him for the rest of your life?

Pretty scary situation right? :o

So much...

So much games...

So much social life....

So much work....

So much work out......

and little time and motivation to do them all....... :(


Did I scare you? yes? :) no? :(

agh stupid blog is stupid I know, but what else can you do to pass the time of a hangover? ugh Beer is SOOO disgusting! but knowing me am probably gonna have some again if I ever play a game of Beer Pong :( , I want Beer to go away! :cry:

well Dark_sageX has survived another night at a house party without passing out or doing anything embaressing! (I think) and therefor I declare that you all own me a cookie! (might be usfull against hangovers, ugh) well good bye for now!

Also Gaming Update:

Just reviewed all my new PS3 games

God of War III

Assassin's Creed II


Batman Arkham Asylum

Final Fantasy XIII

Tekken 6

Uncharted 2

Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition

Give me thoughts and thumbs please!:D

False alarm...

woops false alarm people, my PS3 is still alive :P , aparently it was just a little software error when I tried to instal the new firmware so all i had to do was format my system and it was all good.

Anyways false alarm my PS3 is alive, but I also lost all my saves in the process :( but eh who cares? i'll just play them again! XD

Well thats just GREAT, my PS3 is dead!

Well OK my PS3 isn't really dead but it IS starting to act up, sometimes the audio for it works whenever it feels like it! seriously thats the last time I'm EVER gonna borrow my console to someone for 10 months ever again!

Anyways yep my PS3 is sort of working but I'll get rid of it before I get YLOD or anything like that, in favor of the new and more reliable slim (plus I think 250GB is better than 80GB, wouldn't you agree?)

So yep farewell old PS3 and hopefully I get enough to get a slim the next day, if not...well.......then my life sucks.

"sigh" What a bummer, and I was enjoying God of War III, Tekken 6 and Final Fantasy XIII to, not to mention a few other games I haven't even tried out yet. :(

Finaly done with the army! I'M FREE!

Hey guys! how have you been? :D I see that not a lot of people blog anymore nowadays but I guess that just shows how life is affecting our free time I suppose?

Anyways I'm FINALLY DONE WITH THE ARMY! I never bothered to mention this but I had to go to the federal army and got myself recruited there and was in service for the past 6 months, phew let me tell you at first I thought i was gonna pee my pants becasue there might be some super soldier dudes and officers that would shout around pointless orders and get angry at you for no reason, and when I arrived there I realized I was right, those goes were seriouse bastards..

The first 6 weeks were FREAKIN tough! we had to run, crawl, carry heavy stuff, shoot guns, take showers with bunch of naked dudes, ugh! there was this really fat one as well, I just HATED staring at his butt! x: and i HATED it that they were staring at me as well (at my "thing" if you know what I mean) and then i had to get bossed around by a bunch of lunatics! heck i remember we had to stay on standby outside in the freakin cold the ENTIRE DAY! we had to eat outside to! GOD I thought my hands were gonna die! but yeah after the first 6 weeks we got assigned to a fixed section for th rest of the 4 months, and I choose to be a fire fighter! yay! :)

As fire fighters we basically learned all there was about catastrophic operations, putting out flames in many different ways and also learned search and rescue techniques! the trainig was fun to! we got to run around in order to improve our body fitness and went to the gym for power building! lol we were pretty much the elite of the camp since we did most of the work around (while others just sit their in their kitchens either pealing potatoes or sleeping) because we worked the hardest we often gained the most breaks from people! heck they even chose us as dancers for their ball (since we clearly were the best looking guys around hehe 8) ) and the girls pretty much choose us, heck I got choosen TWICE! you have no idea what kind of confidence boost those dancing sessions we had gave me! and my partner was quite pretty to (though she needs to work a bit on her manners, she pretty much CONSTANTLY keeps making sexual refferences and hits me pretty hard when I tease her hehe :P )

But yeah i guess there were good times in the army as well but still am happy that i don't have to wake up 6:00 am in the morning everyday (occationaly at 5:00 am) and now am a freeman!

phew that was a pretty long blog but yeah just felt like saying I'm no longer a dog of the government and I can now do as I please.....but........what should I do now?.....hhhmmmm :(

I have learned a great lesson about hooking up.

First off I would like to say HALLO its been a while since I last blogged something AND I'm a bit of a hangover as well as being very very VERY irritated about what happened last night. (this maybe considered mature content for some so please don't say i didn't warn you)

So here is the deal:

Me and my friend performed a wingman combo, thats basically: I scan for 2 girls sitting alone, my friend goes there and brings us some attention, i follow suit shortly after that and offer everyone drinks before we start flirting with our selected girls, every thing went perfect we were chatting it up (or at least I was, the girl's friend didn't like my friend that much for some reason, to bad, she was pretty to) and then we danced around touching eachother (I mean TOUCHING eachother EVERY WHERE) getting a few kisses on the cheek and neck and i was getting ready to go to phase 3 (getting her a drink and ask if we could go some where private) but THEN, an idiot who i happened to know from military camp (next blog) showed up to the club and saw me dance with the girl, he shows up and shouts right in front of me ( HEY DUDE! YOUR THE MAN! YOU GOT YOUR SELF A B**** SLUT!) I tried to ignore him but then his friends (which I also knew) showed up and started trying to hook up MY GIRL! it was a freakin sausage fest! and not to mention they were incredibly rude! the girl left me a few moments after that because she believed i was friends with those morons! and then after that one of them comes up to me and says to me: "don't worry about it! you tried but she was a slut!" I was SOOOO ANGRY after that! and to top it off my friend (the one who I did the wingman with) hooked up this other chick (she wasn't very good looking though) and told me he was going to her place! and then when I tried to find the girl I was with in order to apologize she decided to just simply hang around with her friends and didn't want to talk to me! I WAS SO FURIOUSE! I decided to leave the place before I did anything reckless! and now here I'm blogging and wishing I could have performed some brutal Kratos combos on those idiots!

So what have we learned people? when going out clubing make sure to avoid contact with idiots that are familiar with you! (and who have absolutely no idea about woman what so ever!) and IF they try talk to you or try to approach you just perform a 180 turn dance and at the same time push them back, telling them to F*** off!

God seriously this was the worst night of my life, but it could have been worse, we initially wanted to go to another club but once we heard lots of guys from military camp were going there we thought "OOOOHHH NO!!" and went to the other club instead.

Well I hope you had a good read! seriously though making this blog makes me a feel a lot better now, and also because I feel like asking this I wanna ask:

To the Guys: What would you have done if you were at situation?

To the Girls: How do you feel when you are surounded by 5 guys in the dance floor?

Leave your answerse with your comments! ;)

Merry christmas everyone!

hi there!

haven't posted in a while so i decided to wish fellow GS here a Merry christmas!

don't have much to write now a days so sorry for the generic blog :P

Anyways enjoy the evening and I hope you get great presents!

Top 10 Part 13: Fighters

wow its been ages since I made my last top 10 list! (actually its been ages since I last blogged -_- ) Guess that PS2 and all the parties i've been having before and after graduation kind of did the trick huh? :PWell but enough of that, lately I've been playing fighting gams like CRAZY! and just realized that fighters is my favourite genre! I don't know I just love kicking so much @$$ :twisted: and therefore decided to do a top 10 list of my favourite fighters from a bunch of franchises! OK here we go!

Guile (Street Fighter)


Street Fighter isn't really my favourite fighting franchise however Guile makes the game Street Fighter II worth playing! Not only are his moves awesome but I also think he is a very balanced character (unlike all the other Haduken morons that spam those attacks to no end!) yep and because of that he desreves a spot on my list!

Baiken (Guilty Gear)


Known as the last Japanese Samurai (ppfft Samurai, more like a hardcore ninja!), Baiken isn't exactly the hottest chick I have ever seen however when you can fight like a badass with so many hidden weapons used for deadly attacks, who needs looks? She is my best character in Guilty gear and what I love about her is her fighting stance, her combos and I also like it when she pulls a pipe out of her boobies!

Julia Chang (Tekken)


My second best character in the Tekken series, I admit there really isn't anything unique about Julia when it comes to fighting, however seeing her reminds me of Seung-Mina from Soul Calibur and not only that but some moves are identical to! I still need to practice with her however her undeaniable passion to save nature kind of caught my intrest (since I studied environmental management) so yep She's cool.

Nightmare (Soul Calibur)


Well at first this guy wasn't really all THAT badass in Soul Calibur 2 however after they altered his fighting ****to a more brutal and fast version in Soul Calibur 3he became one of my top fighters! What i like about nightmare is not only that he is faster than Siegfriend but his brutal fighting ****and every single cool armor he wears on every installment makes me wanna chock some people! cuz he is THAT badass! heck sometimes I think Nightmare is a lot more brutal than Kratos himself! Thats right fanboys I SAID IT! Plus Soul Edge is a pretty awesome weapon!

Johnny (Giulty Gear)


OK from the looks of him its pretty obviouse he is cool, come on boys, you KNOW you want to be as cool as this guy. Not only is his looks awesome but his quick draw sword ****is pretty sweet to! heck he is so cool he had the ballz to actually hit on Baiken! damn thats what I call a ladies man!

Link (Super Smash Bros)


The Legendary Hero of nintendo, you know if it weren't for te first SSB for the N64 i would have never knew what Zelda Ocarina of time was! seriously because of that Link has been my number 1 fighter for SSB and he still kicks butt in SSB Brawl, I use Link so dedicatly that I refuse to acknowledge Young/Toon Link! Why clone Link nintendo WHY?!

Leona Heidern (The King of Fighters)


Whats there to say about Leona? she is sexy and deadly! My type of girl and her gory moves (like basically thrusting her hand through people's chests and even plant grenades in them) just makes her even more awesome! man now am actually looking forward to going to civil service! (will explain that on my final blog end of august)

Seong-Mina (Soul Calibur)


A hot korean fighter who uses a mix of ling shen su and seung ku ****long sword, not only is her zanbatou my favourite close range weapon but her fighting ****is awesome and sweet (beats all those generic Kilik users I see online!) Seon-mina is my no. 1 fighter in Soul Calibur and because of her unique combat trait I end up owning a lot of people online! HAH and my friend told me she sucks! what a moron! yep seung-mina has been my favourite ever since SoulBlade and thats not gonna change when when I get Broken Destiny!

Ralf Jones (The King of Fighters)


THIS GUY IS FREAKIN HARDCORE!! I LOOOOOOVE HIM! He is the definition of badass and his moves are insane! Like that machine gun punch combo and grabs and many things!! Although he is currently my second best fighter (Leona being my Best) it wont take long before I master him. (Oh and because they ruined him in KOF12 am not gonna get the game until they fix him!)

King (Tekken)


He is the almighty wrestler from Mexico! and there is a reason why he is called King! Because he is the coolest fighter to have ever existed in a video game and I'm proud that he is my no.1 fighter of all fighting games! just check out his moves, his muscles and even that awesome jaguar mask! heck because of his awesomeness I went to the gym just so that can pull off his awesome moves! (I think I can learn everything EXCEPT for the frankensteiner move, that move is impossible....) to me Armor King is a plain rip-off of King, yes I know Armor King existed long befre King but still, I can't help it!

Yep I know this list was uncalled for but I feared I might break someone's back if I didn't do this list! Well anyways thats that! am looking forward to Tekken 6 so I can own some people online! just like I do in Soul Calibur VI! ;)