Don't know why people are surprised, when was the last time anybody saw a AAA game run above 30fps on a console (save for remasters from previous gen games)? what is a real deal breaker is if they attempt to pull this garbage on PC gamers. Imagine having an RTX 3060 only for devs to tell you to only play it in 30fps (they attempted that BS with Arkham Knight and look what happened to it). Anyway this game has already had a few red flags before, this whole 30fps thing is honestly the least of the problems to expect already...
They could have just looked for another actor to play the Black Panther, but no instead Marvel decided to go "strong independent female" and decided to pull a gender swap. Well whatever, not like I was gonna watch this garbage anyway, enjoy not having my money.
This makes it the 1 millionth time they "remastered" those games. This is exactly why I buy games on PC, because you can upgrade the same game you bought by simply upping the resolution instead of spending money every time you want to increase a resolution like you do on consoles.
Hope she actually uses Dual pistols this time. And since this is 2022 i feel that this also needs to be stated: Please don't turn Lara gay or Trans, in fact please lets have 0 LGBTQHDTV, or female empowerment or diversity promoting garbage narrative, make a good game with good immersive story, combat and more importantly puzzle solving, because you know, this is Tomb Raider, not Uncharted.
It takes several glances to notice the tiny difference each character has gone through, the only noticeable difference is Genji, the rest look 95% the same...
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