@illegal_peanut: Right because profit = high demand, and not actual reception huh? the movie was mediocre, nobody asked for a Black Panther 2, in fact they could cancle it and I guarantee nobody is gonna give a damn. Lets be honest the movie was riding on the success of the Avengers movies.
@Xero_Kaiser: No I didn't know and I don't care. They could CGI a lead for an entirety of the movie if they wanted to, they have the money for it, why wouldn't they do it? besides risking offending the fanbase of the actor?
My issue was precisely the motion controls. I hated them, couldn't get past Skyloft and shelved the game forever, with the standard controller support I may consider coming back.
I don't get how GS gave this game a 6/10, I watched the review and still don't get how it got 6/10, and now I no longer care about their opinion and will move on to user scores.
OK MGS2 is cool but couldn't care less about the original MGS, I preferred Twin Snakes, I'd be a lot happier if they released that on PC. Also MGS3, Portable Ops, Peace Walker and MGS4 as well. Not gonna spend a single dime until i see atleast an announcement.
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