Couldn't care less. Honestly the design choices they made for this game just turned me off of it completely. Race swapping Deadshot would have been fine except for them claiming that it takes place in the same universe as the Arkham series, which is just idiotic in many ways. But the biggest sin is that this game was gonna be some live service garbage which 99% sure WB was gonna turn into some uninspiring lootbox infested online multiplayer designed for money grabbing and nothing else. Gotham Knight is looking to be the far better game, and if you ask me its not too late to make that game canon to the Arkham series and make KLJ the alternate universe one (or better yet cancel the the game entirely, it would save in development cost, they should just redirect the team towards Gotham Knight instead).
Love the trailer but can't say I'm looking forward to this game knowing that Quantic Dream wil take the helm. I hope its an action game like Fallen Order and not a cinematic QTE fest like the rest of their games are. I never liked any of theirs games dating back to Heavy Rain.
@randallsilver: Honestly I couldn't care less about it. That project was dead to me as soon as $quare decided to turn it into an episodic series. The mobile version of the remake is actually something I'd much preffer. Its the entire FF7 saga (meaning Crisis Core, FF7, Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus) in one game. So much better than an episodic remake that may look pretty and extremely action orientated (why did they kill the turn base game play? so STUPID) but is really 10% of a game extended with nonsensical filler that adds nothing to the main plot (why even bring Yuffie to midgar? so much idiotic ideas that waste time and resources that nobody asked for). The PS4 can keep it.
So if this game is in the same universe as the Arkham series then I have to ask, are we really gonna gloss over the race swapping of Deadshot? did Rocksteady honestly think this was a good idea? like this isn't going to take immersion out? its wierd as hell that there are people who made this decision and expect everyone to just role with it like its nothing. Also King Shark isn't supposed to be here (watch Assault on Arkham for details).
Also personal note: I really don't like what they did to Amanda Waller, couldn't they get a larger actress? one that actually LOOKS like Waller? like Leslie Jones? or Carol Pounder? would have been a far better fit than Debra Wilson...
Seriously this is pretty messy. Gotham Knights is already looking like the better game....
I'm curious. Has appealing to the LGBT community ever resulted in increased sales? forget how tasteless this is, does this actually attract more readers? by making sexuality a headline? is telling us that a person is gay or bi or anything besides straight gonna make casuals think "oh wow so inclusive! now I'm gonna walk into a comic store and by every volume that Comes out!"? this isn't just about DC, this question applies to Marvel and other publishers who are practicing this.
Oh man, really loved Bayonetta on steam, sucks that Bayonetta 2 and 3 are exclusives. The game looks great and Bayo looks as outlandish as ever haha, here is hoping for a PC release some time in the distant future.
Dark_sageX's comments