Rofl, I have not paid for any of Nintendo's classics since the 5th gen era and I'm glad I didn't because i knew Nintendo would keep doing this. You buy a classic on the Wii and instead of allowing for your games to transfer to the new system they resell it on the newer system, you buy it on the newer system and they resell it on the newer system while keeping it locked on your older system, rinse and repeat. I fail to understand why people even support this practice when emulation is available for free (and has proven to be a much better alternative than the official rereleases).
@P00DGE: As someone who uses an emulators frequently and had various opportunities to compare them to their official releases I can say that you sir are either lying or have had little to bad experience with emulators. Compare Mario 64 in the 3D mario collection with Project 64 and you tell me that it runs better on Nintendo's shuddy limited collection box. At this point in 2021 emulators have surpassed official releases. So much so that even Nintendo is planning on using a copy build of dolphin emulator for Gamecube and Wii re-releases. Please don't shill for Nintendo, their practice is bad and you know it. Games from NES to Wii era ALL run perfectly now without issues on emulators, and most even run perfectly fine with high resolution settings and FPS unlock mods, something you will never get on official releases.
I watched the trailer and have absolutely no idea what this is. The fact that they are not showing game play footage tells me that this isn't something worth my time.
Lol EPIC, I'll keep using Dolphin until its out on either GOG or steam. Anyway what happened to Sonic Heroes? they need to release that game too! and also Sonic Riders (yes I actually enjoyed the first game).
I'm not complaining, I liked the Sigma games. Sure sucks that the gore is gone but its not a huge deal breaker, besides now that its coming to PC I'm pretty sure someone will mod it in.
Dark_sageX's comments