@teske4444: Those kinds of journalists are not professional journalists, they call themselves journalists but really they are not, journalism is about informing the viewers, not entertaining them.
@cboye18: Easy to learn but hard to master, its what I like about Soul Calibur, Tekken and Smash Bros, I've always thought street fighter (and KOF) was a very difficult game to learn, I'd rather we had something thats easier to pick up and play and then make you stay to delve deeper, since this is a sequel it would be nice if they had tried something new this time instead of re-hashing and then slap 5 (or V) on the title, its an entirely new game so it should try going an entirely new direction, but i also want developers to think for themselves and conduct some proper testings, not just listen to any whiny bitch they find in the streets.
@cboye18: Thats the thing though, they aim to break out of the niche group with Street Fighter V and make it more mainstream, which unfortunately it means they will have to listen to the screams of angry butthurt ugly feminists, I personally don't really care about the changes but what bothers me is that devs listen to an audience that its sole purpose is to whine and bitch about everything and they are not even gonna support the devs.
@luciferous: Fine to be fair I haven't actually tried the games out my self, I check benchmarks online with GTX970s and see the spectrum from there (since square shitnex have something against providing demos and pirated copies do not provide me with a reliable assessment since they tend to be not up to date, and i obviously cannot trust fans because they will accept FF games no matter how bad of conditions they are) I have checked various benchmarks for FF13 and FF13-2 for GTX970 and i5 CPUs and they are HORRIBLE, they say those games can reach 60fps but 80% of the time they fluctuate between 30 and 40 and for FF 13-2 even goes down all the way to 20fps and the story seems to be the same for GPUs much more powerful than mine, I'm surprised people are back lashing on Batman Arkham Knight but not these games especially given how visually untaxing they are, then FF3 and FF4 and FF Type-0 are locked at 30fps, don't know about FF7 and FF8 but so far I have to say I wouldn't be surprised if those games disappointed me as well, I wouldn't count FF14 on anything since its an online game and fps tend to rely more on connectivity besides hardware.
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