Well it has been a while since I last posted a blog. To be honest I just kept putting it off. :? I started a few but ended up deleting them. But here it goes. I shall post a blog finally. xD
Some New Things:
1. I had a job interview this past monday and I really liked the place. Probably the best place where I got interviewed at, so I really would love it if I got this job!! :D
2. My wisdom teeth hole thingys are healing really nicely. No infection. So that's really good.
3. Me and my therapist are kinda not seeing eye to eye at the moment on a few topics. But other than that, everything is fine with her. Getting some things out in the open that I haven't before in my next appointment so I hope she's ready. :?
4. Took my cousin Jordan out to eat a few nights ago, so that was really nice. I love spending time with her. She's been busy with softball practice and volleyball practice so I haven't seen much of her lately.
5. Got the cell phone bill back and my gram wasn't happy that an extra 25 dollars was on it. Lol. Because I was texting Tom...xD But apparantly she got this bill a few weeks ago just forgot to confront me about it. Lol.
And here goes my interesting saturday....:lol:
I woke up later than what I was supposed to, so I was running a little late. :? What was I running late for you ask?? To get the car from my gram so I can go to Ohio and take Cheyenne (an awesome 13 year old girl) out to eat, mall...etc. Her mothers not the best mom, so I decided to kinda put her under my wing. Her mother has three kids to three different guys, so not a good role model to say the least. But anyway, I end up walking to my grams work to get the car because she forgot to leave it for me. :roll: I get the car, get gas and then I'm on my way to go get her. Which took about a 45 minute driveto get to her house. xD We end up going to Arby's to eat because we both haven't eaten yet. Lol. Then we go to the movies and we saw "Haunting in Connecticut". Which was a really good movie. :D And finally we went to the mall! Lol. We go to Hottopic first and I use up the rest of my money on my giftcardto buy her these expensive earrings and bracelets. :? We then walk around and have a little fun!! haha. I walk down the mall and a purple glint I see from the corner of my eye!! What is it you wanna know??!! It was a little purple car that like two year olds ride...xD But hell, it was purple!!!!! So I put the quarters in it and raced some imaginary person!! 8) I won of course!!! And kinda got stuck in it!! :| Lol. We also then start taking pictures of ourselves with manneqins (or however you spell it). And get yelled at by the security guard because we're not allowed to take picture with nude manneqins!! :roll: But whatever, we had loads of fun!!! :D
Saturday night.....
Well after I take Cheyenne home it's time to go babysit. 8) I babysit this little 6 year old boy named Drake, who's super cute!!! Lol. The reason I'm babysitting is because Drake's mother is my aunts friend. And she was taking my aunt out for her 40th birthday. (haha old thang) But anywayz I get there and Drake and I start to play Wii Sports. 8) I totally pawned him at almost everything but the stupid baseball one. :? For some reason I could never hit the darn ball!! :evil: But other than that I beat him at all the other sports. It was pretty close on a few of them though. I was surprised at how good this boy is at games!! :| Totally had me running for my money when we played Bowling! xD After that we played House of the Dead 2/3. 8) And he was one heck of a partner I tell ya. Definitely one of the best partners I ever had at playing that game. :D And he's 6!!! Lol. I love that kid. 8) But anyways we then watch "Kung Fu Panda", and then it's time for him to go to bed. I read him two bed time stories. :oops: And he said he liked my voice when I read to him!! ;) Such a cutie he is!! ^_^
While Drake is sleeping I watch some t.v. Since there was nothing else to do. And it gets to be around 1:30 a.m, and Erin (Drakes moms name) is supposed to be getting home by that time. So a half hour goes by, still no Erin. :? Well now an hour goes by and finally someone comes in. But it wasn't Erin! It was my Aunt Heather. :| I was still watching t.v. when all of a sudden she stands infront of the t.v. and starts to undress!! :| (She was drunk). So she's practically naked now, and starts to like trip over herself :roll: so I get up and help her keep her balance and that was when I accidentally kinda grab her boob while holding her up!! :? And her comment to that was "You have a great grip." :| Can it get anymore awkward!!!??? She eventually gets into some pajamas somehow...didn't see her get into them...XD But anyway, that's when Erin comes home. (Drunk as well :roll: )So everyone is drunk and I need a ride home...:? And that's when Heather(my aunt) tells me to take her car. And Erin tells me to walk up to the bar to get the money from her husband for babysitting (they own a bar and bowling alley)Heather gives me the keys and as I'm about to walk out the door, Erin says "Wait wait, I wanna show you something!!"....and as I turn around she was taking her shirt off!!! :o She wanted to show me her boobs because she had glitter on them....:| :shock: So I compliment her boobs... :rolls: and walk out the door....xD Get the money from her husband, which he gave me 10 extra dollars!! 8) Get in the car and drive home. Lol. So now I'm going to have to pick my aunt up tomorrow.
And that was my saturday. 8) Hope you enjoyed the read. xD haha
Another thing - Tom and I are doing super fantastic!! 8) I love that boy more than anything!! ^.^
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