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DarkxSoul713 Blog


I got tagged by x2926014 so I suppose I should just get to it...:P Fifteen facts huhh...well here it goes.

1. I'm an insomniac. I usually wake up every couple hours.

2. I wear glasses most of the time but sometimes I'll wear my contacts.

3. I see a therapist once a week and I also go to group depression sessions once a week.

4. I pushed my sister out of a moving truck when I was 7, she was 6 and broke her nose.

5. I was in a few abusive relationships and I have a few scars from them.

6. I love everything dealing with dragons and faeries.

7. I'm a shorty. A mere 5'2'', but I wouldn't have it any other way. :P

8. I'm a very shy person in real life, but once your my friend I will always be there for you when you need me.

9. My hair color is Medium Auburn. :D

10. I'm 20 years old, and my birthday is December 13th.

11. I have blue eyes that sometimes go to a gray/blue.

12. Tom is the love of my life. And I plan to make him the happiest he's ever been for a very, very long time. :oops:

13. I will only wear silver jewelry, no gold.

14. I get hurt really easily. And I won't tell you if you said something that hurt me, just keep it to myself and most likely will cry later when I'm alone. :?

15. I'm not materialistic at all. Make me a corny card and I will cherish it for all time. I basically like gifts from the heart.

Well here are my fifteen facts...xD Hope you learned some new things about me. =] And I tag Azure_Supernova (mah babie), Lilasianwonder, Re01234crusader, Hush404, RE-fanatic (For when she gets Driv5r, and Dubb55! =]

A lot of New Stuff

Well a lot has happened since my last blog...xD

Firstly, one of my best friends who moved away came up to visit for a week. Her name is Cassie, and she's a lesbian. Lol. She also had a huge crush on me for a few years, in which I had no idea about. :| But anyways...we hungout and had a blast!! Back in high school it was always me, her and Liz!! :D So it was great hanging with them both like the old days. We spent one day doing nothing but watching movies and just hanging out like we used to. It made me realize how badly I missed the old days and how close her and I were. It's been awhile since I could be myself around someone and not have to worry about what they thought of me. :D So it was great hanging out with her. Also a relief.

We also hung out with Robbie. So it was me, liz, cassie and robbie. :D We put all the money we had together and bought a crap load of alcohol. Lol. I was the first one to take shots...and I'm still unsure what I was drinking. This was the first time I took shots and did all that. xD So I have like no tolerance to alcohol. So you can pretty much guess that I got kinda drunk. :? I do remember drinking this apple pucker stuff because it had a sour taste to it. Lol. I actually ended up flashing liz and cassie...:shocked: Robbie was in the kitchen thank god....xD I call Robbie my Big Bro, so all of you know that. :D He calls me his Lil Sis. We were watching a movie....and when I remember what movie it was, I'll tell you...xD Lol.

I also got into a huge fight with my uncle and gram. So here's the story....I was on my sisters computer (My sister doesn't live with me anymore, got kicked out) trying to get rid of this counterfeit microsoft program my cousin Jordan accidentally downloaded, so she wouldn't get into trouble. My gram tells me to get off my sisters computer and that I have my own laptop to ruin and f*** up....(yes my gram said that). Well I said no, that I was fixing something really quickly. And that's when my uncle gets in my literally 2-3 inches away from my face screaming/yelling at me to get off the computer, its not mine, that I have no reason ever being on it, or touching it for that matter...with swear words thrown in as well....I so wanted to hit him up the side his head with the darn I was picturing it while he was yelling at which Liz and Robbie were over my house witnissing I was pretty upset. Had to take a shower to calm down because I ended up throwing some of my nail polish bottles and breaking a few when I got up in my room. Robbie hugged me to calm me down, so that was fortunate because my uncle ended up coming upstairs and if Robbie didn't calm me down I would have thrown the lamp or got one of my swords out and put it to some good use. :twisted:

Well aside from all past week wasn't the best of weeks unfortunately. I did get my hair cut the other day...almost forgot to mention that. I was barely able to talk to my darling, so that sucked. Like he would get on msn for a little bit but we weren't talking through that msn video call....and it's been killing me inside actually. I've been feeling more and more lonely as each hour passes through the day. But I shall endure it...because I love him more than anything. :oops:

::What's Happening Soon::

- I'm getting my two bottom wisdom teeth cut out this thursday so I won't be talking or eating for awhile. *sighs*

- Got my group depression session thursday as well and we're doing some activity. Not sure what it is yet.

- I'm looking at tattoos, so I'm most likely going to be getting one sometime this summer if I can figure out what I want. Lol. I actually may post the ones that interest me and get your opinion. So keep yourself updated with my blogs. =]

Best Month Ever!!

Well today [March 17th, 2009]marks the one month that my Tom and I have been dating!! So you all can probably guess I'm super duper happy!! :D He really is an amazing guy!! ^_^

To be completely honest here, I have had a thing for him for quite a while!! xD I was like instantly attracted to him the first time we talked. Crazy, yes I know, but ever so true!! xD He intrigued me like no other else has before. :D His personality is really one of a kind and nothing I have ever seen before. Lol. I so couldn't pass him up...xD

And it is true....I kept throwing compliments at him and they just bounced off him...xD Lol. Which thank goodness he decided to finally stop being obtuse and figure it out. I was probably smitten with him for quite a few months now...and it just got more intense as the more we got to know eachother. I felt connected to him the first we talked actually. I opened up to him really easily...and in which case is odd. Because like him, I have really bad trusting issues and people seeing me vulnerable. But with him, that trust came easily and I really did open up to him really quickly. :D

I feel really connected to him as well. :D He really changed my life from the very beginning. We both were dating other people but I knew there was a connection between us and I wouldn't give up until I had him by my side...sooner or later. xD I mean if you remember my relationship with wasn't really healthy at all. And Tom helped me through that hard ordeal I had to go through. He really has been a help from the start. :D He so means everything to me as well!! ^_^ He is such a big part of my life!! :D And I know we'll make it through this long distance relationship. Which seems to be getting harder and harder as the time passes, but I just keep reminding myself that we'll be together soon. :D And it just gets closer to when we will be!! ^_^

I just want him to know that I am always here for him and I shall stick by his side through thick and thin!! ^_^ I seriously couldn't have asked for a better guy!! :D He really makes me feel special and beautiful! ^_^ Especially when he gives me that look that he always does over msn video call!! xD It makes my whole body tingle!! Lol. I love you so much Tom!! And I hope to spend the rest of my life with you too! :D It'll definitely be a happy one with you by my side!!

And here's a poem I wrote especially for you babie. :oops:

I am the turquoise sea
And you, the bright azure sky
So far away, so far apart;
Seperated by many, many miles
But still side by side,
Our longing hearts wait.

Love dances within our souls,
Gleaming like a crimson moon;
Mornings like nights,
Endlessly bright, forever joyous.
Happiness blazes in the depth of
our apexes.
To listen to the sweet sound of our love.

And this one as well!! xD

You are the light of my life
my smile in my darkest hour
you are my every wish come true
the bright azure sky
on that warm summer day

This treasure of love,
I cherish within my soul,
how much I love you...
you'll never really know.

But I plan to show you each day that my love is true.

cute couple

My Prince Charming!!! ^_^

New Stuffies

Today is my One Year Anniversary on Gamespot!!! :D :D Plus RE5 came out today!! :D :D Lol.

Well for starters I had a job interview yesterday!! xD This place is kinda far, but it will be worth it if I get the job! I really liked the setting and the people there were really nice. I will be doing lab work and front office work. So I will be on my feet a lot!! Lol. But that's all good. I'm just interested in the paycheck. Lol. I need to save up money so I can go visit my darling. ^_^ Which I did some research and I would have to go to Pittsburgh to get my passport, and boy is that thing expensive. :? But it'll be worth it!! :D

I saw Watchmen!! Lol. That was a pretty good movie. :D I also finally got my appointment set to get my driver's license!! xD Yeah I know, it's a bit late but I was never interested in driving before. :? And well now I kinda need to drive. xD Lol. So wish me luck there!! :P :D

Other than that my life has been pretty boring. Haven't been talking to my sweetheart that much since he got his new job, but i'm sure we'll manage. :)Even thoughit's been driving me absolutely crazy not being able to talk to him when I want!! Lol. He did send me some sweet texts though. :oops: So that made me feel slightly better! :D I love you babe! :oops:

very cute

Another Update

Well many of you know about that one job interview I had, well it turns out that they wanted someone with more experience than I have. So I basically didn't get the job. I called them and asked about it and that's how I found out. Whichreally sucked and also put me in a pretty bad mood. :? But no more than 10 minutes later I get a call from another place and they schedule me for an interview!! :D

I actually already went to that interview as well and it totally did not go perfectly like I was hoping!! xD I had to do this 18 question worksheet before they would see me for the interview. So I do that and it takes me about 15 minutes to finish. I hand the lady at the desk my worksheet and sit back down for about 10 minutes before I get called for the interview. Well this lady with short brown hair and glasses says my name and leads me down to the basement. :| Like half the stairs are covered with nice carpeting and then halfway down the carpet is gone and its all bare old looking wood. And Voila'!! We're in the basement of the place...which kinda creeped me out a bit because all they had down there was a small desk and 2 chairs, not to mention the place was mostly dark. I felt like I was in a horror flick of some kind!! xD Even had the old musty smell to finish off the checklist for a horror flick! Lol. Well I end up almost missing the little stool they had for the chair when I went to sit down and made this really loud werid laugh!! xD Lol. So it probably made me look stupid or something! :? So basically, I don't think I got the job. :(

And on another note the therapy is going really well. I actually went to my first group session last week and it was interesting. I'm really looking forward to my next appointment. I'm trying my best to be open and talk about the issues that I should have talked about years ago. It's just reallly hard. :? But I'm really determined to get over all the stuff that's been holding me back. And Tom is really helping me with everything as well. So I'm really lucky to have a guy like him by my side through this. :) Tom and I also have been dating for 2 weeks now!! :D I'm really happy about that! ^_^

I love you Tom!! :D


Update of my Life

Hello everyone! ^_^ Decided to do another update of what's been going on with me.

I had my first job interview finally!! xD It went really well actually so I'm hoping I got the job! If not then I shall be more prepared for my next one. :D Wish me luck though!!

I'm seeing a therapist, if I didn't mention that. Quite frankly I don't remember if I mentioned it or not but oh well. Her name is Antoinette and she's really cool. Actually just saw her earlier today. She wants me to start doing yoga, which I think I'm actually interested in trying out.

Well RE-fanatic stayed about 5 days with me this past week!! It was really awesome. :D Had tons of fun even though we didn't even leave my house barely!! >.< But that was mainly because my gram was being such a b*atch. Threatening to take my laptop once again and kicking me out as usual. *sighs* Can I ever get a break? Gesshhh.

And yesterday was my and Tom's one week anniversary!! ^_^ It didn't quite go as planned because of some events that happened but I'm looking forward to more anniversaries where it'll go better! :P But yeah, I'm still finding more and more things to love him for. :D I'm wondering if that'll ever stop but I highly doubt it! Lol. And actually there's a picture of a red fox in my therapists office...xD Her kid drew it for her. It totally reminded me of Tom. ^_^

For Tom
I Love you Tom!

Happiest day of my life!!!

Well it finally happened! Lol...Azure_Supernova and I are finally dating!! :D As of 10:11 a.m. on February 17th!! ^_^

As many of you already know that I was the one who kinda broke the ice and asked him out first!! Lol. But he soon followed with his own question. :D ^_^ I mean what can I say...I'm totally in love with the guy!! XD He makes me the happiest I've ever been in a very long time. I can be myself around him and not hold back! And that's a great feeling that I hope he feels in return! :D He certainly is one of a kind and a treasure that I hold dear to my heart! ^_^

Earlier that day I had my first appointment with my new therapist as well. It went a lot better than I thought it would. It seemed easier for me to kinda open up to her actually. And I have Tom to thank for that, he helped me a lot ever since we started talking. :D I have this feeling that I can finally get over my past and move on. My past has always affected me through out my life and in return has held me back from so many things. But now I feel that I have a bright future with Tom. Because finally someone understands me and loves me for me. :D And that's the best feeling I ever felt. ^_^ I can see it in his eyes when he looks at me even through the msn video call thing. ;) His gaze makes my legs weak and a hundred million butterflies in my stomach!! XD Not to mention that really good nervous feeling. It's like a drug to me now. Lol. He makes me feel wonderful! :D

So yeah, my life is finally falling into place for me. :D I'm dating the most random, gorgeous, caring, unique, smexxii guy ever!! :lol: And I plan to make him the happiest he's ever been as well. Because his smile makes me feel like mush!! Lol. Well I'm out. Peace peoples. :P


It is not easy
loving someone from a distance.
But the pain
of being so far draws the love ever so closer.
The longing to see the one I love
reaffirms in my heart
that this love is for real.
It wont run away like the tide,
it wont fade away
like a distant landscape.
It will become
what we have been waiting patiently for-
a relationship that's not distant.

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!! :D

This blog is dedicated to my Valentine, Tom.

It started out as a little crush, a small spark you can say, but then all of a sudden that small spark lit up into a huge raging fire. And even now that raging fire grows rapidly. You were always there for me when I needed someone, and not once did you turn your back on me. I feel as if I can talk to you about anything and you won't judge me or turn away. I trust you completely, and that says a lot. I don't trust people easily or let people in easily either. But you somehow broke through my walls and my barriers like they weren't even there. Even till this day that bewilders me. I have been through a lot of rough times, in which you know about, and yet you stay by my side without saying something harsh. And that is something I am not used to. I sometimes ask myself if I even deserve someone as great as you. You truly are a treasure my sweet. A treasure that I wouldn't even dream of passing by or giving up for that matter. You mean the world to me. I love you so very much, Tom. And I can't wait till I'm finally in your arms. Because that is where I belong.


Cat Diary


Day 983 of my captivity.

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.
They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed
hash or some sort of dry nuggets.

Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I
nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.

The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape.

In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.

Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their
I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly
demonstrates what I am capable of.

However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good
little hunter" I am.

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was
placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However,
I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my
confinement was due to the power of "allergies".

I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my
tormenters by weaving around his feet as he was walking.

I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and
The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and
seems to be more than willing to return.

He is obviously retarded.

The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicate with the
guards regularly.

I am certain that he reports my every move.

My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated
cell, so he is safe.

For now...



Thought I would post something cute and funny. ^_^ Plus I really love this cat diary thing. Lol.

Life Update

Well considering everything that has been going on with me, I decided to give you guys a life update.

First off, ever since Jeffrey and I broke up I have been getting nasty messages from his friends, in which I have been replying with nasty messages of my own. It was getting really tiring really quick I should say. And actually one of his friends sent me a private message back apologizing for calling me names and such. So I apologized back and she has been talking to Jeffrey for me, because he has some items of mine that I want back and he is refusing to send me them back. Huge issue with that actually. But it will be resolved soon enough I hope.

I also have been talking to an old friend from High School, who I haven't talked to in like 2 years. His name is Matt and he's actually going through a break-up right now too. We plan to hang out sometime soon and play video games! Lol. He owns a replica of Cloud's sword in Finaly Fantasy 7. =]

Jeffrey's older fat hidious sister has been sending me messages as well. I swear, can't I just get my stuff and be left alone. I don't even start anything. I just want my stuff back and that will be the end of it. She started talking about how I don't know about having a family because I don't have one. (I grew up without a mother and father) Really mean stuff like that. I don't want to get too much in detail of all the crap she has been sending. Just not in the mood to.

Other stuff has been happening as well, and I shall include that in another blog I suppose. But I did end up deleting Jeffrey off my friends list on myspace and facebook. Also rounded up everything he ever got me and threw it on my floor in a big pile. Still in that pile as I speak. Not sure what to do with it all yet. Well comment and peace peoples.

I may be single; but my heart is taken.