Hello guys, it is yours truly here once again! I am just here to tell you that since two GS friends of mine, EightBit and Wesker have done their top ten games, I have decided that for my next video blog, I will show you what my top ten games in my collection are.
My top ten games will cover different consoles due to the fact I have 13 of them and nearly 250 games (actually over 250 if you cound the expansion packs and that for certain games as separate titles and also the Zelda collector's edition).
Also, I don't think they are going to be in any order now since I can't really decide on what positions each game would be in but I might try and see if I can. So stay tuned for this upcoming video blog that might be up later today or tomorrow at the very latest.
In other news, I broke my buying no more games policy since yesterday I went out and bought a PC game known as Dungeon Siege II. Well, it was the deluxe edition that had the main game and its expansion, Broken World. The price tag stated 19.99 but took it to the counter and it was actually 14.99. This happened to me before with World of Warcraft so just goes to show how the employees there can't update prices for PC games they way they do with console games.
I only played about a half-hour of it but thus far I like it. I never played the Diablo games now but I know by reviews it is quite similar to it but I can definitely say if you played Marvel Ultimate Alliance, then it is similar to that game so if you like that game then you should like this also (Denis, I am looking at you).
I haven't checked out the Crackdown demo yet since I don't leave my console on to download but should but I have heard good things about it that I am looking forward to checking it out. Also, I haven't really played on the 360 or PS2 the last few days either. Before you ask, NO it is not because of WoW and that I am actually becoming addicted to it, I am addicted to something you might say and it is my laptop. I just love surfing the web, playing WoW, watching videos on it and be on it for hours on end.
And also, don't get angry Art and James but I haven't played Okami in a week or so. I love the game and think its great but I don't want to sort of rush through it like I did with Zelda and Kingdom Hearts II and will play it every couple of days or so so I can enjoy it more and grow the lifespan of finishing it.
I will be on Live and that during the weekend to play some Saints Row of course and hopefully some Crackdown co-op with my friends on Live if the game is downloaded by then.
Until next time, this has been Darrogamer06 telling all of you to keep on gaming and to ROCK ON!! \m/
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