Today, I am officially 24 years of age and it feels good I guess. No one really likes to get older but its just a way of life. One of the good things though about this birthday is I ain't working on it, as opposed to last year where I was and it pretty much stank because of it. You might be wondering what I got for my birhtday. Well check the videos on the blog before and you will know since they are pretty much what I got since I just wanted money to get various games that caught my eye during my trip into town on Monday. Also, got two t-shirts that you can find right here & here from my mother (would like show pictures of me wearing them but the computer ain't processing the pictures that I am taken for some reason. I wanted them for a while since they are pretty awesome looking shirts in my honest opinion and well, I have got back into WWE again so why not.
Got a game called Rhythm Paradise ala Rhythm Heaven in the post today and man that game is tricky. Its quite hard to get the timing down in some of the mini-games I have played thus far but I am sure with a little bit of practice, I will get better at it. Banjo-Tooie came out on XBLA and got it and will actually try and complete that game since I never did on the N64 (got to the 6th world before I stopped playing it).
As far as what videos are coming up from myself, well I am going to go the Talor route and start doing collection videos since I am pretty much near the 500 game mark after the barrage of games I got in the past week. Some of them are of course XBLA, Wiiware and Virtual Console games but the majority of them aren't (Well, duh). Will be doing gameplay videos again and anything else that comes to my mind.
I am having a relaxing birthday this year, which is nice to have and I have another 3 days off work before I go back on Sunday then have another 3 days off. Anyway, take care guys and keep on gaming!
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