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Darro's Best of 2008 Awards Part 1

Click here for the vid.

Sorry for not updating on the situation with my awards but I haven't been in the mood to do so because let's face it, I have been neglecting blogging and that for the past half-year really. Anyway, I decided to start things off today and thus finished the first part of several of my 2008 awards. This video is pretty long but I assure you the rest of them will be shorter than this one by about 10 mins or more hopefully since I don't want another 2+ hour extravaganza like last time. This part covers the awards for Best Cover Art, Best Use of Achievements and Most Surprisingly Good Game. The next part will probably be up tomorrrow and the next one won't be until Monday since I won't be free until then (night shift work).

Enjoy and Toodles.

Best of 2008 Award Nominations

First of all, I apologise for the lack of updates that I have done since I have been pretty tired when I feel like doing one and work has been busy thus the reason why for my lack of blogs. I will do a video blog this week just going through the past few weeks of my life and what games I've played.

But enough about that, since it is coming towards the end of the year and other people are doing the same thing, I have prepared the nominations for my Best of 2008 Awards, which consists of 22 different categories. There have been a few exclusions this time around from the previous one due to the fact that I played a lack of the ones that are gone. This time round, I won't be uploading them all in one go and have it run on for 2+ hours. Instead, I will have a video up each day starting on a yet undecided date that will feature the winners of a few categories. It will follow the same template I did in my Best of 2007 awards except less rambling hopefully.

So without further ado, here are the nominations for my Best of 2008 awards.

Note: I might change my mind in terms of changing nominations or adding awards so for the time being this is a draft list but will notify you guys when it is finalised.

Overall Game of the Year
Lost Odyssey
Rock Band
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots
Gears Of War 2
Mario Kart Wii

Best Xbox 360 Game
Lost Odyssey
Gears of War 2
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Rock Band
Grand Theft Auto IV

Best PS3 Game
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots

Best Wii Game
Mario Kart Wii
No More Heroes
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Wario Land: The Shake Dimension

Best PSP Game
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Best DS Game
Professor Layton & The Curious Village
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
The World Ends With You.

Best Downloadable Game
Castle Crashers
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2
Megaman 9

Most Disappointing Game
Grand Theft Auto IV
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Nights: Journey Of Dreams
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Fallout 3

Blast From The Past Award
Alex Kidd In Miracle World
Wonder Boy
Soul Calibur

Best Boss
The Leviathan - Gears Of War 2
Liquid Ocelot - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots
Henry - No More Heroes
The Wizard - Castle Crashers

Best Graphics
Gears Of War 2
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots
Grand Theft Auto IV
Dragonball Z: Burst Limit
Castle Crashers

Best Story
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots
Lost Odyssey
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Gears of War 2

Best Sound/Music
Gears of War 2
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots
Lost Odyssey
Grand Theft Auto IV
Rock Band

Best Multiplayer Game
Mario Kart Wii
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Gears of War 2
Castle Crashers
Rock Band

Most Surprisingly Good Game
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009
Dragonball Z: Burst Limit
Too Human
Saints Row 2
Professor Layton & The Curious Village

Most Overrated Game
Grand Theft Auto IV
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Soul Calibur IV

Most Underrated Game
Lost Odyssey
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Castle Crashers
Saints Row 2
Dragonball Z: Burst Limit

Best Cover-Art
Grand Theft Auto IV
Gears of War 2
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Lost Odyssey

Best RPG
Lost Odyssey
Fable II
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
The World Ends With You

Best Use of Achievements
Lost Odyssey
Grand Theft Auto IV
Too Human
Gears of War 2

Best Shooter
Gears of War 2
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of the Patriots

Best Action/Adventure Game
God of War: Chains of Olympus
No More Heroes
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Most Mediocre Game

Mercernaries 2: World In Flames



Fable II & DS Thoughts

Click here for the video.

Another blog from myself and its the one I promised last time where I talk about my impressions of Fable II and Dead Space. And also a stupid gripe I have concerning LBP. Enjoy.


Worst. News. Ever.

LBP Delayed

Now I've heard every reason why a game has been delayed now after this. Officially sucks since it was my most anticipated game for the rest of the year and it ain't going to help Sony much and a lot of gamers are really annoyed at this.

At least I have Fable II and Dead Space to occupy me next week.

EDIT: Well, it is out here on Halloween now it seems, which was the original release date for the game but was brought forward a week before this occurred. I am fine with this anyway since it was the same with GTA: San Andreas back in 2004. Only thing that would have annoyed me is if it was sometime in November.

Darro's Dominion

Click here for the video.

Hey guys, this is another video blog from myself. I talk about my new job, the games I have been playing including The Force Unleashed and also some of the games I am looking forward to playing in the upcoming months.

Also, not sure if this favour can be done or not but if any of you have a spare beta key for LBP, any chance I can have one? I would love to try it out as soon as possible but if not, I am willing to wait until the full release since it will be a cool game nonetheless.

Until next time, guys. Toodles.

Games Played & Bought

Check out the video over here.

Hello guys, its been a few weeks since I did a blog so I just decided to do one where I just go through what I've been playing. I actually plan to go back to my old schedule of doing one per week since it will make things more appropriate and also chances are they will be shorter the more often I do them. Anyway I talk about the problems I have with Too Human, why TNA Impact is not a great wrestling game and more. Anyway, enjoy the video.


The End?

This blog brings bad news especially for myself. As you all know, in January 2007 I picked up a laptop that cost £1350 and I did pay it off within the scheduled time. I did everything on this laptop: gaming, blogging, watching videos etc. But recently, its got to a point of bothersome since it seemed to get really hot very quickly and therefore things would slow down and chug on screen.

Well on the night of 11th September, my relationship with my laptop has come to an end. I was watching a video of a good friend of mine online when it just went off. I was thinking, "It will be alright, I just need to let it cool down and will be ok in the morning." But this time it was not to be. The laptop I have had for nearly 20 months is dead. I put it on the charger and the charging light is not coming on. Tried switching on but nothing is coming on. I am just downright unhappy about this situation because I paid over a 1000 pounds for a machine that hasn't lasted me 2 years.

I don't know what exactly the cause of its death is but I think its probably one or more of the most important parts of the laptop finally caving in and blew. The processor, motherboard and/or graphics card etc. The overheating must have got to them and they blew and therefore, my machine is dead.

The thing is though, I would be alright if this problem is fixable but I don't think it is and that is what makes me the more unhappy and annoyed at the same time. All my videos, games etc are on it never to be recovered. If some miracle occurs and it is fixable, it ain't going to be cheap and at the moment, I don't have the money to fix it meaning its just a waste of space. There is a place nearby that does repairs but not sure if it can do something like this. Looks like I will have to resort to my older laptop (which still works and is over 5 years old) to surf the internet while my brother is on this one.

I am unhappy about this. Goodbye, my good friend. You left me way too soon.

EDIT: Apparently my laptop has somewhat risen from the dead and that its somehow working. I don't know how this occurred. All I did was loosened some screws just to see if I can find the cause of the problem. and blew dust off it. Took the battery out and cleaned it and voila, its alive! But I am definitely making sure I go as soon as possible and get this heating problem sorted out since I believe it is the cause of this problem. Can you get some sort of coolers for laptops?

My Review Plans

Following up from the video blog I did on Friday talking about what I plan to do in the future, this blog is going to go over what I plan to do in terms of reviews.

Since I started on Gamespot over two years ago, I done 4 written reviews and 4 video reviews but I can only mention the reviews I did for New Super Mario Bros and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves as being semi-professional in terms of video and Condemned in terms of written. I want to change that and make better video reviews and better written reviews and I will vary from both from time to time or else do a video and text review for a certain game.

So, where am I going to start? I am going to start on the games I know about very well thus it will make it easier for me to write the review for them. Games like Super Castlevania IV, Shenmue and Zelda: A Link to the Past. Since I have played these games several times through, I do have a great understanding on what they are about and the gameplay mechanics are etc. Once this is done, I will work my way into more modern games and games that I have in my collection but never gave my time to in the past and thus would like to play through them for two reasons: one would be to write a review on the game and to shorten my backlog down.

So when will the first review be? Well, I plan to do one review a week starting in September and I plan to do one on one of my favourite games of all time just to kick thing off. In terms of video reviews, one will be done once per month or two months depending on how I feel since it takes time getting the footage and editing it of course. Below is a list of 5 of my favourite games and I would like you guys to pick the one I should start with. Here we go:

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Super Mario Allstars

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Shenmue I or II

Super Castlevania IV

So choose one of those delightful games above and my review plan will come into effect once it hits September. Anyway, catch you guys later. I'm off to do some good ol' gaming.


The Future for Darro


This is a different kind of video blog that I usually tend to do and its pretty much what I want to do from now on but you will see that in my video. The video consists of my future plans in blogging and also reviewing and the possibility of learning a new language. Watch and enjoy and let me know your thoughts. Catch you guys later.


Darro's Dumbness

After you read this blog, you may be wondering why the hell I did something so stupid or actually talked about it on here. Well, I decided to do so since its different to what I usually talk about.

Last night, I wanted to continue playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass so I took Professor Layton out of the DS and then started to look for it in my case where I have my DS/GBA games in and then I gasped in horror cause I realised I didn't put the game back there because I took the game along with Yoshi's Island DS & Final Fantasy IV with me to Belfast last week and had them in my jeans pocket and didn't take them out whatsoever. Unfortunately, I left them in there and they got washed in the washing machine. The good news is that Final Fantasy IV was found and is working, the bad news is there is no sign of the other two games and believe they went down the little hole in the washing machine that widens to let the water go through and thus I ain't seeing those games again.

I am incredibly annoyed at myself for doing this and completely forgot I left them in there. I suspect that my FFIV copy was lucky enough not to go down that hole but the other two were since I looked in my jeans I wore that day, the wash basket, washing machine etc but to no avail. You know what this means right? Yep, I have to buy those two games again and worse is that I have to start Phantom Hourglass all over again (I don't mind YI since I wasn't that far). I was quite careless in this situation and will remind myself never to do something so dumb again. You never know, chances are that I could end up buying these two games then lo and behold I find my original copies shortly after. If that happens, I will be even more annoyed but I doubt it since it ain't in the places I assumed they would be at.

Have any of you guys done anything like this and totally regretted it? I know I have since I have to waste money on them again. Also, the video I talked about will occur tomorrow or this weekend so stay tuned. It will be somewhat a different video since I won't be talking about games played and bought whatsoever. Stay tuned!
