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Darrogamer06 Blog

Games played and bought!


Its just a normal video of myself talking about the recent purchases and gaming in my life. I will be having another video up in the next few days discussing several topics so look out for it. It involves my future in blogging and writing so stay tuned.

Enjoy the video nonetheless. Toodles.

The Big 400 - Darro's Top 22 Game Tunes


Hard to believe but this is my 400th blog post on Gamespot and I only did it in 2 and a half years. :P Well, its been a while since I did a blog post here and elsewhere but I decided to do something that I haven't done before, as a few of my friends have done it and thus followed their path.

The video above represents my top 22 game tunes. The thing though about doing these type of lists is that you will end up missing a certain track from a game you loved but just couldn't remember thus it is not there but overall, I am happy wth my list but I kind of forgot about Crisis Core: FFVII since there was a tune from it I am fond of.

Anyway, the list spans several generations and if I had the chance, there would have been a few tracks from several games on the list but since I abided by the rules of one track per game, that didn't happen. I hope you enjoy the video and should bring back some fond memories because it certainly did with me. Here's hoping I make another 400 and in a less time too. :P


PS. I do realise I put Top 20 at the end of the video when I was supposed to put Top 22 but ah well, nobody's perfect.

Backlog Bonanza Update #1

Its been nearly a month now since I done the Backlog Bonanza video where I talked about 10 games that I plan to beat by the end of the summer. Since then, I haven't done any updates on what my status was until now.

First of all, I am not really doing that well since its near the end of July and I have only completed one game from that list (two or more appropriate perhaps, 1 and a half if you include Nights: Journey of Dreams Will's Story). That game is of course Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. The reason why it took me a while to complete this was because RRW occurred hence it stopped me from progressing and also I was doing the missions and thus kind of slowed down my progress through the main story but decided to just go through the main game and come back sometime and finish the rest of the missions, which I plan to do.

Finished the game yesterday and I loved it! It is the best PSP game I have played this year and is now my favourite PSP game. Most things about it were great and the ending was sad although you knew what was going to happen if you played through FF VII. The graphics reminded me of Kingdom Hearts in a way especially during the cutscenes where you see their facial movements and that. Voice-acting was while good, not the best voice-acted game there ever was. Even though the game was pretty easy (I did die but that was only during missions and never during the main game itself), it was a blast to play. I recommend anyone who enjoys RPGs to get this and if you are a fan of FF VII and still haven't picked it up, do so now since it brings back great memories and it has got me the urge to play FF VII again.

I am currently playing through No More Heroes thus that should be considered my next game I am tackling. I am currently no 9 on the ranking list thus have a way to go but the game is a lot of fun to play but will probably get kind of bland as time passes on but I plan to beat it hopefully in the next few days if I put my mind into it. I will keep you guys informed in a few weeks time where I am at with this challenge of mine.

Before I go, I see that Giant Bomb has officially launched and that some friends of mine here have already made profiles. I have done one also and you can find it right here. Feel free to add me and should be doing blogs over there and here from time to time. Take care, keep on gaming and rock on!


Darro's Dominion Episode XXIII


Been several weeks since my last video blog but ah well. This episode of Dominion pretty much sees me talk about my thoughts on the press conferences as well as some of the games that I am looking to get after some of the gameplay footage I seen. I know its long but what would it be if it wasn't? :P

Anyway, that is all from yours truly at the moment. Toodles.

Microsoft Press Conference Thoughts

Well, the first of the big three press conferences has come and gone and I am going to share my thoughts in point form of the conference.

- 4 stage demos in a row occurred first with Fallout 3, Resident Evil 5, Fable 2 and Gears of War 2. Fallout 3 looks pretty cool and if it has some aspects that Oblivion had since it is developed by Bethesda, this game will be awesome to me. RE5 looks like RE4, which is no bad thing. Online co-op is great to hear because most games like this should have some sort of online co-op in this day and age anyway. Fable 2 looks intriguing also and hopefully Molyneux's words are not full of crap this time around like they were last time with Fable. Gears of War 2 is pretty much Gears but have to say, the graphics do look a tad better though and the Horde mode that was announced sounds great. Stage demos were good for the most part.

- Some new XBLA titles were announced. Geometry Wars 2, which looks pretty cool although I totally stink on the first one. Galaga Legionnaire from the same guys who did Pacman Championship Edition, which is another game I ain't really good at either but its good. South Park game coming, which hopefully is good since the show is awesome. Also, the original Banjo Kazooie is coming to XBLA, which is pretty awesome and hopefully there is some little tweaks to warrant a purchase but probably will get it anyway even though I have the original. Now if they only announced Conker's Bad Fur Day.

- That You're In The Movies Demo was pretty hilarious and once I seen it I immediate said, "Eyetoy Play rip-off". It was just that and that game came out 5 or 6 years ago. But the unique part was that they put these motions from the mini-games in this movie trailer and showed one they did earlier and was just hilarious, as it was so cheesy. Wouldn't be something I would get and doubt it will last long unless they put in oodles of stuff in terms of mini-games and trailers.

- One of the big announcements was the whole new Avatar system that is coming to XBLA and will replace the current dashboard design. Some of the features talked about are interesting but judging by people on the GS chatroom, they ain't loving it and some reasons are stupid (can't use my gamerpics and themes now and wasted money is one of them). You can say its taking a page from Nintendo with the avatars and that they're look similar to the Miis but the features in my opinion make it sound interesting and I will welcome it, besides I didn't waste a fortune on gamerpics and themes. Also, there were partnerships announced with NBC and Universal but that is more for the American side of things than here I suppose.

-Lips was announced, which is of course Microsoft's answer to Singstar although you are able to transfer your songs from your ipod or Zune and hopefully other players into the game and sing them, which is a nice touch. Although people will be saying, "But I can do that without paying money!" Yeah I know but its something this game has over Singstar. Duffy sung Mercy but that part was blocked but I heard it was pretty terrible.

- GH: WT announcements involving Metallica in that their new album will be available on GH 3 in September and WT when its launched. A REM track pack was also announced. Kinda cool I guess. Just have to see the rest of the set list to see if its worth getting. Rock Band 2 announcments also by Alex Rigopoulos from Harmonix. Set list was confirmed and that songs from Rock Band 1 are available to be exported over to Rock Band 2, which is great and that all downloaded songs are compatible also. Not sure if this is the same with GH 3 and WT but if not, not a good sign.

- There were other things announced or so also I believe but kind of forget. Only other thing is the end where Wada-san from Square Enix came and talked about the 3 games coming out on the 360: The Last Remnant where a trailer was shown, Star Ocean and Infinite Undiscovery. When Don Mattick (I think that was his name) announced him, I knew what was coming but didn't know when and my suspicions were confirmed when it happened. What that was is that Final Fantasy XIII is coming to the Xbox 360 and released on the same date as the PS3 version in North America and Europe. And the fanboys were up in arms because of this and the internet exploded with rage too. :P

Overall, it was a pretty decent conference where the only big announcements were the whole avatar system and FFXIII coming to the 360 (although I knew it was coming). People are saying that Sony needs to really put on something spectactular to respond to this. I will do a video during the week where I will give more details on the press conferences and my overall thoughts on the show so look out for it.


RRW Day 6 - Nothing??!!

This blog is going to be short. I didn't play anything today at all apart from trying to do the Let's Play Lylat Wars but kept getting interrupted or screwing up so I will leave it until tomorrow. Other than that, nothing.

I went into town to trade in Top Spin 3 and DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2. I just couldn't get used to the controls in Top Spin 3 and I felt that it was going to get bothersome for me even though I would probably improve over time. The latter I was pretty much done with and that it isn't as good as Budokai 3. Traded them in for Alone in the Dark for 360 since I seen a few videos on Youtube and the game looked interesting and besides, I don't go with reviews until I try the game myself unless the game got really bad scores then I will avoid it like the plague. Will check it out once RRW ends. Will be glad to get back to modern gaming to tell you the truth since I want to play Crisis Core again and get going with my Backlog Bonanza since I have completed 0 games thus need to get a move on.

In other news, I bought 5 DVDs that have something in common with each other. They are Monsters Inc, A Bug's Life, Cars, Finding Nemo and Ratatouille. Yep, the thing they have in common is that they are Pixar films. I never seen Ratatouille before and watched it eariler this evening and really enjoyed it. Had some pretty funny parts and pretty surprised about some of the voice actors in it. Ian Holm as Skinner, didn't notice that at all. Is one of the better Pixar films but probably not in my top 3. Will be going to see Wall-E once it hits cinemas here to see how it fares. I love Pixar films and haven't disiked any of them thus far.

Anyway, that is all I need to talk about at the moment. Last day of RRW tomorrow and I will see what occurs.


RRW Day 5

RRW is nearly over and today I pretty much played the same games as yesterday except Megaman, Kirby's Adventure and Lylat Wars. I have also played a new game today, which I never played before and that I really enjoyed. It is Punch-Out and some people on here consider this to be one of their favourite games of all time (well the Mike Tyson's Punch-Out :P)

I played about an hour or so of it today and got to Bald Bull at the title bout in the 2nd tier of bouts you may say and almost beat him but unfortunately got me in the end. Its just a game that has simple gameplay but is addicting to play nonetheless and will see myself trying to get past the array of fighters and make it to Mr Dream, who will probably be a nightmare to beat.

Finished Gunstar Heroes once again and the part before the final boss was pretty hard for me since I had low health as I progressed and was very luckly not to die during that part. Died on the last boss since I only had 4 health left. I recommend you guys get this game on the Virtual Console or the Mega Drive/Genesis if you have one. Its a classic action game.

Sorry about the lack of video but didn't feel like doing one today (you know me). I will do one tomorrow or Saturday that will consist of a run through of Lylat Wars. There will be several videos of course and each video will be one mission. I will be providing commentary as I am going to do the Let's Play scenario on it that you see on so many games via Youtube. Anyway, take care and ROCK ON!! Haven't said that in a while.


RRW Day 4 - Chock full of Retroness!

Another day has come and gone and this day I played a variety of games from various genres and consoles (well through the VC but on different platforms nonetheless :P) Was a good day indeed but what did I play.

  • Megaman 8

Finally got around to finishing this at last. Got to the last stage yesterday and kept getting killed by Wily and then found out something I didn't know about in that you can use Rush for certain things and helped me beat the last part of Wily then no problem. Really enjoyed the game and plan to go through the other ones in the series now no matter how frustrating that will be. Going to get Megaman X Collection also sometime down the road as well as X7 and X8.

  • Adventure Island

I enjoyed playing this yesterday and played some more today trying to get past the level Mike got to. Nearly finished 2-3 and then died at the end. Will play more since I like Wonder Boy (played it on Master System and Arcade back in the day) and its harder than it by far.

  • Gunstar Heroes

Downloaded this on the VC today. One of the classics from the Mega Drive even if it ain't a long game (can easily go through it in an hour or less) but it has great gameplay. Played a few levels just to get the feel of it again and it is a great game still. Oh and the 4th level board game part is awesome.

  • Kirby's Adventure

Never played this before until today. Downloaded it on the VC and played the first world on it and have to say, I really like it. I played a Kirby game on the Game Boy I believe a while ago, which was Kirby's Dream land I think and enjoyed it. It has cool gameplay and that you can suck up certain enemies and use their powers. Will be playing more of this for the rest of the week.

  • Lylat Wars

Also known as Star Fox 64 (our title is better :P). Another great game from the N64 and played this to the last level (the one where you have to fight Star Wolf again in their enhanced ships) where I got my butt kicked due to the fact that I was alone. My teammates were all taken down in the previous level and couldn't do a damn thing. Not so easy when you're on your own since they are all after you. Finished the game several times before through this level anyway so it doesn't matter but never without my mates.

  • Super Ghouls & Ghosts

Considered to be one of the hardest games on the SNES and in some people's cases, of all time. I borrowed this game years ago and got through the game only to find out I had to go through it again. I never managed to get the actual thing you needed to progress onto the final boss after going through the game twice if my memory serves me correctly. I played 5 mins of this just to get used to it again and it looks like it will give me some bother once again but I welcome the challenge. Its got to be easier than GoW in God Mode right?

I played a bit of Megaman 7 also. It was a good day to play some retro games and still have another 3 days to go before I can go back to modern civilisation. :P Might do a video tomorrow or Friday with one of these games or something else.


RRW Day 3 - Adventure Island

The videos are over on Youtube since the Gamespot Uploader is once again broken. What are the videos? Well, it is me playing Adventure Island on the Virtual Console as part of a challenge I decided to do that was issued by Mike aka EightBitWarrior. The challenge is to get past the furthest he got in the game, which was Area 3 Round 1. Do I complete the challenge? Check the videos below and find out.

Part 1

Part 2

I have also been playing Mega Man 8 and I am now on the final level, where you have to defeat all the 8 robots of course then go on to fight Dr Wily himself. Wily stages were not bad except the first one where it has a really annoying boss that took me a while to do (the others were a piece of cake compared to it). Plan to play it again along with SMB 3 later today. Unless this GS uploader is fixed, upcoming RRW vids will be on YT.


RRW Day 2

Hey guys. Another RRW day has come and gone and again, didn't play a whole lot of games but played more than I did yesterday in terms of the amount. So on we go with the games:

Yes, I played more of this today and completed it once again in 6 hours and 20 mins according to the Game details. Could have done better due to the fact I was pretty lousy in certain parts and took me longer to do them than before but I did parts probably quicker and in one turn, which was nice. Once again, I had a blast playing this game and is still to this day one of my favourite games of all time. They need to release this on Wii VC with Online support for MP because that would totally own.

Played some good ol' Super Mario Bros 3 from this and currently on the 4th world or in other words, Giant World. Played through the 3rd world, which is not one of my favourites due to the fact is that I not fond of water-themed levels/worlds in games like platformers and because I hate the Water temple in OOT. Still an awesome game of course.

Tomorrow I will see if I can do a video for you guys showing a game on the N64 perhaps. I will be playing SMB3 along with another 3rd in the series in Donkey Kong Country 3.
