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Darrogamer06 Blog

RRW Day 1

Well, I was actually planning on bringing back Darro's Delights for the 1st day of my RRW but that didn't come to pass. I will do an episode this week sometime featuring some game that a lot of people won't know about and its close to my heart since its a game I got with my Sega Master System on my 7th birthday. That is all for now.

As for what I played today. Not much to tell you the truth. I saw that you are able to play modern games now, which I am not going to bother doing since I am purely retro this week. What did I play? I played this:

Yes, my favourite game for the N64. I played this for several hours today and just enjoy playing it again since its one of those games that never gets old for me in terms of its gameplay, humour and world. Great Mighty Poo is still one of the best video game sequences ever! :P I have progressed a good bit into the game and I am in the Unga Bunga section of the game and I am in the Rock Solid club with the big rocks and the techno music or whatever. The hard part is yet to come with the War level (I don't care, some parts in it are quite hard and annoying as hell) but I have done it before and will do it again.

Will be planning to play it more tomorrow along with Megaman Anniversary collection. I am not going to do as much videos as I did the last few RRW videos because I don't feel like doing as many. I will update you guys on my RRW progress each day with a text blog and/or a video.


RRW Plans!

Hey guys. As some of you know, my good friend Mike aka EightBitWarrior is doing another Retro Revival Week starting this Sunday where we play the old classic games that some of us grew up with and loved. Mike did a blog showing some of the games he is planning to play throughout the week and basically this blog is going to do the same thing but with a little description below each game. Without further ado, here are the games:

Conker's Bad Fur Day (Nintendo 64)

Its been a while since I played through this game and I am going to be playing through it again for RRW. Why? Well it is my favourite N64 game after all and it never gets old. The single-player is very enjoyable and some parts are just funny and great to play (The Great Mighty Poo sequence FTW). This is one of the N64's swansong games but its best to go out with a bang than a whimper and this along with other games did just that.

Megaman Anniversary Collection (GameCube)

I am currently playing through Megaman 8 at the moment on this compilation of the first 8 Megaman games and I am enjoying it. I am planning to beat a majority of the MM games during RRW but things could get ugly when frustration kicks in during some sequences. Don't worry Mike, Megaman 2 will be one of them. :P

Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Mega Drive)

I had to put these games together due to the fact is that the combination of both games make up my favourite Sonic game. Its great playing through all the zones in both games in one continuous playthrough. Also, Hyper Sonic, Hyper Knuckles and Super Tails cannot be achieved without this combination. With great music (Ice Cap) and great levels (Sky Sanctuary), I will be enjoying my time with this collection once again.

Super Mario All Stars (Super Nintendo)

Not really so much all the games in this collection but Super Mario Bros 3, which of course is my favourite Mario game. Just the sheer thrill of going to each new world and the theme it has whether its ice, water or giant. Many people consider this to be the best platformer of all time and I can't disagree with that statement since it has near-perfect platforming gameplay and has great power-ups like Kuribo's shoe to boot (get it? :P). I will plan to play the game that started off the whole Nintendo saga in certain ways, Super Mario Bros. If it wasn't for that game, who knows where the gaming industry would be today.

Those are the games I definitely tend to play during RRW at the moment but I am sure I will be playing a few others as well that I will let you guys know about during the week. Anyway I am off to play some games.


A Different Day!

Yesterday was quite a different day for me as I did something I haven't done in nearly 6 years and that is I went out to go to a concert. The last concert I went to was also my very first one and it was the Slane concert/festival in Southern Ireland and bands that were on included Nickelback, Stereophonics and Counting Crows amongst others. I enjoyed myself that day apart from the big crowd as I ain't the kind of guy who likes being in crowded places for long.

The reason I went yesterday was that my father won a set of tickets to go see the artist in question, which was Neil Young, as he is a fan of his in a competition from a radio station here called Downtown Radio. I decided to go anyway not because I was forced to but it would get me out of the house for the day and also it would be something different to what my past few years have been like. I didn't mind going, as I would enjoy myself nonetheless and I did very much. The concert was located at a place called Malahide Castle, which is outside the capital of Ireland, Dublin. The place was beautiful as it has wooded areas and a park amongst other things and the day couldn't have turned out more beautiful in terms of weather and my father and I were glad it stayed dry the entire time we were there.

There were a few acts on before Neil Young himself. The first guy I didn't get the name of but was good but the next act I heard of before. The act was a group called The Frames who are an Irish independent band who have been around for quite a while around here and might be more recognised now perhaps due to the fact that their lead signer, Glen Hansard, won an Oscar for Best Song for Falling Slowly from Once along with Marketa Irglova (who was also there playing the piano, which was cool)l. I have heard from some people and on sites that they are a great band live and I wasn't disappointed since even though their set only lasted about 45 mins to an hour, I was satisifed and have become a fan of their work (was a bit of a fan before but confirm that I am now). They played this song, which I was happy with since its one of my favourite songs I have heard from them and it was through the movie Once. Gotta get some of their albums now. :) Also bit of a trivia note, but the lead singer of The Frames was also the guy who played Outspan Foster in the film adaption of The Commitments.

As for Neil Young himself, even though I have heard of the guy through my father, I haven't listen to any of his music before so I didn't really know what to expect but I enjoyed him as well and he went on for around 2 hours and some of the songs he played I found catchy and were great to listen to live. One thing I didn't quite like about it was that certain solos/instrumental parts went on too long (the last song before the encore lasted about 20 mins or so because of this) and I assume that it was because it was live and these songs are nowhere near as long on their recorded versions. But the guy was very good considering his age.

Overall I enjoyed my time very much and said to my father when we were on our way home that we should do this again sometime and for now, that plan is to go see Airbourne in November. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this different type of blog from yours truly.


Darro's Dominion Episode XXII


Yes, its another Dominion episode after a good while but its just the same old stuff as before. I talk about my latest purchases, my job status and the reason behind it and also due to reading a fellow Gamespotter's blog, a gripe I have. Enjoy and leave your comments and all that jazz below.


Backlog Bonanza 2


You may remember a video I did around this time last year where I chose around 12 or so games from my backlog and planned to beat them all by the end of the summer. I completed 4 and then the plan kind of got scrapped since the 5th game I tackled kind of got the better of me and didn't actually move on to another game from that. So the plan was a failure at the end of the day.

Now I plan to do this again but this time I am going to make sure I do much better and complete all these games by the end of the summer (31st August I see as the end of summer). Above in the video I talk about the games I have chosen this time round and to complete them. After doing this video, I added another game on the list, which is Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. Also, I state in the video that I am already playing Crisis Core FF VII again but ask you guys what game I should play alongside it or next if that would be the case. Let me know in the comments below and enjoy watching the video.


MGS 4 Thoughts

I promised you guys I would do a video with my thoughts on MGS 4. Of course its pretty long and there is a spoiler or two within if you are playing the game at the moment but not big blown-out ones now. You get the idea on how I feel about the game after the two parts. Now that I have more free time, I plan to play through MGS 3 since I have never played through it and want to after watching the Existence disc and playing through this. I have all the MGS games and the 1st two as part of the Subsistence package.

Enjoy and leave comments as always.



Well, some people have done it, why not myself?

It has been two weeks since I did a blog on here and I did a video earlier today but went on a bit too long plus it took ages to upload on the other PC and when it did, it failed because it was too long when I spilt them into 2 parts and the first one was 9:59. I will make a video or another text blog in a few days time going into more detail on what I have been up to lately but for now since other people have done this, I decided to do it also. Below is my MGS 4 completion screen and I think its pretty fair for a first playthrough and died 20 times and most of them were not during boss fights. I am going to talk about MGS 4 a lot more in an upcoming video but I just have to say that it was one of the most exhilarting, emotional, breathtaking games I have had the privilege of playing in my life and just the sheer amount of work that was put into this game to make it work is astounding.

So without further ado, here it is:


Video Blog Update


Just a video continuing on to what I was saying in my previous blog so watch, leave questions if you want and enjoy. I am off to play some games.

An Update if you will!

I am really starting to do less and less blogs now it seems and its pretty much the same reason as before. The job and its utter crapness (if that's even a word). I know it shouldn't get me down but it does and I just hate going in every day and working there being bored to death while the day drags on. While I am in there, the day kind of drags and is slow but when I am off say during the weekend, it goes too fast for my liking. My goal is to be out of that job by the end of June and hopefully that is obtained soon since I have applied for several jobs already and they are a lot different to what I am doing now. Right now, I can give a week's notice when I am leaving but if I am there 3 months, I have to give a month's notice, which I do not want to occur.

In non-misery-at-job news, I have picked up a few games since my last update and you can pretty much see what those are in my Now Playing Section. Rock Band I should have talked about before this but all I can say is that it is a very fun game. My favourite part of it is not the drums, which I thought it would be but the mic. I liked to sing though and even though I am not the best singer in the world, I tend to have a pretty decent voice, which works well for some songs and not for others. The drums on the other hand, while fun, are random. It could be the set I got but I feel the kick pedal in particular is defective and that it responds half the time and not the other half. I don't want to apply too much pressure on it in case I break the pedal but you have to push down on it a bit hard at times in order for it to hit the beat.

The guitar just plain sucks. I tried it for 10 mins and just couldn't handle it. The strum bar is just too stiff and the same can be said for the buttons and couldn't use it as well as I could the X-plorer and one reason is the X-plorer is smaller. So chances are that I will use tht guitar again is very low indeed.

The other games I have picked up are of course The Orange Box for the Xbox 360 and No More Heroes for the Wii. The Orange Box for the 360 is just pretty much the orange box, except not in 60fps. That is all I need to say on that. No More Heroes I have played about 1 hour of and its a cool game. I played Killer 7 and just couldn't get into it due to some of its weird gameplay mechanics and whatnot. NMH I can get into since its just one of those games you can just delve into and have a blast killing guys with your lightsaber knock-off, the beam katana. I see myself playing this one to the end since its been a while since I actually finished a game and if I am to complete that goal I set out for myself at the start of the year, I need to get going and finish more games. GTA IV is one of them since I haven't finished it yet and well, yesterday was the first time I played it in over a week or so. Done some missions like the Undertaker and Peogrino's Pride, which got on my nerves and trying to get the finish in under 30 hours achievement and don't think I am going to do that since I have less than 6 hours to go and still have to do about 10-15 missions.

Anyway that is all from me. I will see if I can do a video blog sometime this week just to go into more detail about what I have talked about here amongst other things.


RE: A Call To Arms


This video is just a response to Art's blog, which he talked about how video blogging has changed here on Gamespot etc. I share with you my thoughts on the situation. Enjoy!