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Darrogamer06 Blog

Darro's Dominion Episode XXI



I said I was going to do one this weekend and I did but after watching it, you might be saying, "Why did you bother?"

Yes, I feel kind of emo-like in this episode with the way I am talking and that and just how much I hate the job I am in but that won' be the case once I get out of it. In the episode, I talk about said job and my dislike for it along with my recent gaming purchases. Nothing else so there.

Anyway, I am out to go play something and also, if you guys are up for some Rock Band next weekend, hit me up since its going to be awesome!


Job = Crap!

I haven't done a blog in over a week and the truth is that I just didn't feel like doing one because of the crap that is my job. Let's get into business, I absolutely hate the job I am in for various reasons and am wanting to get out but only when I can bag another job since there is no point staying in a job that you despise and just can't stand. Today really opened my eyes and revealed at certain parts the true face of the company and just how poor and devious they can be.

The main problem I have is the service itself in that there seems to be a lack of communication between certain places and certain people are not doing their job right. An example is being in that a customer has to be subscribed to the service for a month before they can cancel and sometimes when I get someone calling wishing to cancel and haven't been on for a month, they get annoyed and never were told this problem when they signed up. Its just myself and others are paying the price for other people's mistakes and it makes me sick. Certain things like lack of information given, details entered wrong and other stupid stuff.

I am not alone here either as a few others kind of feel the same way in that the company is quite sneaky and devious also with some people not doing what they are supposed to do. Its no problem going through and subscribing but when you want to cancel or complain, it takes certain customers a while to get through thus they are wasting a lot of money on the phone call thus getting more from them because of this. Also, several times customers have called stating they have cancelled and declined the offer given to them etc and when you go to check the record, they are still active and still getting charged. What the hell is going on? Some people don't even get any service no matter how many times they have called in and sorted everything out and they are still getting charged for nothing, its pathetic. I really want to get out of here as soon as possible because I just can't be apart of something like this that rip off customers with their sneaky ways and stupid policies.

I promise to do a video blog this weekend probably talking about this more and a few other things. I haven't been gaming a lot in the last few days to tell you the truth and its probably because of this job getting me down, which I know it shouldn't. But once I can get another job, I am getting out of this hellhole.


Nothing To Talk About...Maybe!

Hey guys. As you noticed, I haven't really been as active as I used to be here on Gamespot now since I started my job and I don't really have a reason why besides not feeling like it and rather just do something else to pass the time.

First of all, I haven't been playing as much GTA IV as I thought I would be doing. Not that its a bad game by any means, I think I just want to take my time with the story and the various side missions and just do as much as I want in the game and not just rush through it like some have. I have unlocked the 2nd island, which goes to show how far I am in the game and must be one of the people behind everyone else, which I don't mind. I haven't played any other game besides that in the last week although I want to play Crisis Core, which for some reason has still not shown up here.

I ordered it off e-bay from a seller known as offerhouse-uk (yes, one of those sellers) on 26th April and got a notification that Monday that it was dispatched/being dispatched and over a week later, still no sign of it. I didn't expect this since I got Lost Odyssey from the same seller back in February and it came in a good time frame. I want to play it pretty badly also and will give me something to play besides GTA IV. I hope it wasn't lost in the post because I see that as the only reason its taking so long.

I got a book yesterday too and even though I like to read, I am not a big reader and read loads of books but I will get something if it interests me and the one I got did since I wanted it for some time now. The book is entitled A Lion's Tale: Around The World In Spandex and it is the autobiography of wrestler Chris Jericho. I tend to read wrestling autobiographies and besides Have a Nice Day by Mick Foley and the Hardy Boyz one (I liked it, sue me), the rest have been pretty meh. I heard good things about Jericho's book and was interested since I heard he was doing one since I enjoy Jericho's work. I spent the majority of yesterday evening reading the first 100 odd pages of it and it is quite similar to when I first read Have A Nice Day and just going, "This book is pretty awesome!" Some of the things he says are pretty damn funny and the stories he talks about are interesting like the time he was robbed in Mexico by having a gun pointed to him. If you like Chris Jericho, you should check it out.

That's really all I have to talk about. Work is going ok although it was dead slow (time-based) today (don't you just hate when that happens?). About that video blog I promised. I think I will save it until the weekend and see what happens.

Also if I don't leave a comment in a blog doesn't mean I haven't read it. Its just sometimes I can put something down and sometimes I don't.


Grand Theft Birthday!!

Today was special for me for two reasons as people who check my profile regularly would know why. One was the release of the biggest game of this year and my most anticipated game of the year in my eyes and the second reason and more importantly it was my 23rd birthday. Unfortunately my time with GTA IV is shortlived for the day since I had to work of course and since I am working early tomorrow, I only played around 2 hours of it. But those 2 hours were pretty damn great and if the 2 hours I've played have anything to go by, GTA IV is going to be pretty special.

There is just so many things that I can talk about during my brief visit into Liberty City and Niko Bellic but I will talk about them more in detail in an upcoming blog. But here a few things I like:

1. The voice-acting is pretty superb. I really like the voice of Niko more than the others but the characters I have encountered thus far have great voices to match up also.

2. The World is big and beautiful. This Liberty City is a LOT different from the Liberty City we saw back in GTA III over 6 years ago and it just breathes life with the beautiful graphics and lighting.

3. The Humour is still there. There are just so many great laughable moments in GTA's history and it looks like its going to be the same here. Whether its from a cutscene, watching the TV or listening to one of the crazy people on the talk radio channels, I am sure I am going to get more funny moments in the upcoming play sessions.

Those are 3 things I really like about the game. I have not tried out the MP of course since I just wanted to delve into te single-player for today but on my days off, its MP and SP action all the way. :) I will give you some detailed impressions with the game in a video format perhaps sometime next week since I will be busy playing it on my days off and working during the weekend so next week will probably be the latest.

Anyway, I will catch you guys soon and hit me up for GTA action when the time comes!


PS I would also like to wish Spike a Happy Birthday also since his birthday is also today but is a year younger than me.

Darro's Dominion Episode XX


This is kind of a different episode in which I don't talk about games played and that for 10-15 mins. Instead, I talk about two main topics, which are my first week at my new job and the hype of GTA IV and my approach to it. Let me know if you prefer this format since I do and just makes it more interesting. Too bad that the length is the same though. :P

Leave questions, game challenges and all that good stuff.


A day in the life of a Customer Service Representative Trainee!

I didn't mention this sooner and really should have. I actually got a job last Friday and even though the pay isn't great, it's a start, as my mother and a few friends of mine have said to me.

The job is a customer service representative for Setanta Sports as part of the Teleperformance company. In other words, its just a call center job you can say where I will receive calls from people interested in subscribing to the Setanta Sports channel, register them and also to deal with enquiries that people will have. Today was my first day there and it was pretty boring (first two weeks are training hence the blog title) where we just went through the corporate induction (going through Health & Safety, data protection act, various policies etc) with a female trainer, who was an American living here now, which was pretty cool. There was about 15-20 of us there and I think the majority of them were bored to death also but hey, it was more interesting than some of the mind-numbingly boring lectures I had during my college/university years where people literally fell asleep. All of us get the channels apart of the Setanta Sports package for free now and that made my brother happy when I told him the news (he loves his football).

I am sure tomorrow will be more interesting and not sure what it will have in store but I hopeful it will be better than today. Since I have this job, it means less gaming and will only be mainly gaming of course during the weekend now perhaps. Its my birthday next week and it will be the first time since 2004 I will be working during, which kind of sucks but at least I will have GTA IV to look forward to when I get home. :)

I will do a Darro's Dominion this weekend talking about my first week amongst other things. There probably won't be another blog until then since I just wanted to talk about this to anyone who didn't know.


A Bit More Like It!

Last week, it was announced that Rock Band will finally be getting a release date here in Europe and everyone was happy. That is until they saw the pricing for it then they went up in arms about it. I shared my thoughts on the situation in a recent blog and since then, a representative from Harmonix came out and explained the reasoning behind the lludicrous pricing. He had some points about shipping costs and that but its still not a good reason perhaps as to why the game is twice as much here for everything than it was in the US.

Today, I read from this blog that following some rumours that there will be a price cut, Amazon and have slashed the prices for the instruments bundle and the game itself by 20% on pre-orders, which is quite frankly a lot better than the actual price announced. If you get them together then, it will be £139.98, which is £40 less than the RRP for the game and instruments bundle. I believe more people after seeing this will get it since they are saving money and the price is more fair than it was before.

So, the question is: Will I be getting the full bundle now? Stay Tuned and you will find out.

PC Games for Sale!

Hey guys. Before I resort to the usual place I sell stuff to (ebay of course), I am just going to ask if anyone is interested in some PC games.

I have a total of 5 PC games for sale and the reason why I am getting rid of them is that I don't really want them anymore and have no interest in playing any of them. Also, there is a bunch of games I want coming out and well I want to have some money to get more of them. :P The games are as follows with pics:

The Sims 2 & University Expansion

Age of Mythology Gold Edition, Startopia and Farcry

If you are interested in any of these games, let me know by PM or by comment below. This of course only refers to people from the UK but I might ship to Europe if I can find out the shipping costs. Thanks for dropping by and hope to do some business. :)

It's Karting Time!

Indeed it is. If you want to play, leave me your MK friend code and hope to see you on the track. I will post mine up shortly.

One thing though, I sure as hell hope the update required to play it doesn't render the Freeloader useless since that will mean no more Brawl until the game comes out here.


UPDATE: My MK Friend Code is 3351-4185-1472. Let's get cracking!

UPDATE 2: The game is friggin awesome and totally love the online especially when its been lag-free thus far.