Indeed it is! Brawl code is 1934-0436-8746. Impressions video coming your way tomorrow.
I'm so happy, :) :) :)
Indeed it is! Brawl code is 1934-0436-8746. Impressions video coming your way tomorrow.
I'm so happy, :) :) :)
I would like to know if anyone is interested in buying Army of Two from me. The thing is, I bought this game last week hoping to play co-op with Denis and a few others and well that plan was ruined thanks to the stupid thing known as no cross-region compatibility. Also, there is no one I know of who has this game here anyway so there is no point keeping a game I can't play with anyone outside of Europe and no one here has it. In other words, it was a wasted purchase thanks to that problem, which I didn't hear one word about until I got the game (dirty move, EA, dirty move!).
If you are from the UK and are interested in buying this off me, let me know since I want to get rid of it so I can get Vega 2 (a game I can play with people outside of my own region). I know I said I won't get anymore games this month or the next but its basically trading one game for another.
No Brawl as of yet but I am damn sure it will be coming tomorrow. If not, I will be disappointed.
Hello guys. This is yours truly once again. Over a week ago, I found out that a Wii Freeloader is going to be released and you don't know how much that made me happy because I didn't need to wait several months to get the PAL version of Super Smash Bros Brawl. I ended up ordering the game on since I have bought two games from them in the past and they came here in 3-4 days, which was excellent in my opinion considering they are situated in Canada.
I pre-ordered a Freeloader from since I heard that it would be the first place to have them and thus would get it there sooner than when other places started selling them. Boy was I ever wrong. I ordered the Freeloader on the 28th February and over a week went by and nothing changed. It wasn't paid for yet, it didn't even ship and it was still in process and boy was I annoyed. I said to myself, "I will be getting Brawl before the Freeloader at this rate!". Therefore I decided to look on ebay and see if there were any for sale and there were but most of them were packaged in with the US version of Brawl and were costing from around £40+, which I found ridiculous. I found one for the normal price and only 1.95 p & p, which was great considering were charging more than twice that price (5.21 to be exact). I was looking at this thread on NeoGaf occasionally and seeing people that had the same problem with codejunkies in that their orders were still in process and not paid for and then I found out about how the site is poorly done and that they don't notify you if they are out of stock or whatnot. I emailed them a few times wishing to cancel my order and never got a reply.
I heard about this other site called in that it has it in stock and it ships pretty fast and being the idiot that I am, I ordered it from there too (as I had suspicions about the one on ebay, don't know why). Well, to end this little story, I received both of them today and thus I have a spare Freeloader. I cancelled the one from codejunkies by phone since I got a number I can call from that thread on NeoGaf. My copy of Brawl was shipped yesterday, so by any luck I will have that by Thursday or Friday at the latest.
So if anyone from the UK who has a Wii is interested in a Freeloader then let me know as soon as possible or else this little baby is going up on ebay. Sorry for rambling on about the whole scenario but I just wanted to explain how it all came about. PM me or leave me a comment below if you are interested and we will sort out something.
In other news, click here. Enough said. :) Anyway, that is all from me right now. I will have a video up when I get Brawl and play some and have some impressions of it etc. Also, if you guys want to play with me online in Brawl, PM me or comment below your Brawl codes and will add you guys on when I receive it. I got James' (Jimbo) code thus far but I want more of course.
That's all for now. Toodles
Another episode for you guys to watch. Whats in it? Check the video description and see for yourselves! :P
Anyway, enjoy the video and see you next time when I will perhaps have Brawl by then. :)
I am Darro and I have a problem! I buy too many games when I really should be saving up for other things like summer holidays and other stuff. But I'm going to promise myself (FOR DAMN SURE THIS TIME!) that I will not buy another game, new or old, this month besides the two you see above and Brawl of course since I've pre-ordered that. I might not get another game for the next few months really besides GTA IV since that is the only game I really want to get as soon as possible. I've pre-ordered that so it should be with me on my birthday and just get one of my brothers to give me the money to put into my account to pay for it (since one of them will get me it as a gift :)).
I was thinking of getting Bully: SE today anyway and was looking around to see where it was the cheapest and to my surprise, the place was none other than HMV at £29.99, whereas everywhere else had it at £35-£40. I wanted to rent Army of Two but it wasn't available to rent, only to buy and therefore decided to trade in 3 games I had with me (was going to use them to get Bully: SE). The games were Canis Canem Edit or in other words, Bully for the PS2, Kameo and Tomb Raider Legend for the Xbox 360. Got £12 which was more than I was expecting from where I traded them in (got £9 in GAME and Gamestop). So I will be playing some AOT co-op with some people perhaps over the next week or so. Whoever has the game and is interested, let me know. That is as long as I know you on here and not a random person.
So, I will probably be playing these two games over the weekend and once Brawl gets here and works fine then I will be playing it. March is certainly a good month for moi. Until next time, take care and ROCK ON!
Hey guys. This is Darro here with two videos. One of them is of myself talking about 3 games that I have been playing recently that are apart of the rhythm genre and why I love them and also talk about the Davemaster situation as well. The second video shows gameplay footage of one of those games mentioned in the first video. Hope you enjoy both and take care!
I came across this tonight while looking at Jeff Gerstmann's Blog. He stated that he has ordered one and is thinking of getting a Japanese game. Now I bought one myself for the hell of it (because you know, I want to play Brawl) but I am not going to import Brawl at this moment since I would like to find out first if it actually works. I was on the NeoGaf forums and there was a thread about it and had some interesting scenarios about firmware updates and the like. Also, people in there are talking about how the Freeloader for GC doesn't work anymore if you have Firmware 3.0. I don't know if its because I have the most recent version or what but I have a Freeloader and it works fine and my firmware is at 3.1.
Now I honestly hope this works now with Brawl entirely (Wi-Fi and all) since it will save me having to wait months for it to come out here and will make my day. If I find out it doesn't because of certain reasons I seen in that thread, then I will be disappointed to say the least and will just sell this on (provided that someone wants it). Too bad there ain't anything like this for the 360 so I can play Rock Band asap and everything would be perfect.
Here is the thread.
Will keep you updated on this situation and whether or not I import it. Later guys.
Hello folks and welcome to another Rant Attack edition. You might remember me doing one of these a few months ago and it was up a few days or before the whole Jeff Gerstmann incident occurred.
This one is about release dates in the gaming industry and my problems with it. I do mentioned that there could be valid reasons behind the delays and that but sometimes they tend to be BS ones like the one apparently from Reggie about Brawl not coming here until Autumn (although the date on here says June 6, which I hope is the right one). Now looking at this one, I think I could have done a better job. Like one thing for example I probably should have mentioned is that we sometimes tend to get games before the US does but since that is rarity, it got pushed aside.
Let me know what you guys think as I appreciate your comments on your views since I know some of you out there have certain problems with it like myself. Enjoy the video and keep on gaming!
Hello people of Gamespot. This is Darro with another episode of Darro's Dominion and this edition is a special one, as I do something I never done before and that is open up a package and reveal to you guys what's inside. So if you''re the kind of guy that likes that thing, then you'll love this. I also talk briefly about Devil May Cry 4, Rainbow Six Vegas and Lost Odyssey, as well as other acquisitions.
Anyway, leave comments, questions (hardly) and I will see you guys next time.
EDIT: Actually I am wrong in that I already did open a package before, which was the Wii one when I acquired it on launch day oer a year ago. And the cables I showed you are stereo leads.
What is wrong with me? Seriously, this month I am going a bit reckless with the spending for some strange reason. I said I wasn't even going to get anything this month really and basically that promise went out the bloody window when I got Lost Odyssey and since then, its just been getting worse and worse.
But hey I got all that for £29.99 + £15.00 p & p so I think its not all bad considering the fact that Mike has told me its much dearer to get Sega/Mega CDs in the US. But I sent a message to the seller asking if there is any chance I can get it without the Mega Drive since I already have one. No reply yet and if he doesn't reply by tomorrow, then I will just go ahead and pay for it.
What's next, a Neo-Geo or a Phillips CD-I? :P
UPDATE: Got a message that went something like this:
Hi, thanks for bidding on my item. Unfortunately everything has to go as one item. All the value is really in the Mega CD anyway. Wish I could help but I'd just be stuck with the MegaDrive. Regards Gordon
Ah well, will sell the Mega Drive anyway since I don't want to have one lying about but then again, it would be good to have a spare in case the one I am using brakes. What do you guys think I should do?
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