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Darrogamer06 Blog

The Acoustic Solution!

Hey guys. Thanks to all of you thus far that voted on which game will be featured in this weekend's Darro's Delights. Thus far 4 of the games have 3 votes each so a few more have to vote perhaps to determine an actual winner. If there is a draw, then I will make the final decision on what game will be featured between the ones that have the same number of votes. Look out for the return episode of Darro's Delights anyway this weekend.

Anyway, I told you guys all about my TV problem in that certain inputs were not displaying anymore. Well, I just decided to get a new TV anyway rather than pay for repairs because the repairs might have been pretty dear as well considering what the problem is. It is not an established brand one because quite frankly I just wanted the cheapest 26 inch HD ready LCD TV there is. The TV in question is an Acoustic Solution one and even though it doesn't have a PC input like the previous one did, it has component input and a HDMI input therefore I can get a HDMI cable to use for the PS3 and not bother with the DVI to HDMI one anymore. I think it looks nicer than the previous one as well. Here it is:

So finally I will be able to play my 360 in HD again because for the last two nights, I was playing Lego Star Wars: TCS with Denis and half the time I could barely see since it was just so dark and gloomy. Now I won't have that problem anymore.

Until then, take care and keep on gaming!


Darro's Delights WILL return this weekend!

Hey guys. I have been saying this a while now about that I will return to doing Darro's Delights then another month goes by and still nothing. Well, as the late great Owen Hart (WWF wrestler for those who don't know) said, "Enough is enough and its time for a change!" Well it is time for a change and this weekend will definitely see the return of Darro's Delights with its 19th episode.

But before I start again, I am asking you guys out there which one of the following five games would you like to see featured on this return episode. Whatever games gets the most votes by Friday night will be the game featured on episode 19 of Darro's Delights. So which one will it be? Here is your list folks:

1. Bubble Bobble

2. The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion

3. Super Smash Bros Melee

4. Super Metroid

5. WWE Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain

So think carefully and choose which one you would like to see and give reasons if you can but they aren't mandatory. Until then, take care and keep on gaming!


Take me down to the paradise city..

..Where the sign is green and the crashes are pretty. :P

Yes, I ended up getting Burnout Paradise after doing the ol trade 2 games in and get new release for 5 quid deal that Gamestop does. The games I traded in were NHL 08 (never going to play it anyway so why not) and Conan (will probably get it down the line when its cheap just to actually finish it off). Haven't played it yet but will be later even though I said that I won't be playing the 360 until I get this TV business sorted out. Ah well, I hardly keep my promises anyway. :P

Impressions of it will be in a upcoming blog. Until then, take care and keep on gaming!


Break From The 360!

Hey guys. I am going to be straight up honest with you guys and saying right now that I will not be on the 360 for the next few weeks or how long it takes to get this TV business sorted out. I just can't play it on composite because for some reason, games be somewhat darker even if the brightness is up and I am being somewhat of a graphics geek but after playing the 360 on HD, there is no way I can go back and get used to playing it on crappy composite again.

I will be playing some old stuff like Dreamcast and Playstation and the Super Nintendo also and there is nothing really I am dying to play on it anyway until around the end of February so I am sure I will have everything sorted out by then. So you will know the reason why you won't see me on Live for the next while.


What are the chances?

GTA Rolling Out April 29

What an absolute coincidence. The release date of my most anticipated game of 2008 is released on none other than my own birthday provided it stays that way. I couldn't be more thrilled with this and looking forward to play as Nikolai come my 23rd birthday. Its going to be pretty damn swell if all goes well.

Top 20 Favourite Games Part 2


Hello once again. Here I bring you the second part of my top 20 favourite games ever at this moment in time and if you seen the top 10 video I did last year, you will notice the differences because there are some inclusions and some omissions. I hope you enjoy the show anyway and also, please take a look at the blog below since I want to find out if there is some sort of solution.


TV Mystery!

You won't believe how mad I am right now because of my TV. No it isn't broken or fully broken you can say more like. I will tell you what happened now and the reason why I am mad.

Right, I was going to put on thte PS3 and change the settings back to normal composite since I was taken it back down to my brother's room. I turn on the TV and all of a sudden, there is no channel popping but instead the same menu that came up the first time I switched on the TV and I was like "What the ****?!" Then I went flicked through the different sources like the scarts and that and seen that the PC and DVI sources were not showing up AT ALL. I tuned the channels in but I just don't get why all of a sudden, this occurred. To me, if this problem can't be fixed then the TV is worthless since I rather play my Xbox 360 in HD now rather than go back to crappy composite.

Has anything like this happen to you guys? I don't know what to do because I believe everytime I switch it on now I will have to tune in everything again. Its just a total mystery. I only played Shenmue last night and everything was fine and all of a sudden, this happens. I will probably get a new TV if this problem is unfixable.


Top 20 Favourite Games Part 1


To celebrate a year today I acquired this laptop, I present to you guys the first part of my top 20 favourite games ever at this moment in time. I did a top 10 video around this time last year and since then, some things have changed and you will see for yourself. All of you who watched my Best Day Ever video will know what No 1 is already (unless I changed my mind like Talor and Mike did :P). So enjoy!


An Impulse Buy?

I think so but who cares? Its Okami and anything associated with that game is fine by me. Plus the cover looks awesome. Who knows when I will get it but I will let you know when I do.