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Darth-Revan45 Blog

Myspace Rants number 60 "George W Bush good" [Orioginaly Posted March 21 2006]

[NOTE: these are just my views I do know that I will prlobly be criticised but I dont care] I am getting pissed off at all of the people flaming Bush. First off he was elected around the time when we were just **** chuted by terrorists with 9/11, Pentagon bombing, Iraq and the Koreans. We were looking for Weapons of Mass destruction but the ### #### UN just went "abba dubba hubba jigga [Fart] [Fart] [Fart] ****!" and basicly told Iraq "The Americans are looking for your nukes run like **** and W got blamed by the ######### for rushing into a war. Listen to me now, We are wining in Iraq and Afganistan, we have captured Sudam Hussein, we have also taken down several big terrorists and we brought Democracy to Iraq. I think thats pretty damn good. Also people say that "uhhhh Bush is a dumb #### who in their ####### mind would vote for him" but he has used words that I dont know and I know a lot of big words [but I dont use them]. Lets look at our last 2 Democratic canidates, first John Kerry a "Veteran" from Vietnam who is a major flip flopper who cant make up his mind and if we voted for him the Draft would be back. Also his Purple Hearts were for injuries that could be fixed with a damn band aid. Next is Al Gore, he did beat Bush in the popular votes but the Electoral College knew what was right. Well he did steal money from somewhere and made Illegal contacts while he was VP even though he wasnt indited. And well hes a ###### bag. I will write new Rants soon as I get new material peace out dumbasses!

Myspace Rants 52: Swearing is a sin [Orrigionaly Posted March 4 2006]

[NOTE] {just a stupid opinion I wrote after reading the first article posted on here} What the **** just check out this link It says we will go to hell for cursing. **** YOU FOR TRYING TO CHANGE US! They are just words you butt ****. Another link to stop swearing **** YOU TOO. And the biggest **** of all A mackine that kills swears, kiss my #### you uncle ****a. And more "#####-## #####-###'s"$ . Listen to me there is nothing wrong with ****ing swearing I do it and I am fine now go **** a ##### you soccer mom ######## ass jackers. $= some pig lattin stuff I wrote but it was easy to translate so I bleeped it out.

Myspace Rants 54: Americas prloblems [Orrigionaly posted March 6 2006]

I love America but we are **** up [for more understanding of this rant and my points pick up a George Carlin book]. First off we have gone from a Country trying to get independence from England [who was being a total ### ##### to us] to a country of ###### boomers, HollyWoods, Californians, Liberals, Mega Hippies, Flag Burners and other lower forms of #### holes. People are trying to remove captial punishment from our judical system [the chair and lethal injection]. I personaly would like to see a "#### Cracker" which is a stick of Dynamite attached to someones ####, or we should get all of those soft ####### and make them watch as they are locked in a cage with 5 Lions trying to eat them. We should have a Channel called "Death TV" which is just people being killed and its sister Station "Suicide TV" people killing themselves. We should also get some of the biggest #### ups in the country out of 4 categories [murders, drug adicts with over 10 strikes, pedophiles and rapists and mega retards] and release them onto a floating fenced in Island made of 2 feet thick Titanianium and Steel and have 4 cages 1 for each class of dumb ####. and build a city and place all of our Illegal Drugs in the drug tank and give the murders guns give the retards retard stuff and the pedophiles the children Miachel Jackson raped to death. And we shuld broadcast that to must see TV beleive me. We also need a REAL WAR VIDEOS channel since we just love to see **** get blown up. This would thin the heard of ##### ups and give us the real, vilolent, horny, alchoholic, fat assed americans we know and love so we can control the country from these ###### yuppie Baby Boomers.

Myspace Rants number 56 "health" [Orrigionaly Posted March 8 2006]

[NOTE] I wrote this in anger at how obssesed with health we are. I am sorry for no Rants in 5 ####### days* but I have been busy trying to read all of the buletins I got after my friends DOUBLED from 50 to 130 in 3 days**. Well I am tierd of how crazy we are with health, milk for an example. Back in the old day there was just "Milk" now theres 1%, 2%, whole, lactose intolerent, soy WHAT THE #### SOY MILK!!!! That is like making Tofu Steak it is a ###### disgrace. and that is why I dont drink milk I got no idea what the #### you need to drink. And telling people not to eat red meat, listen ##### suckers that was back when we did not have preservants now if you get a pork chop bite the #### out of it you retards! We care way to ####### ### #### much about how we look and feel, One of the greatest comedians of all time George Carlin [who was born in the 30's] and his friends swam in rew sewage and that killed the weak ones and strenghend their imune system. Lets bring this back have our children swim in raw sewage for 30 minnutes a day, if they wont go in a shot in the head for being such a ### #### #####. I under stand cigaretes since that will kill you but, some people are mega ###### vegans [which will kill you faster than being on the bottom while ####### Rosie O'Donnel] but they shove 3 cig's in their gullet and smoke away. We care so much but we are to stupid to know what will actuly kill us because the comapnies are to busy padding their pockets because Americans wont listen because our head is up our ass! GIT R DONE!!!!! and eat a ###### steak. * It was 5 days since I posted one on there. ** Myspace has friend requests and I added a lot of people during that time, there is also a buletin system which got filled up a lot faster.

Myspace Rants Number 59 [posted March 17 2009]

[Note] I wrote this after my disgust with a new comercial from Verizion wireless which had a guy with a Razr insulting a guy with a "lame" cellphone, Also this is my newest one and is way better written than the first one. I hate how stupid we are geting with technology. In a previous Rant I mentioned needing a Plasma Tv, Satelite Tv or some stupid ass transfer box to watch TV in 2009. I do not even need to say how ####### much that will waste our money. I also hate the Razr phone or as I call it "#### enhancer", I beleive anyone who buys a lot of expensive gadgets is comphensating for god dealing them a bad hand. Sorry if you are gigantic and jave a Razer phone [sarcasticly] god bless you. Also all of the #### in cell phones, internet, video games, V Cast[Ugghh], anal thermonetors, phazers, brain transplanter. I rember when we had cell phones with out this #### in em and we should go back to that. And the I Pod or "Screw the CD companies I wanna not pay them" [I know that sucked] it is taking money out of the Artists and it holds 1000 songs, one ####### thousand songs I can not think of 100 songs so how the #### could I need 1000 songs. All this technology is ####### me off and I cant wait till the year 3000 when all of it explodes like it should of in 2000.

First Myspace Blog [10-7-05]

[Authors Note] I was just real mad when I wrote this on Myspace and now I have started to get my facts straighter. And I write them more coherently now. Hi welcome to my weekly rants on life*, if you dont like em go #### yourself. Gas prices are to high we should dig in Alaska to get more oil I dont care what anyone says about it. The country is to taboo about inbreeding [doin your cousin] I say who the #### cares if people wanna do that let em. Besides we are all in the same family since we decended from Adam and Eve. So I say if Donna and J.C wanna marry eachother dont get ###### since you marryed your cousin to. Read next week since I will have more topics to #### off people. *I was going to write them weekly but now I have gone to doing it whenever I feel like it and I currently have almost 60 Rants on Myspace.

Issac Hayes quit south park

Okay first off I havent posted a blog in a real long time since I been workin on a Myspace one more [add me and check it out]. I also plan to copy some of them to here with several parts edited out due to obscenity. Now to the Blog. Issac Hayse quit south park due to a mocking of Scientology, he is being a hipocrit [spelled wrong] since South Park made fun of Christians, Jews and Muslims a lot to. I just hope they do a respectfull kill off for him.

Perfect Dark review-N64,2000

I love this game it was made in 2000 but is extremely adictive.Heres the review scale thing I stole from a GameFaq review Gameplay 9/10 This is one of the best games for this ive ever seen. The controls are easy and can be changed and since i played Goldeneye [same controls] it was easy to learn. I enjoyed that they fixed things in goldeneye in this like destructable enviroments and a smarter AI that can shoot over rails and walls, they also wont go through walls anymore. There is also one of the best multiplayers which is better than Halo's since it can have 12 players but the only prloblem is the 4 player split screen which gets anoying. Also the enimies moved more realisticly than in goldeneye which was great. Story 8/10 This game had a good story Joanna Dark [you] goes on missions to stop the Skedar and Datadyne [the bad guys]. There are also GREAT cutscenes which are beautiful. Sound,Graphics 10/10 Beautiful game for a N64 game and was the best game on there. The characters, enviroments and weapons are very well done and the reload animations were amazing. The game sounded great to it had good music the enemies would respond to what you do if you knock their gun out of their hand they say "my gun" and look for it and will yell at you a lot. Finaly the guns all sounded great. Replayability 10/10 The great multiplayer and unlocking cheats make the game better and more enjoyable after youve beaten all of the missions. Final score 10/10 Buy this game it is why a lot of people I know have a N64 BUY IT!

Bring back Futarama

Futarama was a great show you pricks at Fox I will personaly kill the man that canceld it for the hell of it. I dont have cable so I cant watch it on adult swim I want it back.

Reality Tv

Reality Tv sucks! I think that it is only made by commie douche bags who are to cheap to pay writers and actors. The only ones I like are the ones that arent useless to people like "Americas Most Wanted" or "Americas Funniest Videos" because everyone enjoys a football in the nad's. "Idol" is now a pice of crap CANCEL IT BEFORE I KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!!!