@Dasein808: You clearly do not know what you are talking about. You throw academia terms around without putting the pieces together in a coherent factual argument.
So you are either two things.
1) You are a bullshitting right wing troll pretending to be otherwise and peddling this conspiracy theory in the guise of neutrality to attack those who disagree with the game.
2) A completely fucking idiot on the highest order who doesn't know shit about the modern usage of the term, or how factually wrong and morally disgusting this conspiracy theory is. Then you have the stupidity to use the words on a gaming board, known areas that peddle such bullshit ideas.
So choose one, regardless, you are complete shit.
When you can't support your own argument, try and smear your opposition.
Yeah, you're done and have been for some time now.
My "attack" (i.e. criticism) on games journalists that are criticizing a game for not shoehorning in their preferred form of politics (i.e. Social Justice) has everything to do with an ideology that advances the "no both sides" intolerance of the weak incapable of debate. Imagine my surprise that you also fall into those ranks.
Whether or not its proponents realize it, "Social justice" in its present form stems from an ideology of victimhood (i.e. oppressor vs. oppressed) intended to tear down all forms of establishment and tradition by sowing enough discord to ideally pave the way for the glorious cultural revolution and it goes back decades. Your ignorance surrounding such matters is hardly surprising as the only people generally exposed to it have a background in either English or Philosophy.
Across the U.S., Critical Theory (i.e. that cultural Marxist "conspiracy theory") is part of the curriculum for all English majors. I didn't even know what a "SJW" was a few years ago because I don't use social media or pay much attention to millenials in general, but as I began looking into their beliefs, I immediately recognized the ideas that they were espousing and from whom they originated. What I could not understand was why this otherwise obscure form of literary criticism had suddenly gained a foothold in mainstream society, but the death of Occupy Wall street in 2011, the acknowledgement that the government had been actively surveilling the movement through the Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the existence of social media quickly clarified the how and why.
Apparently, the government failed to predict the viral social media spread by useful idiots once the Occupy threat had been neutralized through Balkanization. It was now cool to be "woke," to talk about the "politics of privilege," to invoke the progressive stack, to obsess over identity politics and view people as members of groups rather than as individuals, and to finger wag at elders' perceived somnambulance.
@Dasein808: You clearly do not know what you are talking about. You throw academia terms around without putting the pieces together in a coherent factual argument.
I know exactly what I'm saying.
Your rational-wiki "muh right wing conspiracy theory" response is hilariously predictable and you are the last person that should be making accusations about being unable to put "the pieces together in a coherent factual argument" given your inability to address: any of your contradictions, any of the questions I have asked you repeatedly, or even provide the most basic example(s) of anything that led you to believe that Ubi, by creating a prologue promotional video, was evidence that they intended to more deeply "explore" the socio-political subject matter of their latest release.
I'm neither of your ad-hom accusations, but since you can't support your own claims, it's clear that it's all you have left.
So we've now established: You don't own the game, you can't support your claims, and ultimately, you're simply parroting the opinions of your fellow "activist" journalist morons who are desperately trying to incorporate their politics into everything.
Get fucked and stay stupid, useful idiot.
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