The Far cry series is sloppy in its messaging however because the games are very poorly written and forces their themes, in FC5 being so cowardly that its about being nothing at all.
And if you really want the main reason why GTA V spanks FC5 is that GTA V isn't afraid to offend people, like South Park. FC5 on the other hand is so afraid of offending people outside of blue comedy moments, that everything falls flat.
It seems to me that you and "woke" games journalists are offended that the cult depicted doesn't reflect the present day "fascist/nazi" insurgency taking over the U.S. (i.e. "There are non-white people in the cult which offends me because I wanted them to be horribly racist/fascist caricatures of Republicans/Christian fundamentalists!!!")
It sounds like you'd also complain about the lack of "messaging" in a Michael Bay film or the music of the average boy band.
Contrary to the beliefs of "woke" millenials, not everything needs a "right side of history" (must be great knowing the future) message.
Maybe stick to tween games about adolescent girls? I hear they have great "messaging." (i.e. "Like, I think I might be a lesbian, but I'm not hella sure. Oh well, time to go take some Polaroids because retro things are hella cool. I also need to pick up some manic panic and re-dye my hair. Did I tell you that I heard Mr. so and so is like a total chimo? Hella icky.")
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