This thread angers the blood.
Dasein808's forum posts
Disagree if you want, it's true.
Look at Battlefront 2, female protagonist. Call Of Duty: WW2, black female characters. Battlefield 1, Female protagonists.
MKX, females designed to not look like hookers. Injustice 2, females actually wear clothes.
The only group who are far behind the curb are the Japanese and even those guys are editing games for the West.
Stuff like Quiet was embarrassing by 2016 standards.
I don't care about any of those games or whether their protagonists are non-male / non-white.
I wouldn't play any of them regardless of the characters.
I was disagreeing with your original troll claim.
Gamersgate is a terrible group that sends bomb threats to educated woman actually trying to move gaming away from 14 year old power fantasies.
SJW is just a really poor label to dismiss valid arguments. This guy isn't racist at all, people are just contorting it as such because they perceive Mass Effect as progressive.
Which it is. And the way all games are going.

And this is precisely why, the oh so tolerant, SJWs are reviled by anyone with a brain.
"Bu-bu-bu-but PoC can't be racist against wypipo cuz racism = power + privilege (according to two radical activist sociologists who took it upon themselves to redefine the term). Like, how not woke are you? Don't you know your 'dictionary' definition is outdated? You misogynistic, transmisogynistic, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, fascist, nazi, bigot ****?!"
Last I heard, this piece of shit was fired from BW, but BW's been cancerous for years, so it's not like his departure can save them.
I believe its death was brought about by younger gamers who are unaccustomed to faster paced twitch shooters. The TTK was too fast for many causing them to just throw their hands up and rage as a result. The rage was typically punctuated by declarations of Overwatch's casualized superiority, etc.
I enjoyed the game and I would continue playing it if they didn't opt to go full retard and completely alienate their existing hardcore (manly man) playerbase.
"So to the few hundred of you that are currently enjoying this game. We've decided to make some changes. All classes have had their health boosted, we've slowed down some of the more agile classes, and we're introducing regenerating health in order to negate the need to use the existing repair stations. Guys? Guys, where are you going? Wait we'll give some of you some free skins. Please don't go!"
I also don't think it helped that their Korean publisher opted to try and cheap out on marketing by going the social media route.
Wtf is wrong with weebs?!
I know this stuff exists, but seriously, wtf is your damage?
"I totally DON'T play these games because of the sexualized images of children. There's just so much more to the series ... "
I'm not sure what game you are talking about. I'm aware of RNG: Original Sin 2, but Divinity? Not sure...
Seriously, this circle-**** over D:OS2 is going set RPGs back a decade or better. The entire game is based around RNG. Everything from loot drops, to ability/spell rolls, to crafting. How is that at all fun? I just don't get it at all.
I remember playing the "Enhanced" Edition of the first one and 12+ hours in I had yet to see an upgrade for any of my characters over stuff I got in the first hour or two. Not to mention how annoying/cheesy the CC was. Every battle was either a cake-walk or a frustrating slog solely depending on who landed their opening CC abilities.
None of that has really changed in the sequel, all they did is paste a marginally less ridiculous/poor-written/cliche story and add even more RNG systems.
It is unbelievably frustrating to see D:OS and D:OS2 get such high praise when the only "RPG" elements that the game has are the character customization and combat. The story-telling, characters, and interactions are worse than mediocre in both games.
These sound like the complaints of a millenial who never even played actual pen and paper RPGs.
RNG has ALWAYS defined traditional RPGs.
Hit dice much? Saving throws? Perception checks? etc.
As someone who hasn't enjoyed an RPG in years, I took the plunge and picked this up and I am beyond pleased. Isometric turn-based RPGs are the way a CRPG should be presented. For all the comparisons to Baldur's Gate I've seen, I actually see more similarities to Ultima VI. The backpack/container interface is straight outta U6 and my first interaction with it brought back the old school nostalgia as I dragged it around the screen.
I think it deserves GotY recognition, but I also recognize that this is console spot.
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