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#1 Dasein808
Member since 2008 • 839 Posts
@texasgoldrush said:

@Dasein808: You are such a dumbass. If these humanities departments are brainwashing us with "cultural Marxism" then they are doing a really shitty job. Or how about, they aren't?

Once again, playing right into the hands of the far right yet again. You never cease to amaze.

The term "SJW" is a strawman and is used as such.

These useless instigated controversies wouldn't be happening if it weren't for the allure of "woke" twitter celebrity.

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#2 Dasein808
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@texasgoldrush said:

@Dasein808: And here you are, spouting the exact conspiracy theory like the far right. Congratulations, William S. Lind

Reality check. No such thing exists outside of academic circles and its rarely used in those circles. The only modern mainstream use of the term is from right wing nutjobs who blame "SJW" (in itself a strawman and another pejorative from the alt right) for ruining their country or their games. Also once again, through your failure to grasp political thought, Marxism and social liberalism (which these games actually espouse) are totally different and even at odds.

Once again, through all your pseudo-intellectual goop, you fail to realize the fact that the vastly majority of the time, and in the case of One Angry Gamer, "cultural marxism" is used as a right wing and many cases anti-semetic conspiracy.

I think you are an alt right nutjob myself, you use their theories and their terminology. I present you with two choices....admit you are such or admit you are a fool.

I'm "spouting" the truth whether you like it or not.

You already know you're out of your depth so you're continuing your ad-hom trend.

I asked for your source.

Reality check. No such thing exists outside of academic circles and its rarely used in those circles. The only modern mainstream use of the term is from right wing nutjobs who blame "SJW" (in itself a strawman and another pejorative from the alt right) for ruining their country or their games. Also once again, through your failure to grasp political thought, Marxism and social liberalism (which these games actually espouse) are totally different and even at odds.

Reality check, it's the foundation of all of humanities departments in universities in the U.S. and has been for over 30+ years and it currently pervades all aspects of U.S. media.

The "SJW" term is not a strawman (look up what a strawman is please) and I already demonstrated as much in a previous post that highlighted the leftist extremism of those defined as such.

Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain: History, the New Left, and the Origins of Cultural Studies (Post-Contemporary Interventions)

Also once again, through your failure to grasp political thought, Marxism and social liberalism (which these games actually espouse) are totally different and even at odds.

And you continue to ignore the critics' actual arguments.

Once again, through all your pseudo-intellectual goop, you fail to realize the fact that the vastly majority of the time, and in the case of One Angry Gamer, "cultural marxism" is used as a right wing and many cases anti-semetic conspiracy.

I never claimed to care about "One Angry Gamer" my objection had to do with your misrepresentation of the term "cultural marxism" as some kind of white supremacist "dog-whistle."

It's not antisemitic to criticize dead people with bad ideas.

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#3  Edited By Dasein808
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How it is used in arguments today is basically a right wing attempt to blame Marxists and the Jews for "white culture being destroyed". If you deny this you are an idiot. Nazi Germany had a very similar philosophy to this, and this predated the very little used "Cultural Marxism" in reference to the Frankfurt School.

Wrong, it has nothing to do with "white culture being destroyed," but there are some right wing extremists that paint it that way. As I already said, its stated goal is to subvert the political systems of the West by undermining its culture and traditions with the ultimate goal being the institution of a Communist system

The "cultural marxism" appellation came later as that was their explicitly defined method once they came to the realization that Marx's original prediction of a proletariat uprising against the bourgeoisie was not coming to pass and so they needed to refine their methods.

After the war, Gramsci and Lukács felt that the working class of Europe had been entranced by the success of Western democracy and the potential wealth afforded through a capitalist system. Under these conditions, they recognized that the predicted revolution would never come and that they needed to refine their strategy to pit others against one another. It was no longer a battle to be waged along economic lines, but now an assault on the culture and values of a society itself.

Second, The Frankfurt School people were NOT really socially liberal and viewed by many as aloof.

This has 0 to do with being liberal or conservative, but yes, these guys were the definition of "aloof" because they largely resided in the ivory tower of academia sniffing one another's farts.

Their ideas gained most of their academic traction in the 60s-90s with the 2nd and 3rd generation Critical Theorists and postmodernists.

Also "cultural Marxism" was used as a criticism of the school by other Marxists, which comes from left wing criticism. It was not an idea of itself, it was a wording of criticism.

Yes, they were the traditionalists who still believed in the possibility of Marx's prediction of eventual economic revolution. The term "cultural marxism" is one that, most recently, has largely been adopted by members of the right, often not formally trained in the discipline, in order to describe the motivations of the Frankfurt School and Critical Theory in general; because the other two labels are less explicit to the uninitiated.

Also throughout history, Marxism movements turned out to be very socially conservative. Social liberalism comes from enlightenment ideas, not Marxism, which is the elements we are talking about in gaming. Equating the Frankfurt School with games featuring socially liberal ideas is absolutely moronic. And thinking the Frankfurt School is taking over culture is conspiracy theory level idiocy.

Keep thinking that this is a liberal vs. conservative issue.

It's not.

No, what we're talking about in gaming is the deliberate subversion and division of a culture through strawman arguments in the face of clear SJW political motivation and deliberate provocation. Cry all you want about my usage of the "SJW" term, but it's appropriate and I've already delineated what separates an actual liberal from an SJW.

The Frankfurt School's ideas are not "taking over culture," but they're definitely being pushed (i.e. the Identity politics obsession of the last 5+ years, constant promotion of the opressor/oppressed dichotomy in the form of "marginalization").

It has long ago taken over every humanities department at universities across the U.S. and the people trained under that ideology frequently go on to media based careers that do influence culture.

Sadly, the ultimate political motivations of these theorists are rarely discussed in detail with undergraduates.

And not used as a neo Nazi conspiracy? You really know nothing.

I already said that neo Nazi morons misrepresent the criticisms of the school to promote the "muh white culture destruction" meme, and then radical leftist idiots like you misrepresent the criticism of anyone else as evidence of white supremacy / nazi beliefs.

I assure you, I know a **** of a lot more about this subject than your whining millenial ass.

It was only the focus of the majority of my undergraduate career.

Also, wtf is the source for that moronic radical leftist wet-dream rebuttal of a pyramid reflecting right wing extremist misrepresentations?

Please tell me it's rational-wiki.

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#4  Edited By Dasein808
Member since 2008 • 839 Posts
@texasgoldrush said:

... espousing neo Nazi conspiracy theories like Cultural Marxism

Still going with that, eh?

The members of the Frankfurt school, who later gave way to the more contemporary critical theorists, were largely unabashed communists looking to use their methodologies to subvert the political systems of the West by undermining its culture and traditions. They never hid these facts.

The fact that the majority of them were also Jewish does not exempt them from criticism, but nice try on the "anti-semitism" claim.

Sure, "cultural marxism" is a neo nazi conspiracy theory. /s

Also, Quack summed up the actual nature of the criticism that I've seen versus your (and the recently departed EA exec's) pathetic strawman that the complaints were due to the "inclusion" of women.

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#5  Edited By Dasein808
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@RR360DD said:

Battlefield has been a bit shit since 3. No interest in V at all...

Agreed. 3 was the last one I played and it marked the beginning of the franchise's dilution to accommodate consoles' limitations.

I haven't played it yet, but Post Scriptum looks to be the better WW II fps from what I've seen due to their CA-style obsession with historical accuracy.

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As an Indie, they might not have the production value of the frostbite engine, but they seem to have an actual passion for the history.

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#6 Dasein808
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@BassMan said:

He walked away with a $20,000,000 bonus that was to try and get him to stay. So, I don't really think he gives a fuk.

I wasn't aware of that, but if that's the case then EA have apparently learned nothing.

"Let's try to retain the guy who's insulting and making baseless accusations against our customer base. His strategy is brilliant and surely won't backfire."

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#7 Dasein808
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@R10nu said:
@quadknight said:

The marketing so far for this game has been shit, probably the worst I've ever seen.

Not just marketing, but PR in general. EA VP out and told the fans not to buy the game.

The schadenfreude is real.

AAA devs, keep trying to shoehorn your social justice crap into gaming and using the, "gamers are misogynists" bit. It looks like it's working out great for you guys.

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#8  Edited By Dasein808
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Why are 4x / turn based strategy titles largely non-existent on consoles?

Are the rumors about consolite intellect true?

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#9 Dasein808
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Slitherine continuing to improve. Not up to AAA standards yet, but each of their 40k titles appears to have been more successful than the last and it's showing in the improved production quality between titles.

A bit stripped down for a 4x, (i.e. no diplomacy, and a barebones tech tree), but I've been having fun because Slitherine titles tend to capture the burlier aspects of some of the 40k units; so your tactical marines blasting an ork war boss square in the face may yield as little as .3 damage, lol.

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#10  Edited By Dasein808
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@luxuryheart said:

Media and journalism has always been pretty crappy. No journalism is without bias, that's a fact. Even you have a bias, though you'll probably claim you don't like most journalists and be hypocritical. Here's the thing, PEOPLE are writing the articles, and PEOPLE have bias. Gamer Gate is right on that. The best journalism isn't one without bias because that's impossible, the best journalism are the ones with the most sources and facts to back their argument.

I never stated that journalism is without bias. It's amusing that millenials seem to believe that they have made this great epiphany about human nature, but the fact is, actual "professionals" recuse themselves from assignments if they believe they may have a conflict of interest (i.e. being friends with the individual in question.)

I've even seen idiot games journalists from the publications in question make the same argument, "Like everyone's biased, so like, who really cares about trying to maintain 'objective' distance."

Wrong answer. GTFO of media if you want to spout postmodern vaguery as justification for being an unscrupulous piece of garbage.

The best journalism is that which strives for objectivity and coverage of facts; not the kind that looks to insert their own political opinions or do favors for friends. If you want to work for media that does such things in the realm of games, then get your publication off of metacritic.

I place 0 value in games journalists' reviews, but it's been stated repeatedly that many games studios' hinge potential developer bonuses on metacritic scores. It's bullshit that their livelihoods should be impinged upon by publications with clear political agendas.

@luxuryheart said:

However, here is where Gamer Gate is wrong and sexist. They acted like gaming journalism wasn't like that before. They're just now throwing a bitch fit because a woman broke up with her ex, and screwed a few guys in the industry. Really? This happens in every career. This is why people are suspicious. Journalism has been biased, women AND men have been sleeping around for a come up, and gaming in journalism isn't even that important. It's not like Zoe Quinn is a Congress member or Senator, or running for President. It's not like she was a higher up in Obama's administration, so what do they gain from exposing her?

No, they didn't. They acted like there was a clear case of sexism (i.e. the attempted coverup) which favored a woman and they were right.

If you actually read my previous post then you'd see how these publications were chomping at the bit to cover Brad Wardell's (at the time unresolved) sexual harassment case, but chose to circle the wagons and attack their audience when it came to a woman developer involved in a similarly tabloid-esque salacious issue involving conflict of interest.

Most people didn't care that she cheated; he also broke up with her for the record. You'd know this if you had actually read his post.

What bothered people was that a journalist she was fucking subsequently wrote an article about 50 indie games and gave her "non-game" top billing as a favor to a friend. This is indisputable conflict of interest in any professional field.

Again, the focus (from non-3rd party trolling groups known for trolling the relatives of the recently deceased) was less about exposing her and more about exposing the unapologetic corruption of certain gaming media outlets, but the horrible "cis-het white males are the worst" narrative needed to be pushed. So here we are.