Lets go over this again, shall we.
No, I'm fucking done repeating myself to your ignorant ass.
And here is what you don't get, both parts are part of the whole conspiracy peddled by the right. ... There is no conspiracy by the Frankfurt School to cause instability to promote revolution.
WRONG! Do you have any idea who Georg Lukács or Herbert Marcuse were?
No, you clearly don't.
How about the fact that Marcuse predicted that the next Communist revolution's vanguard would be composed of: blacks, gays, and women? Interesting when you consider the recent prominence of: Black Lives Matter, increased emphasis on trans-rights,and radical intersectional feminism.
Oh yeah, then there's also the fact that many of these people also identify as communists/socialists. Most of them were also educated in the humanities in the U.S. which is monopolized by Critical Theory.
When Critical Theory is criticized, the radical left's tactic, as always, is to try and dismiss the criticism as a "racist conspiracy theory" when the motivations of the Frankfurt school are made abundantly clear in their own writings.
The members of the school and their ideas were far left radical and they still are today.
Like many SJWs of today, they also regarded themselves as the intelligentsia of the coming revolution. You are an absolute idiot if you deny these facts.
There is no conspiracy by the Frankfurt School to cause instability to promote revolution.
You are beyond ignorant.
It's the reason that the school formed in the first place! The first sentence of the wiki entry:
The Frankfurt School (German: Frankfurter Schule) is a school of social theory and philosophy associated in part with the Institute for Social Research at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Founded during the interwar period, the School consisted of Western Marxist[1]dissidents uncomfortable with existing capitalist, fascist or communist systems.
"Wikipedia confirmed NAZIS!
They were just a Marxist tea group that liked to gather to discuss their contentment for their existing government!"
Actually, they were allies with the communist agitators in Weimar Germany, but they had to flee to the U.S. in the face of the Nazi threat, so they shifted the focus of their revolutionary goals to their new home! This is no conspiracy theory, read their actual works. They make no attempt to conceal their political leanings, goals, or the methods they could utilize to achieve those goals.
So shut the hell up.
How about you? Your ignorance is nauseating and I'm sick of repeating myself to you as you dodge questions and ignore what is being said.
The origins and purposes of the Frankfurt School and Critical Theory are not a conspiracy and it's not "antisemitic" to criticize an ideology just because some Jewish intellectuals contributed to it, but that's a standard SJW tactic.
The criticism is of the individuals and their ideas not of an entire body of people, you worm.
You are insufferable.
Stay stupid.
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