@prashanna_bds: Although I dont fully agree with you, I enjoyed the game. Story was ok, but, it moved along pretty well and didn't get stale along the quest. Creepy story and it kept you along with it.
Most of the COD games had a good campain mode on them,. I finally finished up Advanced Warfare last week. WOW what an great end of a good story.
The title above on COD 4: Modern Warfare on the 360 is claimed as one of the top 5 hardest games available when on the hardest mode...You want a challange, give that a shot... I am about 1/2 way through, it's a game I have been playing for 2 years now, as I get stuck on a level, I come back to it later...Dam, very hard (I did finish it in stanard mode).
There is a few that are ok but, most of them were worth playing. COD Black Ops 3 I have been disapointed in so far but, only an hour or so into it... Not bad but, not great so far.
Iam an avid gamer but, prefer a GREAT story over a EPIC multiplayer game.
@beastmode: Hmmmm.... Upscaled... Let's see my TV does that natively anyway. Even better, I connect a PS2 to my 4K tv and NOW I can play PS2 games at 4K OMG...
Still looks like 10-15 year old games that look worse now...
@doggiezilla2: These posts are pointless...the PS4 and Xbox one are both great systems...everyone has their preferences here, so freaking what ? So u can play games that Xboxine owners can't and you can't play some Xbox games...
Get over it, after all, it's about the games...u want the best of both worlds? Get both... #SoWorthIt
DavidinCT's comments