@SIDEFX1 but, they do, they have the same value as your DVD you stick in your console, **IF** there is a marketplace to transfer/sell your licence to the digital game, then there is value.
Microsoft could grow this... and it could become huge. Think new game comes out, 2 weeks later you want it, you can go in to the store and pay $59.99 or buy the "used" digital copy for $45, what would you do ?
Let's see here. The WiiU has devs pulling from it because of the lack of sales, No big hot titles (besides the Nintendo games), They are dropping the prices on the systems, great but, if you cant get the titltes, how are you going to sell the systems ?
I wanted one but, after seeing the devs pull out and low title release count of big games, I dont think I will get one unless get one for like $100 or so, maybe just for the mario games but, even that is not worth spending $300+game costs compared what I will get with a Xbox one or PS4...
Sorry Nintendo, you have a LOT of work before you will see the WiiU in my living room and I play games almost every day...
I enjoyed Simcity 2000 a lot but, I only wanted a single player version. I wont pick this up till I can have a big map and build off line. If the hackers/Gamers make it so I can play off line and SAVE my games to reload them later, then I will but it.
I have no interest in dealing with the bugs and the mess from trying to just play the game. Dont get me wrong, I love online play on some games but, this is one game I wanted to do offline so I can go back to my "towns" later.
It's just like it was with the DS vs the PSP. If you owned both, you know the DS was a joke compared for graphics and everything else but, the DS had Mario and that is fun (funny, the same thing with the 3DS).
As for Burning Skies, I was looking forward to this one but, with a few just "OK" reviews, I'll wait this one out. I'll hold tight till I can get a used copy for $20, No way will I pay full retail for this one with bad reviews everywhere.
DavidinCT's comments