@ariyan-hm: Reviewers pretty much said 10-12 hours go to through the whole game. As there is a lot of bugs/control/camera issues, I am holding tight for a while, not about price about bugs. If I can get it cheaper 2-3 months from now, than that is just a perk.
I do want to experiance it tho...it sounds like a good game
SO, I have watched 7 reviews of this game and the general thing is, the game looks good, the worlds are well done and the story is something you wont forget. The reviews range from 7-9, so, it's a pretty good game over all based on that. I like these type of games as they are my favs.. (strong story based games). I always look over 3-5 different reviewers when I am questioning a game, as it gives me a good general thing on games.
The controlling issue sounds like something that might hold me back a little but, I really want to experience it. I'll wait a few months before getting it, let the updates come out for it, fix the bugs and then play it.
It's sad that after all this time, the biggest issue with reviewers are common ones against questionable games, camera angles and basic controls. I hope they are mostly addressed with updates.
Nice review and it goes over what other reviewers have said, so I would say almost spot on.
Now I just need to catch up on my back log of games I am trying to finish before starting another one. :-/
Well, I hope there is a lot more than the Original game... I can boot up my XP VM and play all the classic DOS games including Duke Nukem 3D with No problems and great framerates. I want to see a Nice HD upgrade of the original game and I might bite because I was a big fan of the original game but, Forever was meh...the game it self was ok but, the Duke part was old... Was not over all impressed.
Maybe just to bring back some memories and dump in some Xbox achievements with some new content...and maybe I will give $20 for it...but, if it's like $60... I'll wait till I can get a used one on ebay for $20... but, no more.
@eternalrogue198: Yea, there was not a single player mode ....if you count a 10 second video with a multiplayer game and again for about 5 times, a single player game...then maybe.
Over all if you like COD type games, Titanfall is a blast...Great game and looking forward to the 2nd one..
Mafia 3, Forza Horizon 3, those were my big favs....Zelda looks good but, after my disapointment with the tiles for the Wii and WiiU, I am not sure I am going to buy the NX
DavidinCT's comments