@Fallenlords69: It does not work both ways. You have portable models in or you don't. In it's current state the Nintendo Switch is defined as a portable device with a dock so you can view it on the TV.
I would put it together with the 3DS XL and the Vita as a portable. If you define it. You cant take a Xbox one or PS4 on the road like you can with the Switch.
As we step back a little, What would be defined as video game console ? A device that plays games, right ? Well from the 2600, its defined as system that takes a cartage or disc. So portables would fit in here as a "video game console" so they should be in the list.
@nintendians: Agreed for the most part. Modern games are still great to play and a lot of fun. Even some COD games have their level of fun but, they are different type games. If your looking for a good platform type game, there are modern games that are just as fun.
I started with a 2600 and had almost every system through out my life, I still have all modern systems besides the Switch (not yet at least). The depth of the games today is very enjoyable to play and very fun. Always depending on what TYPE of game you think is fun, there is many comparable games that would be just as fun if not more.
Not taking anything away from the classics by any means. They were great and fun games and will always be part of my life, if I can control it.
@jasonlc3221: Nothing wrong with the WiiU being your favorite system. Over all I found it disappointing system as AAA games go but, there is a selection of games that were awesome. That Mario 3D land game was the main game I got the system for (after LOVING the 3DS version) and it was well worth the cost of the system and the game.
Even the new Zelda is available for it, If you didn't want to grab a Switch yet. Great game and worthy to play.
##@dudebropartyyo: I might put GTA 5 to be 3 on the list. I think the story was great and the dynamic of playing with 3 different people made for a very interesting and entertaining game. No question Vice City was my fav and GTA 4 (with the 2 add-on stories) would be my 2nd.
A modern San Andreas would be very cool to play but, I would love for them to make GTA 6 a updated vice city...
@dinosaur_teeth: Yea, get Mario Cart 8 for the WiiU with the DLC, it's the same game... Wishing they made a whole new one, No question it's fun but, no major advantage of getting on the Switch over the WiiU...
@weapon_x57: Agreed, I didn't battle, I got them all (Xbox one, PS4 and WiiU). so I don't need to play favorites. Play Zelda on the WiiU, play Uncharted on the PS4 and play the new COD on the Xbox one (more friends on xbox than PS for mutli-player)
It's all good... I'm just after the games, not the drama like Fanbois like..
DavidinCT's comments