I have a Xbox one X. Although I am very temped and I normally buy a new Xbox console right away, I am going step back on this one a while.
Resume on games, works on the Xbox one X (Shutting off the console when a game is on pause) and it will resume the game. One game but, normally that is enough for me. Although I would use this, if had this feature. So I don't get that "I don't know what to play" thing, when I have games on pause.
The big thing it sounds like here is video that I can't really take advantage of fully(and not buying a new TV as mine is a very nice 2019 model) and speed of loading games. With a HUGE price tag, A 1tb storage is like $250-300, when I really would need AT least 2-4tb for my games ($500 for console and another $200-300 to give me about 1.7tb total).
No question I will get one at one point will hold back for a bit.
The visuals on my Xbox one X look great, so if I never use the Series X, I won't really notice the quicker load on my current games. There will be NO games for the Series X that won't be playable on a Day one Xbox one, just won't look as pretty, and I'll still get a solid 4K/60 on a lot of games on my current Xbox one X
Just wish it came with 2tb drive out the door for the $500 price point. 1tb on a 4K based console is a joke, maybe 5-11 games tops..
@zander80: You kid.. Adults TODAY who plays games will but, adults who are not into this type of stuff (and a good % is like that) or tech in general wont really know unless they do their homework. Most people don't have time or care to research tech. Just like it was years ago.
MOST parents, will hear the kid wants a Xbox one. The current choice is $300, or $500. What do you think all budget friendly parents who don't really know about this stuff will buy ?
Again, I feel back for the kid who won't be able to play physical games.
Physical games are cheaper, when you want a game that is 2-3 months old, you could buy a used copy, and pay $25-35, as in the Microsoft digital store, its' still $59.99. This happens ALL THE TIME. I watch prices on games, some games I buy day one and others I wait till there is a good value on it. I check eBay, stores, Facebook, I check digital copies and 95% of the time, that 2-3 month old game, I can get for like 40-80% cheaper than in the digital store.
Like I said, I see the value getting physical version. I collect games too. Some games I get digitally, like games I know I will be playing forever (like COD multiplayer for example) but, when the game is old, I end up buying a copy for cheap.
Talk to me in 20 years, when my game collection of current games is worth a few grand. "Most" of them I will drop and be able to play if want to, as your digital games are worth nothing (there is no value, you cant trade or sell a digital game), and there is good chance that will never be able to play again once they are delisted (and that will happen to a very good % of the games over 20 years) or the Xbox One is no longer supported, that date will come.
I get your point of being lazy and not getting to change a game, I hear ya but, getting more for my money is very important to me. And getting up to walk 5 feet to change a game, in my eyes, is not that big of a deal.
I just wish Microsoft made 2 models of the "S" like now, A $250 diskless one and one for $350ish with a drive.
I still will feel bad for that kid who gets a diskless model for Xmas (as getting a disc drive is $200 more to parents would lean towards the cheaper version) and their friend brings over a physical version of a game... that they can't play
@zander80: I just feel bad for the kid who gets a digital only console for Xmas because their parent does not know and their friend loans them a game... this is very common among younger kids. I did it back when I was a kid and I know it happens today.
When it comes to it, the parent, it's about the price point. They should release a disc less model for like $250 and a disc drive version for $350 and keep the flagship at $500. This would keep parents in the know(2 models, one with disc one with out), and would not make people spend $500 just to play their old physical games.
Let's see after 6 months after release how this goes... I bet a disc "S" version appears..
I will NEVER own a digital only console. Digital games are normally more expensive than you can find in the stores or a used copy (on month or 2 old games). If Microsoft ONLY had digital consoles, my current Xbox one X would be my last Microsoft console, same with Sony and Nintendo.
If day one releases were cheaper, say $10 cheaper, maybe because it would be good value but, when they charge the same price as retail copies, no way.
I think for the $60ish, I get a lot more for my money, I have a physical object, and 25 years from now, when this system is no longer, and the games are de-listed, it's possible (on MOST games), I could drop in the disc into a working system and play the game. This possibly wont apply to digital games, if you forget your account, or Xbox live on these systems are no more, you could not valiate your self to play the games.
Also, digital games have NO VALUE, if you sell off your games, or keep them as they could be collectable and worth money later, none of this applies to digital games.
@jyml8582: LOL... games are put out on release days and fixed with updates, that is the new norm. This will never change, maybe a few companies might but, for the most part, nope...
This is not a Nintendo N64, or SNES where games had to be bug free because there was no updating...
@darkelf83: Do you think that would actually happen ? Let's see, companies gave the green light to charge $69.99 per game, do you think they would actually stop trying to make as much money as they can ?
Everyone, vote with your wallet... it's the only way to say NO to this change.
@jbreez00: Right, the series you love, odds are you will jump for them but, the 2nd maybe games, that you might buy, a higher price would make you think more before buying...
DavidinCT's comments