@Bahamut50: I do agree and I can wait as I am not so much into the new consoles as I was an long time ago. I have my PCs that mainly use and I have my PS4 and Xbox X which I only turn on to update, get the GP and PSN freebies.
I stopped buy around 8am this morning, line around the building. People at the start of the line had tickets and many others with out.
I was going wait but, here we go, a CHANCE to get one if I get to the back of the line.
The quest goes on, I want a disc PS5....
I do have a good back log on my series X, maybe time to finish up some games..
Stopped by my local Best Buy this morning. Line AROUND the building, I was going to get in line but, people already had tickets. So odds are I would be losing time out of work for nothing.
@girlusocrazy: That has also caused the number of scalpers to drop. which is good.
BUT, PS5s are still going for $700+, I went on eBay saw a used one (disc version) bid $575, figure, I'll pay retail and little extra... THIS IS USED ONE, I got out bid and it went for $810.
Maybe they have dropped a little but, they are still asking top dollar for them.. And people are willing to pay the asking price.
Not me tho, retail + tax, maybe shipping but, no more.
Oh, great. In the store, Impossible for me. I have work, no way I am going to sit the day before in front of best buy to have a "chance" to get a PS5.
I went to my local best buy 2 weeks ago to get a game I ordered, There was a line around the building, I asked one people, what you waiting for, they said NEW video cards were coming in...
SO I know there will be huge line, and NFW waiting like that for a "chance"
@naydazng7: "so its slower than PS5 (for boot up)"
This is a prototype/test unit, not final product. So to say it's slower than an PS5 (and a system that is not in final yet). It is not really something at this point you should even try to compare.
When they are both available and new systems are tested, then one could agree with you.
Here's what I got out of your comment, Your a PS fan, and dislike Xbox, to each there own , but, why Troll here ?
In a modern console, it should find out what your monitor supports (EDID anyone ??) and set the console accordingly. This is part of the HDMI spec of a monitor showing what it supports.
If it was based on possible performance if running a higher frame rate, then it should prompt you the first time you play the game, so you understand it. And let the use know that it is adjustable in Settings. I would HATE to run a game at lower FPS, when I could of run it higher.
If consumers wanted to do this, they would buy a PC and game on it.
DavidinCT's comments