@P00DGE: I'd say more than that... When the Switch was first hacked. It made major news, ABC, NBC all carried it on the air. Never mind if you even moderately keep up on on tech news, it's been all over the place for years now.
No arguments of the young kids or parents but, when the teens get into it, and want to play a game they can't afford, it happens a lot, I have heard of a lot of people doing it. With some research, all you need to know is your serial number and sites list them, if your under XX, you can, if your over XX you can't...
I do it, NOT to pirate, I buy all my games physical, and I rip them all to the SD card so I don't need to carry the tiny carts around to play. 95% of the time, I play multi player in the home, or over wi-fi, so having a hacked Switch does not matter.
@bu1ld0g: Is that true ? Digital games on the Switch are tied to the console NOT the account ? We'll if that is true, I will never buy another digital game from Nintendo.
At least Sony and Microsoft tie the games to the account so if your console breaks you can download your games on your new console... I know my PS4 games transferred to my PS5 and I've got games from the 360 that I can play on my Series X...
Lost too many things from the Wii Shop closing....
@bu1ld0g: Hackable Switches ? Sure most early owners have one, and even for the first year or 2, there is a LOT of them out there and not too hard to find if you wanted one.
I didn't think mine was when I got new like 2-3 years ago and guess what, it is....
There are seral numbers around that you can tell of your system is hackable...
@treechopper88:Exactly. I paid $60+ DLC ($25ish)on the WiiU, and did it again on the Switch for the same exact game, now they want me to pay another $25 to get tracks I should of gotten on the release on the Switch ?
My Switch is one of the hackable ones, I think for these maps, I'll be going down this road with it... It is nice to own the games (as I don't buy much digital), and I rip them to drive to play with out the carts but, I do own every game I play. This might be the only acceptation.
Still have my WiiU, in fact I still have every one of my Nintendo consoles from the NES....
I am a fan but, not a fanboy... like some others here...
@LoveBird-: They are NOT new tracks, they are old tracks re-mastered. So if you have been playing MK from the SNES like I have and every version, I am just getting tracks that look pretty.
Nothing NEW. That is what we were all hoping for...
DavidinCT's comments