I don't know why all the hate Digital is the Future. Either get with it or be left behind at this point. Nintendo switch is a prime example although they have SD Cards, the digital price of games and the cards remain the same even used games most times.
No, not even close. Used games can be a much better value, 2-month-old game in the digital store is still $59.99 and physical can be gotten for like $35 used. Even a 3-week-old game is the same, I checked this with 20 different games and followed after release. It really is not even close.
Digital also run in the problem, where you need to be online all the time. Lose internet at your home for a day or 2 (have seen it), no gaming for you.
Don't mind some things digital but, 90-95% of my game buys are physical.
Sounds really DUMB. Count me out. I'd prefer to re-live all the great games of the past at that point. I pretty much do now. LOL.
In what way? The Series consoles were released in 2019, a 2028 replacement for people who want high end gaming (4K @120hz or higher for most games) would NEED to be done as tech advances so fast.
Nothing wrong with older past games, I love them as much as modern games.
Rumor was only a digital only console. No Disc, no buy for me. The series consoles came out in 2019, so 2028 sounds in line with a console's life span, especially for people who want top end gaming, going 4K @120hz, or even higher. I would like a lot more games at run at that 120hz but, it's not as much as I thought.
I am sure there will be a refresh at some point, smaller Series X, or S but, a large hardware upgrade, not sure...
At least if you use Dev mode, and with a ARM64 CPU, Switch 2 games will be able to be emulated on it :)
@heqteur: not to mention that comparably, the PS5 and the Xbox Series X have been embarrassingly under delivering. Promises were made, utterly broken, and most critics don't go there. I am completely dispirited with the way Sony and MS have been doing things. Instead of creating great games, it is a constant rehashing, remastering, remaking, sequels, prequels, and very little creativity. Something like Hollywood. Both of these companies are simply trying to create a monopoly, meanwhile Nintendo keeps its franchises alive, by making them fresh. It is almost paradoxical.
This is not all 100% accurate. Sure 4K 120hz, they all said it, and SOME GAMES run at that resolution, not even close to all of them..... Hardware is good but, not enough for full 4K gaming across the board. I will agree with that.
Games are a whole different battle, as some devs said this and other do this. It's not all Microsoft and Sony, a lot of the big titles come from 3rd parties. People WANT remasters, they like it but, it's NOT new games. Prices are adjusted for re-mastered, most are under $50, if not $30.
Nintendo innovates, ok, Microsoft releases a sequel to a popular game, Sony same thing, Nintendo lives on it, Not really making them fresh. So we Gears 5 for example and we see a new Mario off the same flavor (same type of game) just different levels. Is it really THAT different?
Though all that, we do see some jems pop out here and there, I will say for the Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo but, not all of them are and not for all consoles.
They all make great games, there are great games for all consoles.
It sounds like you are a complete Nintendo fan boy, nothing wrong with that but when your blind to all the offerings on the other consoles and you make a statement like that, it shows you really are....
The hardware in the current Switch has not aged well. Most of these games can be emulated on a modern cell phone (Android mostly). Any gaming PC 5-7 years old can play all the Switch games with higher framerates than the Switch. I tried it, on my 7-year-old Gaming PC with a RTX3070, playing Breath of the Wild, On the Switch with fast battles, it can hardly hold on to 25fps, and a lot of the time in the teens... On my PC, locked 60fps through everything (hacks to get it running at 60fps)
They do have perk of being portable but, even that is showing it's age. The Switch is not very comfortable to be playing for many hours in its portable form.
I'd like to get Nintendo come out with something that could go head-to-head with the Series X and PS5 but, I don't see them doing it because of price point....
They do have Mario and they do make fun games so it's what they do.... Personally, I think they should stop with consoles and just make games, make them for the Xbox and PlayStation.
@lonesamurai00: To each their own, they have given away some good games. I installed it like 2 years ago, I have GTA5 and a ton of other great games that I got for free...
DavidinCT's comments