@girlusocrazy: I tested this like a month or 2 ago and it did work but, I was not going to replace my 1tb for a 512.
I would like to find the exact model of the 2tb used in the NEW Series X because it might just work in this adapter. If it's like $100 I would try it but, $200, nah.
Microsoft only allows selected model drives to work in the series S/X, I don't think they disabled the adapter (there is nothing really on the adapter for them to disable, it just remaps pins if I am correct here)
@nargg: Not really, most consoles on first release don't make money, or lose money. They make their money on software (games) and addon devices (controllers, etc)
As expected, a hair better graphics for a lot more money. Sure it's' $700 but, does not come with a disk drive or stand. A Disc based PS5 is better option.
I honestly think it's too early in this generation to make a better unit at this time. Sure, you can make it look better but, at what cost right now.
Overpriced for what it offers..... Wake me when it's $450 with a disc drive.
@shamatuu257: Agreed, I have a PS5 but, I think Xbox with Game Pass is killing it right now.....Black Ops 6 and new Indianna Jones (yea, PS will get it like 6 months after release on the Xbox, old news by then..... and tons of other great games.
I use my Xbox/PC far more than I use my PS5, new titles on it are ok but, not wowed by anything that is not coming out for both systems.
DavidinCT's comments