@Bowser05 So... you guys don't sell Madden? NCAA football? Fifa? Mario party? Pokemon? The top selling games everywhere else don't sell well where you are? Maybe your area is special, but I worked at gamestop twice during the holiday seasons, and nintendo games and sports games always sell the most by far.
@Bowser05 you ARE in fact wrong. I've looked at over 10 different sites and they all say the same thing. Games like Madden, Mario party, and rock band all outsell m rated games. COD is the best selling game, but it and battlefield make up more than 50% of mature games sold.
@Bowser05 that's kind of my point with the numbers. Everyone complains of how rampant all the violence is in the gaming industry and yet only 1 in 20 games bought is violent.
I guess they'll just go ahead and ignore the fact that over 80% of games sold are rated teen or less. Mature games account for only 7% of game sales. So, where is all this violence you guys speak of? Are you guys counting mario bros or zelda as being violent?
Plus, I've played the sims and games like civilization, and I can safely say that games with basic human interaction suck.
this free to play stuff seems to be getting closer and closer to what we call a demo. This is why I usually just wait for GOTY editions or deluxe editions. I'm sure they'll stop doing that soon enough
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