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Deanna_T Blog

fill in your own story time! :0 ;) :0 ;)

hidiho...i'm freakin exhuasted from another long of stuff and junk.

so since i'm tierd and dont feel like posting pics, you get to FILL INTHE STORY! :)

onceupton a time, there lived a 1)_______________ (noun) that had three 2___________ (nouns) that hadlarge sums of 3)_______________ (verb) on the balcony. little did the four know that godzilla was planning a 4)___________ (adjective) for the upcoming pick your 5)____________ (noun) festival. kristy the klown said he be there with the magical 6)______________ (noun) he found at target. meanwhile the mircowave was playing a dvd of 7)_______________ (noun) while capt. janeway and comdr. chetokay were 8)________________ (action verb) on the tile. then bob villa said he'd fix the 9)______________ (food)because the artist formally known as prince had 10)_____________ (action verb) on it. all of a sudden, 11)_________ (noun) exploded from the 12)_________ (noun) because bob villa had 13)_____________ (action verb) on the job. the giant 14)_________(noun) in the living room was pooping 15) _________ (noun) because the microwave had
16)________ (action verb) and now had 17)________ (adjective).

~~THE END!!~~


answer in a 1,2,3,4, etc format.

1) petrolem monster

2) staplers

3) treadmills

4) teddy bear

5) crockpot

6) acorns

7) richard simon doing the 1930's oldies

8) playing monoploy

9) crem bele

10) ran nekkied

11) crap

12) cieling fan

13) popped

14) flaming skull

15) pinatas

16) eaten deoderant

17) put dow

those are my answers. what are yours? :)

i'm leaving now. see your blogs later.

if this were school, i'd be dropped by now XD

i know i've been absent allot. so it's a good this isent school because the teacher would have dropped me by now. :/

school hasn't even started and it's kept me busy. x_x

it started monday of last wk. the school sent me a form stating i'm missing some stuff. so i go to school under the guise of "cheerleading practice". anyways, 30 min in line. only to be told this "your missing a signature on one of the forms." :| i explained to the lady that the wk b4 another dude told me everything was ready AND to wait for the finial aid award letter in the mail, sign it, and bring it back. so the lady tells to get this that form signed because it's the last thing missing --- NOT!

so i call mother who comes racing to school, signs the form, and it's another 30 min wait in line. x_x. another guy tells me that my file was ready, BUT, something was wrong on another form, so now it's not ready and to wait till monday of last wk. x_x

side note: the school has done this to me b4 and i know better not to wait around!

so i call school tuesday around 9am or soand "selina" tells me she'll call me later. so i call her again around 11 am or so and she tells me shes working on it. now get this, i was out having a life at the mall (hate that place) with one of the ex-cheerleaders and when i get home around 10 mother tells me that selina called around 8:30pm because they are flooded with work and need to finish. :?

wes: call selina and she tells me it will be ready thursday or monday! ^^ sucess!

side note: the school has done this to me b4 and i know better not to wait around!


good news: 30 minwait later, I'M PAID IN FULL! :D but i have to wait for the award letter in mail. it better come tomarrow or tuesday because wesnday is the last day to pay for the ppl who registered a month and half ago like me.

:( news: i went to the uni & had to drop that filmcla55 :cry: the plan was to take 7 hrs at the college and one at the uni. now i'm enrolled for 11 hours at the college. NOT WHAT I WANTED! basically, i'm being forced to finish basics before moving on.

i'm taking:

earth science 1 plus lab :S

bio 1 plus lab

math forbusniess 1

i wanted to take a multimedia cla55 but it's to late at nite! but, the ES lab is @7:00-9:50 pm x_x last lab that was open.


good news: I GET TO WATCH VOYAGER EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :cry: happy tears


btw, i take it you guys loved my previous blog a little to much. :lol: ;)


if your not a trek fan, THIS IS NOT FOR FOR YOU!

sci-fi played first contant today. i've only seen 800x so i dident see it again. XD that's sci-fi's ways of rebelling againstT-11. :evil:

PICS OF THE DAY! HAWT! *drool* dam evil spock is hotttttt....dam..i wanna do....:| opps. shouldent have said that out loud. :lol:

dam...tom paris u a fine man with a nice nose. lmao. oh, i once saw a tom look-a-like in a black charger. HAWT! me and sally were like DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

dora the explorer cant come to the phone right now cuz shes kissing thomas

it's true...andy and me went to a party

and caught dora the explorer

and thomas the tank engine playing

7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN in the closet.

*sigh* u_u

they were such good all they do

is play dirty card games

and that knife game that you pass

a knife inbetween your fingers at highspeeds blind folded


I blame the Evil Seame Street for thier downfall



So sorry, Deigo,

Dora can't come to the phone right now

because she's doing all the CHO-CHO'ING and not

not in the G rated way. :(

Btw, she said if you call, she needs a ride to the

free clinic because Dora suspects Thomas has

"dessert" with The Conductor when he doesnt answer his


this pix is all the proof she needs!


hi everyone. sorry, i havent been on lately. i've been super busy. i've been battling the school fininal aid ppl to giveme my aid. 30 min wait in lineat that place and at certain times of the day, the line is outside of the building. x_x

btw, anything look diffrent? :O btw, thats an old banner for those who werent on my last last yr.

what is your most recent illegal traffic/driving thing?

if any of you have been paying attention to any of my past blogs, you'd know all about marvelous driving habits. the almost dead animals, the near hit and runs, the almost car wrecks, the time i got out of a ticket, my deathly obsession with DODGE CHARGERS, etc. all of these experiences go, this one takes the cake.


:twisted: i was barreling down the highway in this::twisted:

nambe, i wish more like this: u_u

mother's 2005 mountaineer, except hers is
metallic red with the leather seats
. ;)

anyways, i was coming back from

sally's house (not field, i have a friend name sally rember?)
to my house.

But as all things go, she lives 30-45 mins away from my house,
so to make things faster, I get on the


ok, you how when u get up on the entrance ramp
and there are those double white lines you arent supposed to cross---
EVER, until you have safely merged?

well...erm...i dident do that. :?
i just crossed the double white lines and in a
blur, crossed into the middle and
third rows of the hw. :?

the ppl infront of me merged correctly and luckly,
the rest of the hw traffic was wayyy behind me.

now, i have no idea if there were ppl behind me on the ramp.
all i know is that i was speeding down
the highway and pressing the breaks here and there. ANOTHER NO NO!
you get your foot off the gas and let the car slow down. the break is for the mega traffic.

christ, for all i know i could have caused a
mega horrid accident and prolly killed/injured a
person. u_u or ifthere was a cop,
i'd would have a nasty ticket this time. x_x

mother would have gone into a rage because
we just got the mountineer fixed and to make
matters worse, the car is a lease. x_x

what is your most recent illegal traffic/driving thing?




a special blog for ANG!

:cry::cry::cry: HAPPY TEARS! HAPPY TEARS!

soul sista ang, u have no idea how much i've missed you. i'm tearing up right now. i have to do a special blog just for you in honor of our very own KFC personality, ANG! :D :D :D


since ANG loves ANDY,
he wrote a special poem
just for you. :)

Andy *clears throat* testing...

The Master Gravy that
is ANG.
By Andy Johanson, 4th Grade '96

My ANG, master and ruler
that is KFC and their golden
fried chicken wings. Like putting cholesterol in
my artires that will no never go away
like your love and hugs. The red from the
Styrofoam matches your lipstick just like water
vaporzing in the sun. The mac n chesse sticks to the ribs
just like your jokes that stick to the soul. The sandwitches are like your hugs
there always there even when nobody wants them, but you still get one anyways. The sodas are as sweet as you and you always get refills cause thats so much fun. The pot pie is filled like stuff like your purse because thats where you store the candy! Ang your the best and I'll always loff you! :D


me: very poignant Andy, very poignant.:|
for the record, andy cant write poems and niether can i. :roll:

next we have:

random moments that ANG
might remember! :)

btw, these from the time when
i used to write good blogs. :(


(there is a section at the bottom called "Fridge cake")

RAWRING! (remeber that?! lmao)


) And I, never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you

And if, I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today
And then if you can remember

Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For/In good times and/in bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Well you came and opened me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you

And then, for the times when we're apart
Well then close your eyes and know
These words are coming from my hearts
And then if you can remember

Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For/In good times and/in bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for




the end of july/300blog party! pics of me and mother!

table of contents: memories of july party!, 300 blog party!, vaction pics.


what are u ppl waiting for? get in line now...THE END OF JULY PARTY IS RIGHT THIS WAY! -----> btw, this where you get to recelebrate the 4th of July again.

welcome to the

ride the gocarts!

swim in the waterpark!

don't forget the rollercoaster!

anyone up for a game of minigolf?

hungry? try the bbq buffet!

wash it down with these

don't forget the hotdog eating contest!

last but not least, THE FIREWORK SHOW! :D

3 0 0 B L O G S !


everyone welcome to BABYLON 5! (best. show. ever. PERIOD!)

3 dance floors!DF 1!

DF 2!

DF 3!

music! DETHKLOK!





dee: shut the door! i'm busy! :evil:

:evil: shut the door on sheridan
and deleen! :evil:

pinata time! :D

tribble petting zoo!

fortune telling with genie!

loteria anyone?

cake & buffet!


Andy: of course! i wouldent miss this blog
for anything! *farts*


:roll: looks like kirk&hottie spock are having
too much fun.


PICS OF OUR VACATION! :D there is are pics of me and mother. this is our galveston trip. were at the moody garden dino exhibit. i'll post the wedding pics tomorrow.




so i'm done with family events for the next hundred million years or so

eh...i never wanna go to anther family event as long as i live. god, what an event. i'll post pics later.

1. horrid cottage place. it's this lodge place 5 rooms. rooms1 and 2 are separated by a bathroom and rooms 3 and 4 are also separated by a shower. those rooms are across the across the hallway from each other. the bridal sweet is next 2the kitchen. very long hallway, big kitchen, living room/ dance floor, large patio/dinning area, tv/game room, and chimney. 2 bathrooms for 11 ppl. bride and groom had there own bathroom.u_u the placehad donkeys, horses, and goats.

2. boring wedding. me and my cousin, dicegamemaster (he's never here that lil monster) were wondering around the place the whole time. during the mass part, my uncle was falling asleep, dice and his dad were laughing, & i kept playing with my camera. me and dice, who were sitting on same aicle, were exchaning looks, there were some random laughs and during the bread and wine part, the uncle who sitting next to me started laughing super loud. :roll: the wedding started 30 mins late and when "ava" (the bride)saw me she said, if u want the lady to do your hair, pay for it! WELL NO DUH, AVA.

3. food=NASTY! i saw it and ran. dice made huge mess of themself and his plate. then we got up & started roaming around. we spent a great time in my room because my hair would frizz in no time and dice would play with my game boy. it would never stay straight! *klingon roar* then we would wonder around to the tables asking diffrent cousins and anuts and uncles to give us a ride to see the simpsons. turned down everytime because we were at the outskirts of austin and the nearest theather is 10 miles away.

4. we watched tv for sometime. the broom who has two boys, were also in there. me and dice spent a great time of deal in there. :) we ate cake in there, watched adult swim, used the internet--that was the best part!

5. finally me and dice hungout with the bartender and the manager who is my age, 20! we talked about $ex the entire time..LMAO. they were cool ppl.

random parts: the white bride cake suxed. the chocolate groom cake rocked! it had the ut autin longhorn face on it. my cousin, the corporate lawyer told me off :(, only because i did. XD. her husband got wasted. dice said he had several champagnes and said this to the manager: THIS PLACE SUXS! WERE PAYING 80 BUCKS A NITE AND WE HAVE TO COOK AND CLEAN FOR OURSELVES!" lmaoooooooo so true. the employees were eating the cake and food. dam them.

bad part.

me and dice went the to bridal sweet a few times. the first time, we looked and walked out, the second time we went in, we w/the son of the groom. he showed us some sexy unmentanables and we all left. 3rd time was after the wedding ended and the only ppl were left were family members. me and dice entered. he went threw the grooms stuff, I DIDENT! he's the one who found the groom's laptop, cell phone, some rubbers and a book. all i did was shake one gift! one gift. i admit it! ava's friend some fatdog found us and kicked out. that fatdog got to spend the nite in the entertianment room. she dident pay! she got the best room for free. pig.

the moring after, the blame was pinned on me (i dident get up untill 11 am) and mother told me the groom was super mad in the moring and wouldent even talk to her. whtever.

then to top it all off, mother told me that ppl saw me and dice "smoking pot"!!!!!? I HAVE ALLEGERYS AND IF EVEN GET NEAR SMOKE, I GET SICK. she said "everyone saw us smoking pot." WTF SHE IS TALKING ABOUT? I DONT DO DRUGS, I HAVE NEVER DONE DRUGS ANDI WILL NEVER DO DRUGS. WE WERE NO WHERE NEAR ANYONE WITH CIGARETTES, NOBODY HAD ANY KIND OF SMOKABLES ON THEM. THAT IS TOTAL !#$%! WHO ARE "THEY" AND WHY WAS SHE DUMB ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE? bull crap. then to top it all off, she also accused me of drinking! I DONT DRINK! NEVER! NEVER! used at high school parties, BUT NOT NOW! i hate family events. i cannot have fun knowing that i'll accused of wrong doing in the moring. i cant go anywhere with friends w/o being accused of drugs and alcohol. shes the main reason why i became a loner in the first place and did it work? NO! god, i'm so mad right now. i dont bother to defend myself anymore because it's useless. then to add injustice to injury, my other anut said me and dice "locked" ourselfs in a room. :roll: um..she even said it herself. she saw 2 employees in one of the bathrooms then changes her story. the things they do to me.

this is the brides and grooms second wedding. the groom has 2 boys of his own. preteens. he's older than her. the bride who's in her mid 30 has no kids. this is the second man with kids shes married with kids. the first guy was 20 yr older than and had two kids from 2 diffrent marriages already. the older girl already had a baby and that made ava a step grandma! haha. and the younger girl was my age. why ava marries ppl with kids is beyond me. :roll:

now dice wants me to go ozzfest with him. god, i wanna go, but it's either that or a trek convention in houston. i cannot afford both.


btw, the "new" spock guy and the guy who decided that t-11 is going to be a prequel are NEVER! to be mentioned here. NEVER!

oh, i set up a debate post on lenny's bio page if any of you are interested.

i wanna add u to YM

:) yahoo has the the non-downloadable version & thats the version i'm using. so if u wanna add me, plz pm. :)

other news:

my relatives can bite me. :evil:

if u can guess how that wedding went. i've had enough w/weddings for next 100 yrs or so.

im so mad right now

has anyoneheard the news? the new spock has been accounced and i already hate the choice :mad: SUCH A BAD CHOICE. :mad: :mad: i'm so mad i could cause a seen and embarrse myself, but i promised by older cousin, deanna sr. i'd behave just for her. :mad:

more bad news: my cousins "ava's"wedding is taking place at some super expensive logde and it a house with many rooms and ONE BATHROOM! I HAVE NO PRIVACY! I HATE THIS PLACE AND I'VE ONLY BEEN HERE FOR LESS THAN HOUR AND THE NEW TREK MOVIE NEWS HAS PUT ME IN A BAD MOOD. i could scream soo loud right now. this place also has a kitchen and a tv. kinda ugly. it's a house and all the fixings plus theres donkeys and goats. o.0 "fairy tell wedding" my foot. i wanna go back to galveston and not be here anymore.

if i'm lucky mabye i can see the simpsons movie or go 2 fry's electonics.


quick! call berman! i'd rather have a star trek tng: retirment home!

gotta get dressed now. :(

part 1

i dont know about u guys but, i'm beat. so far, so good. infact, i did bring my camera, but cable to upload the picsto my usbison the 7th floor. :(

as of 7:45pm me and mother are inside the "busniess center" room and using the computers and to top it off, there is a family rerun outside! we are beat.

1) flight

2) we were supposed to picked up by a subrban taxi, but noooo the guy picked us up in a minivan. :evil: then he had to switch drivers with some dude who was high and it was a long drive to galveston.

3) lunch at hotel (i saw guy that looked like jimmy smitz, but wasent)

4) we went to the moody garden pyramids! i saw some 4D dino film that makes noise, spits water, pokes your seat, etc alon b/c mother dident want to go. then we walked around and they have some dino exzibit that was nice (pics) and then some other imax movie. awesome!

OMG B4 THE IMAX MOVIE STARTED THE TNG AND DS9 THEME SONGS WERE PLAYED! AWESOME! they played it last yr, but you guys already know how much i loveth trek. :D

see u later!

pic of the day:

oh god, animated spock looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot in this pic. mighty fine animated vulcan.