it's true...she laid her hive causing wand upon my left arm causing red itchy skidbump infested skin.
or if you want me to be exact, HIVES!
i dont know from wht. i was reading my gov. book and sipping oj in the libraby around 8:30 this morning, when my left arm started to itch and itch and itch until the scratching begin and hives were revealed. tiny lil bumps across my skin and speading until other hives were unscrathed on the right arm. everything seemed to be going away when i went to gov. this morning, but when i was sitting in pre-cal, the itching started again and as soon as class let out, i ran to the student health center for them to do something. the assiasnt nurse gave me some benadryl cream for the itching n redness that soon went away.
but, there is some pinkishness left on the left and nothing on the right. i went 2 the nite class of metal arts to continue working on my project, but that was prolly a bad idea. i dropped a piece of metal i was working on in the crockpot with a spiecal cleaning solution, but out of curiosity, i stuck my hand in there. dam...that stuff stings and i had to rinse my hand off. bad idea, because now the itching started again & now my whole body itches. plus i was playing with toki & had him upstairs when the new wave of itching started.
in the moring, i'll need to buy some benadryl creams and pills or if all else fails, i'll be paying a visit to the allergist doc. and she is going to flip over the cat hug fests, overeating, undersleeping, playing with chemicals, getting varieus dusts on my clothes/skin from sawing resign wood in metal arts, breathing in resign wood dust [wore a gas mask the second time i sawed], being in the sun, drinking sodas [big no no], being in dust filled places [i have indoor allergys and all the class rooms are dusty one way or another], and prolly some other things i cant think of.
but i'm clean!!! i'm a clean person doc! :cry: i shower everyday, apply my cream everyday, wash my face and hands all the time, dust jacket was quarienteened in car, etc. *ducks from the object she going 2 throw at me*
i thought mother was going to flip, but she dident. all she said was "oh" and tomarrow her tiraid of allergys will begin. :cry: but i get to see VOY tomarrow!
oh god. there are hives on my legs now. shcalp itches and a shower & a claratin are in order.
TX A & M Commerce sent me a letter stating if i transfer to thier school in the fall, i'll get a $6,000 scholorship for tuiton and fees and room and board for 4 years. :o >.> but i'm a transfer student..shoulden't that be 2-3 years or something? it doesnt matter b/c its money. ^_^
flyer from baylor.
-A & M College station coming to city wide college fair. maybe they'll give me money, to. >.>
-89 in gov. test..awww yea. 90 in math test. awww yea.
-joined school newspaper. meeting tomarrow.
-sleepy & itchy. i think there's cat fur on my shirt.
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