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Deanna_T Blog

the allergy fairy paid a visit to my arm this morning

it's true...she laid her hive causing wand upon my left arm causing red itchy skidbump infested skin.

or if you want me to be exact, HIVES!

i dont know from wht. i was reading my gov. book and sipping oj in the libraby around 8:30 this morning, when my left arm started to itch and itch and itch until the scratching begin and hives were revealed. tiny lil bumps across my skin and speading until other hives were unscrathed on the right arm. everything seemed to be going away when i went to gov. this morning, but when i was sitting in pre-cal, the itching started again and as soon as class let out, i ran to the student health center for them to do something. the assiasnt nurse gave me some benadryl cream for the itching n redness that soon went away.

but, there is some pinkishness left on the left and nothing on the right. i went 2 the nite class of metal arts to continue working on my project, but that was prolly a bad idea. i dropped a piece of metal i was working on in the crockpot with a spiecal cleaning solution, but out of curiosity, i stuck my hand in there. dam...that stuff stings and i had to rinse my hand off. bad idea, because now the itching started again & now my whole body itches. plus i was playing with toki & had him upstairs when the new wave of itching started.

in the moring, i'll need to buy some benadryl creams and pills or if all else fails, i'll be paying a visit to the allergist doc. and she is going to flip over the cat hug fests, overeating, undersleeping, playing with chemicals, getting varieus dusts on my clothes/skin from sawing resign wood in metal arts, breathing in resign wood dust [wore a gas mask the second time i sawed], being in the sun, drinking sodas [big no no], being in dust filled places [i have indoor allergys and all the class rooms are dusty one way or another], and prolly some other things i cant think of.

but i'm clean!!! i'm a clean person doc! :cry: i shower everyday, apply my cream everyday, wash my face and hands all the time, dust jacket was quarienteened in car, etc. *ducks from the object she going 2 throw at me*

i thought mother was going to flip, but she dident. all she said was "oh" and tomarrow her tiraid of allergys will begin. :cry: but i get to see VOY tomarrow!

oh god. there are hives on my legs now. shcalp itches and a shower & a claratin are in order.



 TX A & M Commerce sent me a  letter stating if i transfer  to thier school in the fall, i'll get a $6,000 scholorship for tuiton and fees and room and board for 4 years. :o >.> but i'm a transfer student..shoulden't that be 2-3 years or something? it doesnt matter b/c its money. ^_^

flyer from baylor.

-A & M College station coming to city wide college fair. maybe they'll give me money, to. >.>

-89 in gov. test..awww yea. 90 in math test. awww yea.

-joined school newspaper. meeting tomarrow.

-sleepy & itchy. i think there's cat fur on my shirt.  

i have nothing to do so i came back to the site *board blog*

you'd think i'd be studing or watching dead like me or something, but i'm not. it's such a nice yet boring nite. i'm bored outa my mind & don't feel like doing anything. there are things to do, but i dont have the will to do them right now.


other highlites:

-d'oh :x. i need 2 start designing weapsons 4 my art project. 2 sets of projectiles for a the lil sea creatures with weapons and the thing for a national toy show. >.>

-yay!! i got another flyer from nyu. ^_^ that makes my day.

-the school newspaper is an absolute joke. the entire thing really, really, really needs a makeover and a full time trained adult, not student, advisor who actully knows what they are going. sentance structure for comments under pictures needs work, there are "i messages" for articles that arent commentarys, basic grammer mistakes here and there, and most of all, the paper needs a bigger reading audience. you can submit pics, storys, orginal art work, poetry, etc to be printed when the newspaper is published every 2 monthes. i was in the local high school student newspaper sponsored by the city newspaper for 2 years and these ppl could use a person who actully knows wht they are going...not to mention a graphics person. that does it...think i'll join the "newspaper".

-actully got to see DS9 today. very rare thing when i get to see it. evil universe beyond rocks.

quark & his bro: "a money making scheme in the opposite universe?!"

naugus: "it seemed like a good idea at the time"

*kiera after killing a guy to ezri*: get rid of depresses me..." 

*kiera whispering to worf.*

worf: "i've never tierd that before...."

kiera: "i think you'll be very pleased."


***tom*** i love tom. 2 bad i only get to see voy twice a wk. :(  ***tom paris***


i saw a meeting notice in the student newspaper was wondering if i can join it because i like art, but i'm a communication major with 5 arts and that almost makes me an art major. >.> btw the art frat is open to males and females and there is no hazing involved!

i love tom.

going to youth group tomarrow who wants a prayer?

going to youth group tomorrow and was wondering if anyone wants me to pray for them when it's the "prayer for anyone silently" time.

so far, i have cherokeelady & spottie on  the list. anyone else? even if you just want your lawn to grow, that's ok. put your name on the list starting from #3 and on. you dont have to state what u want, just your name.

2. cat

3. *your name here*

if your wondering, it's the nondenominational christan church where we gather on wednesdays.


btw, is the site experiencing another "hiccup"?

there's bacon watching....

who knew mr.s has such a nice smile...

no really. the lovely mr. s has a such a pretty smile. i actully got to watch trek last nite. trek remasted  has to the sickest, most eye catching masterpiece that has ever graced televison. the fx are top notch and everything is stunning. absolutly stunning. the ship, the planets, the backrounds, the quility is astonsing.  the volcanos and explosions are mindblowing. watch in the dark...WOW. WOW.

imo, the remastered version does justice to tos. tos has it all...excellant plot, most of the time excellant charaters, excellant job of mirroring socity into the show, mr. lovely ear's get bigger and bigger everyseason, mccoy rocks the scences, kirk's hair is always messy & the new CGI adds to the exsisting elements making it better. tos deserved the new's looks way better. unlike voy that looked nice but only to be flushed, and shiney ent with 3 seasons of crap which dident help s4.  i dont question which show i like the best because tos took that spot forever.


other news:

SPOTTY IS MISSING!!! :cry: he's been gone for almost a wk now and no sign of him.

it started about 2 wk's ago, my aunt came to visit, and since spotty doesnt like ppl, he ran off and hid. i'd always put food out for him b/c he would later. but he started skipping days. he would visit late at nite or early in the morning and i wouldent get a chance to see him. spotty is known 4 catting around and we dident think much about it because he would come back. i last saw him on tuesday [the 13th] afternoon when i fed him, carried him, and gave him a hug. he was fed some dry and wet cat food, ate and vanished. i was expecting him to come back for dinner but nothing. no sign of him all wk. sometimes his baby will come looking for him, but nothing.

another problem: i live right across the street from a civic center where there have been parades and social events all wk. wesnday there was a parade where the floats congregate b4 they start, and of course ppl park all over place, thursday was calm, friday was some social event, and sat another parade in the morning with tons of floats and such.

we have no idea as to wht happened to spot.

father said spotty was either was run over, taken by the pound, or stolen. stolen by a neigor woulden't be a suprise because mother says that sumtimes she would be feeding spot and hear a lady calling "here kitty, here kitty." he was a very fat cat and had beatiful orange fur. someone prolly saw an oppuntity for cash and took the cat. we also trained him to give head buts by bumping your forehead against his head. sumone stole jeannie and spot was prolly next. the neigorhood is full of low lifes that dont have respect for anything or anyone if they saw cat can be sold or kept as a pet, they'd keep him. i asked around, but no onesaid they'd seen anything. i kinda if the same thing won't happen to toki when he get's fat and beatiful.

i want just my cat back.

lasagna must be romantic ...i had lunch with the boy u_u/ tv couples

2nd time i had lunch with him. i was holding a plate of the pasta & looking for a place to sit when i saw him sitting at a booth. it's a short story. pretty boring conversation and we showed hardly an interest in each other. *yawn*

other news: in metal arts, i was sawing some sort of balsa wood resign chunk & the dust from it got all over my jacket and now it's quarantined in the car. bad smell


MY FAV. TV COUPLES! :D (going 2 be short b/c class starts soon  in no particular order...

1. tom/b'elana (pic up there)- these  2 are soooooooo cute. alough tom prolly wishes he hadent brought out in the klingon in b'elanna b/c everytime he does, he ends up in sickbay with many factures, cuts, bruies, and bites. then after that, it's dieaper duty. ^_^

2) rain & domon [g gundam]: he was absuve, lying, snicky, and dumb. while she was a kindheart, sweet, and smart doc. chick. rain totally rocked the rising gundam and didsomething awesome that i dont rember because i havent seen the show in 4 yrs, but in the end they are together!! domon: " i love you rain"  :cry: wonderful

3) batman and catwoman. those 2 were my first gimplse at tv love and i've been a shipper of those eversince. their love was ment to be and everytime i would see those together on TAS: 92, i'd think it's cool because i dident know wht S & M ment at the time. maybe it would be interesting to be catwoman just for one nite. ;)


4) tipp and t'pol: wht makes them so tragic is tripp's death! :cry: they were so cute together and tripp has to run  off and die!  :cry:. tripp is to good for that she-vulcan t'pol. she's not a good cook and i bet her cooking would have killed that man sooner than later. dont forgot her mothering skills. wait...she has none! tripp would have ended up taking care of that baby will would sit on her arse waiting for her new pregancy test. btw, trip soooooooo fine. ^_^

5) troi n riker. now when aliens attack the tiian, riker can yell, "i'm william t riker of the starship titan & troi can yell, "im deanna t. riker and i know u bring chocolate!" see...that's cool..thier names are kinda alike. not to mention they have a book series now! :D (troi's prolly thinking...dam i wish will looked like tripp or paris....:)

if this counts as news...

well, idk if this is news or not...but i'm here today! ^_^

gonna make this a short one

sorry, i dident log on for the past 2 days, but i had web design homework of creating a 3-4 pg website entirely from scratch. u_u the process is alot harder then it seems & since i' am me, a simple website turned into a elceptic work with a chess theme. now mind you, i dont know how to even play the game, but i'm freakin obsessed with the song, game, and the pointy eared person who plays it. to to top it off, i don't think i finished it  and there is a test 2day and don't  know wht to study. he said it would be easy, and there would be time to finish the job.

-talked to a counseler today and was told i'm going ok with the transfer hours, and it's recommened i finish the basics at the community college so when it's time to transfer, i can just take the "real" classes instead of some basic. ie, math or science.

-want to get a double major in genetics/medience BUT NOT YET!

-found a shinny penny


*things will get to normal tomarrow*

i'm gonna have to cut time again to 3-4 days out of wk. maybe less.

what we're all eating at the community college

a blog dedicated to the brave men and woman who prepare our "food" at the student center.


this is wht the young men & woman at the community college are eating. we eat alot and we have money to burn. everything from otis spunkermyer muffins to tacos are sold and many of the students are munching away. ;)

some of wht i've eaten.

cheese burger and baked cheetos with cheese

dortios with cheese

slice of pizza and tuna

chicken breast sub on wheat bread with avacado, mayo, lettuce, extra provalone cheese with cheese nips that i added later

speggeti n meatballs combo plate

mashed potatos n cheese nips

american, swisas, chile-con-carne enchiladas [on the diffrent days that their offered..not at the same time] combo plate with a 2 sides. everything ranging from corn to brocolli. i only eat the school enchiladas..those are goooood.

the "meatloaf"

the "chicken cordon blue"

the stuffed crab is awsome  

fruit ranging from peaches with cottage cheese to grapes [thier fruit is yummy]

breakfast tacos-potato and egg, chorizo and egg, chorizo and bean, egg and ham, winies al mexicana, chorizo n potato, and the biscuts. eat the biscuts. 

LOL! this is just some of wht i've eaten during my year and half at the community college.


wht i've spyed the others eating:

flaming hot cheetos with cheese

buritos with cheese

cheese burgers with fries

combo plates [of meatloaf, enchiladas, shrimp, etc]

beans alone

one guy that looks exactly like chekotay, once ate a slice of pizza and a salami sandwitch. the guy can EAT and he has such nice skin.

chicken soup

bacon cheese burgers with the works


once a saw some chick get flaming hot with cheese, fries, and a burger. dam she can eat.

2 chocolate muffins at the same time

chilie cheese dogs with fries

sandwitches of all kinds

chips of all kinds

soads of all kinds


those ppl can sure eat. there are also dorms on campus and i kinda wonder if the athletic dorms don't have kitchens. because the cafeteria only serves tacos in the mornings and i'm sure the athletes don't want to be eating tacos every morning. plus, the student center kitchen isent open on weekends.. i know they eat lunch at the center, because they sign a paper stating that thier fincial aid is paying for food. i wonder wht the place is like on weekends...the library, gym, tutering center and i think some of the computer labs are open. wonder if it's creepy walking around a place that's normally packed on weekdays only to a ghost place on weekends. hmmmm..



soda face

 it's thursday and my weekend begins!! ;)  ok check this pic out & tell me wht you think of it. :lol:

Then Bob suddenly realized he wasn't that thirsty...


 i made this for digital art last semester...think the teach dident care for it.


since it being feburary n all...

since it is febuary and v-day is just around the corner, i feel i should include a pic of a hot guy at the end of my blog. those males in fine form that i am refering to are the ones that are apart of my "last name". since tom, tripp, spock, and toki, have already been used, it is time for ronan, stark, lorne, shephard, & becket to be used. ^_^ then on v-day, i shall have a blog dedicated to MY fav. tv couples. not yours, mine. ^_^ :P not 2 worry, there is a list of random ppl from diffrent shows [animated and live action].

-the web design teach said if i want to do things a little diffrently from the book, i can!!!! this means i have around 10% total creative freedom when we do book work. not bad. not bad. ^_^

- i have about 4 pages of a web site for homework that's about 50% of the test grade and there is a written part of the test on monday!:cry: i showed him the page of the site that i finished and he said he liked it. ^_^

-sally [roadtrip friend] txt me about ana nicole smith's death and i told her about the recent deaths of james brown and pres. gerold ford. and you know wht she told me? who's gerold ford and james brown? >.> tonta...that's why you're on academic probation at your school.

hot guy: LORNE!



a blog inspired by the recent spider attacks

ahhh yes.... feeling inspired by the recent spider attacks to innocent ppl like drea and sassy, i felt i should write one last tom vs. tripp hottness blog. ;)

this is prove thier worth during spider attacks.

on voy:

tom: SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPIDER!!!!!!!!! PARIS TO TUVOK, EMERGENCY! :cry:

tuvok: i feel it's hardly an emergency to come squash a spider when it is easier just to do it your self.

tom: B'ELANNA!! KILL IT! KILL IT! *jumps on torres scooby do style*

torres: get off me! get off me! [ insert spanish cussing here] :x

tom: do something!

*janeway to t & t* what's going on down there?

tom: spider!!

*torres grabs phaser and kills spider then stuns tom so he can shut up*

torres: happy! :x

tom: are we on warp 10 yet? x_X



t'pol [in uber calm voice]: spider....

 tripp: hey look, t'pol, a jumping spider. we those on earth! ^_^

t'pol: it's disgusting. do something.

tripp: awwww, suger lips. why dont we give this lil guy to dr. phlox instead?

t'pol: i said KILL IT!

*instead of killing the spider, tripp gives the creature to phlox and invents an anti-spider device to keep those things away from t'pol*

tripp: here, t'pol. i invinted this anti-spider device for your room to keep those spiders away from you.

t'pol: my hero.

tripp: really?! ^_^

t'pol: no since vulcans dont have heros, it would be illogical for to have one.

*on the holodeck*

t'pol sees that spirder again.

holoriker: hey, t'pol i dare to eat the spider! :D

t'pol: illogical.

holoriker: i'll give you a dollar!

t'pol: ok. *eats spider*

holoriker: GROSS! nasty!!!! did u see that, troi?

troi: got it for youtube!! hahaa. loser! *high 5's holoriker*


votes for each guy:

tripp: 6

tom: 4

and jimmy had to be the rebel and vote for jennifer tilli. o.0

:) you ppl sure gave some good aguments. good points, guys. :) thanks for voting.


ok since i cant decide who i like more & since both guys are sooooo dreamy, i'm crowning tos spock as the hottest trek male off all time and there is nothing you can do about it. :P :P :P  this shouldent come as a suprise.


see you tomarrow! :D loff ya all!




i can't decide who is hotter...


TOM PARIS OR TRIPP!! :cry: both are sooooo dreamy.

tom: tall, hot, nice eyes, hot, nice hair, charming, thin with slight build, talks to much prolly can do things with his hands [only b'elanna would know], cute, funny, immature, cute, jokester, has "get rich/replicator rashions scams w/kim. start, talented, and most off all, cute.

tripp: hott, average height, has nice hands [need a guy with nice hands], nice bod, southen accent, charming, intelligent, has a thing for vulcans [booooo], can fix things [unlike tom who talks to much!], cute, mature, [unlike tom who is a big baby], dedicated, trustworthy, looks great while rubbing himself with oil, and most of all, hott!

this breaks down the guys personality's. they both kinda look alike and sound alike. imagine the producers discussing characters from both shows.

guy #1: soooo...was tom paris' character popular? i dont know since i was busy counting money.

guy#2: lets get someone who kinda looks like him, and sounds like him because we need a new guy. duh!

guy#3: i know! i know! let's get someone who isent a zombie from 7 yrs worth of crap!

guy#1: no duh. let's get this guy!!! younger, hipper, & can be our new zombie!! ^_^ we already did the same thing with 7of9!


well there you have it folks. so whos hotter?!

*starts screaming 4 monster and elicab*

i bet those 2 would know. ;)