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Deanna_T Blog

your on my mind, your on my mind

hi you lovely things. ^^ i know i don't express my love for you guys, but in all reality, i appreciate your company and your comments on my blogs. it's great to now that i have wonderful company waiting for me when i suddenly return after a long disappearance. thanks for being patiece and reading my blogs! your comments are great! :D

no, the vulcans havent taken me, it's just my grades starting slipping because of work, and now i have to repair the damage during the final. u_u so i wont be here till monday.

i have a B- in math. the teach said if i did well on the final, i could have an A. i did have an A! i got a 70 on the last test after the 40 and before that a 90 and a 100. so my wkend is going to be spent doing math and the extra credit.

going to talk to web design teach on monday. did some upgrades on extra credit website. wkend is also going to be spent studing web design. from a B to a C. u_u

art is ok. done.

gov. u_u going to hard core that one. got a 64 on the last test. it's been dropped. clear in that one. test grades: 89, 92, 93= 91.3. if i get a 90 on the final, the grade will sit with a 91 and that's fine wif me.

DAM YOU WORK! I'M STILL BROKE! i work this wkend?

wish me luck. prayers plz.

love you all.

***troi's lil angles*** :P

shout, shout, let the stains get out, shout, shout

>.> that's funny i should mention that. todays humidity was insane. i had a pit stain contest. read right. a pit stain contest. one pit against each other. >.> turns out i dont sweat that much, and my back won the contest. i sweat less in the mustang suit then i do in 90 degree weather. the tx heat is coming. soon enough it will be 100+ for the next  6 monthes. then i shall have a sweat stain on the couch contest, pit stain contest, back sweat, jean sweat contest...then i'll reward my self with extra baths.

-my hands smell like metal since all i do is metal art. I FINISD CLEOPATRA THE SECOND! :D :D :D she looks greatttttttt. then i did another one i call "shark in the waves", and now a new bracelate coined "bracelet of the pharohs. tomarrow i'll shall go back tomarrow.

-math grade is suffering. u_u very bad. got a 40 on a test. now we took a new test. dident know a thing. going to talk to teacher tomarrow. hes gonna be very dissapointed with me. x_x

-did extra credit for web design. i wouldent have a C right now if i could only  pass the tests! :x. teach said he loved the web site. he also said he'd help me get an A. ^_^



-g2g now. gonna shower and comp. is telling me to do the dish check.

soul sista kimba

i should have done this blog sooner, but betta late than  neva right? ;) anyways, muh much older and very wise and talented soul sista kimba did a insanely awesome b-day blog in my honor. so in turn i shall dedicate a blog in her honor. ;)


firstly, i would like to introduce u to the party. me dressed as the "pony" . yes...the "mardigra horse". goooo stangs! gooo stangs!


MaY i InTr0dUcE u 2 tHe PaLoMiNo bAcK rIde?

careful...he bites...err..bites? i mean spits...err spits? i meant licks ppls faces for the attention. >.> he likes abc gum.

if you decide that this isent enough horse power, try this ride:

140 mph of pure speed and horse power. not to mention a/c and ear wax melting bass, power stering, leather racing seats, aluminum wheels, pure extasy. oh, huge backseat. ;) the car shakes when the bass is at it's highest.

if still not satisfied, try this:

shopping at kolh's. that evil place where kimbita trys to look & feel like ashly judd after horsesitting gwen all day! :P :P

i wonder wht gwen's thinking..."how come this grass doesnt taste like candy? note to self..steal the candy in kimkim's pocket."

what could cali be looking at? :shock:  >.>

it's not the's not superman...curtainly not the bart simpson mooning kimba again?

oh's my imaginary pet, ANDY! :D your late, strink face.

andy: my mom said the same thing. i took a bath 2 monthes can i possibly smell?

me: dear some deoredant will you? axe?

andy: axe spray makes my butt itch.

me: x_X it makes mine itch too! :cry:

andy: LET'S DANCE! ;)

*andy & dee start dancing* me: this is great.

*deep sexy voice* it would be illogical to forget me.

me: spocky! :D your looking beatiful.

spock: that's because i'am. i came dressed for kimba. i'm in pon'far.

andy: :o watcha. stand back. stand back stevie nixs $tyle up in here.

me: omg...0_0 in pon'far for kimba? 

spock: maybe. i'm not saying.

andy: the sound system in the charger is insane. i'm def. :D 

me: we have brothers johnson! ohhh..dont forget expose and madonna!



don't let the dancing couple get in your way! it's thier wedding reception on my blog?! wtf.

*hears a faint 80's dance hit in the backround*  :o that song sounds familar...t---me, t----me, i wanna feel your body..:shock: uh oh...shes kinda like beetlejuice, say her name 3 times, but unlike bj, she'll appear..DONT SAY IT! :cry:

noooo!!! samantha fox is here! :cry:

sam: hi folks, i came as fast i as could. wht did i miss?

me: you being flushed down a big toilet. push her in!!

*everyone pushes sam in the drain*

sam: nooooooooooo!

what's this? kimba is a boz scaggs fan? since when?

this is ol boz right after kimbita gets done with him. i think that's her leg. upon further inspection, i discover that's my leg. :o that cant be since i dont wear fishnet stockings! :x darn you photoshop! :x

all the excitement got ya tired? i dont blame her. i'm watching the current rerun of SGA.  ;)

:P :P

is roast beef supposed to look like that?

it was disgusting. out of all the roast beef sandwiches i've had before, this one took the cake. i was at the subway section of the student center going to buy a sandwich when i realize they are all out of tuna. i had had asked for mayo on the thing when i noticed the shortage. w/o question, i asked for roast beef on my sandwich because it's been awhile since i've eaten one and hunger. now mind you, i HATE's only good on tuna sand and nothing else. if i would have noticed the lack of tuna, i would have gotten mustard and ham instead.

ewwww...the roast beef was freakin' nasty. it was a lighter brownish-reddish color then the usual and the paper it was in was sopped in a reddish liquid. again, didn't notice until the meat was on the bread and the cheese was already added. the sandwich tasted normal. nothing out of the ordinary. no weird aftertastes, no funky smells, nothing. to kill the taste of the mayo, i put on chili cheese frito chips inside the sandwich. it was even nastier! the cheese was covered in that liquid...could have been blood for all i know or something. sooo nasty. the liquid was also on the mayo, and i dabbed the meat a little bit and more liquid came out of it. the day i finally get my appetite back, i get a bloody meat house for a meal. i couldn't stand to eat anymore. i ate some bread and cheese, and threw the rest away.

you see, i haven't been feeling well for the last few days. no appetite, no sleep, coughing, sore throat, head aches, the whole thing, and i finally get the urge to eat and this happens. i have such a headache right now. don't think i'll be eating in the morning. this is to much.


other news.


"willow" snapped at one of the girls today. my friend and fellow cheerleader person, "nina" was given the bill of rights today. i have no idea why. see, nina is a bit rotund and has a heart condition. she's in the squad for the exercise because it will do her some good. i had just gotten there while nina and another girl  were going over the routine together. nina was going to get some water when willow shouts "WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?"

nina: restroom and some water

willow" can go home also

nina: for what? i have a heart condition and cant' breathe

willow: i said you can go home

nina stomps outa there. when she comes back, she continues to dance.

willow: i dont want you here. you cant do the dance and your not looking sharp enough. the new girl who has only come to two practices has already gotten the dance and you've been here for over a month and you cant dance? i dont want you here.

nina runs outa there with her cell phone and calls her dad. everyone is just looking around wondering what to do next. i pretend to go get the mustang suit when the office where it is kept at closes. i talk to nina abit and she is crying her eyes out. she says her dad is coming to tell willow off. i go back to practice and when it ends, i go back to nina and she tells me to tell willow that nina's dad is at the pickup area. willow and nina get into a fight and i sneak outa there. yikes! >.> willow has already kicked out another girl and she better not have plans to keep kicking out girls because she she even said it herself "we dont have a squad." will duh, if you go sith lord on everyone, there will be no one left.

finally had the dream i've always wanted


ok...ok..ok...totally exciting. i finally had the dream i've been waiting for the last 5 or 6 monthes now. totally awesome. totally unexpected to. was awesome. wanna know? ok..ok...ok...


scroll down





















I WAS B'ELANNA TORRES! freaking sweet. ok. here is the story..or wht i rember from it. LOL!

i finally got to be torres and since everyone here knows i'm freaking in love with tom, this was my chance! :o anyways, it was mostly "yes dear", "yes tom", "whtever you say tom", "uh huh". if u have ever seen voy, tom mainly consists of trouble that totally p'o's torres. anyways,

-THE DR. HAD FABIO HAIR! LMAO! and totally annoying as ever. ;)
-we turned into kids (including the dr) and were trying to figure out how to reverse  it. there was NO 7 in my dream! :D
-finally we grew up again and the doc still had hair. the dream also involved tons of walking. cuz just like on the show, the ppl are always walking back and forth.
-the voy had hazy, dim, purple hallways. o.0
-no janeway or chekotay or anyone else for that matter. just me, tom, n the dr. ;)
-totally G-RATED dream! ok.... >.> it wasent dirty!




me love tom.

cheerleading hasen't been fun

cheerleading hasent been fun. things have gotten wierd since we did that hockey game. i dont know...maybe it's me, but the girls seem a little on edge lately. i cant say anything w/o getting "attacked". let me explain.

person x(girl whos name shall not be spoken): i cut my hair

me: u cant tell

person x: well duh, it's in a ponytail.

me: lets see..i have the rollers, the straighter, & the liquid gel straighter...

person x: ME TWO! ME TWO! (in sassy tone of voice)


me *at baseball game one day*: were jewish...


me: what? it's true... my paternal grandma is. i consider my self "of jewish hertiage."  

her: then why did your mom say she was going to church...

me: she can. i go to the non demonial church...i like it there

her: whtever. SHUT UP!

me: it's true. i can start naming the pastors of the church.

her: :| whtever


there other "incidents" such as these that have occured at practice. it's mostly verbale abuse. this is the reason i dont want to talk to any one at pratice. i refuse to speak with anyone now. i dont want to even add to any conversations because i might "na ah", "SHUT UP", or get cut off during a sentance. today the co-sponsor was talking about a car she wants, then person x mentions she might get a jeep during the summer. now, i could have mentioned the weekend rental of the charger, but i could have been "attacked" with a nasty face and "na ah". then anthor girl who i thought was my friend starts talking about cancun. ok...i've been twice. seen the pyramids of techaniah and wht not. second we swam went to xelha and another place, a cruise, etc. but, knowing "x" i would been attacked. shes the only person who does this, and wht worse is i dont have anyone covering my back. they stop and stair and this goes on and on. i dont understand. i said i was going to put pics of them in local and school newspaper. there are 4 pics of us. 1) group pic. 2-4 pics of the puc dropping.

me: good & bad news! were coming out in the school newspaper. but i talked to the guy of the local paper and he said our pics are going to comeout in any given sunday. since my dad only submited 2 pics, 1 might be printed, the other may not or maybe both.

"friend": cant even see us

x: yea, you cant even see me

"friend": all you see is my shoe *refering to the puc dropping pic*

x: yea mine too!

me: you can see me...

"friend" and x: i hope the group pic comes out only!

me: we'll see on sunday.


wesnday, i went to a detaologist over my zits ((not to many, but still). so i dident go to pratice. same day i also put up about 8 flyers for cheerleading practice. but 4 have been ripped down. i dont know why...i think it's an inside job. why else is everyone elses flyers r still up and 4 of mine are gone? i told some ppl about it and they either laugh or suggest it might be someone who is against cheerleading. yea right...i still think it's an inside job. i told "friend" about the ripped flyers.

now i think "friend" told the other girls about the ripped flyers while i was gone. and i think they were talking about me and even i heard "she is thinking of leaving the squad." ok...yes...i want leave it if i'm being treated like a scrub. i hope rumers dont start and theres a nasty falling out of some sort. i thought these girls were my friends and if x continues to bite, i'm going to be forced to speak with "toungue of nails". if that doesnt work, talk to the sponsor. if not, well then i'm going have to leave. the group can stay in thier squaller, and the co-sponsor who now shows up can be the mustang again. i dont know..i want to contine being the mascot, aslong as i dont get pushed around.

yesterday at pratice, i was totaly quiet n totally ignored them all. i dont want to speak to anybody. i dont want to get "attacked" because i'm speaking the truth. they were like "whats wrong?" i just shook my head. sat away from the group. now, i shouldent be acting weird, but c'mon. being the mascot isdent going to be worth it if i get critized for putting pics in papers, and talking. you see, i left the practice twice to go the computer dept, to get my work study application signed by one of the computer club folks. then after that, i came back, sat down super quietly, dident look up, bought a soda, saw seceratary of kinesology sign work study refernce area, waited for another teach to sign work study form by the door. instead the cheerleading sponsor signed it for me. then she met w/all of us, talked, and wht not.

i asked God to send me ppl i can trust. i saw most of the computer club ppl and my neighbor not once but twice.

my friend is having a baby

she is a friend i haven't blogged about. i haven't seen "sanda" since sometime before the end of the fall 2006 semester. i  thought she might have transfered already since many ppl i know are already planning to transfer or already have. sanda is someone i have known all my life. i've known her since the 4th grade and attened middle, high school, and now college with. this came as a total surprise to me. get this is...she is already 6 MONTHS PREGNANT. complete surprise. i was coming out of the history building when i saw her walking to the parking lot a block away. whts more, i thought sanda would have more common sense. or maybe it's because she been dating boys since she was in the 5th or 6th grade. i always thought she was marry a lawyer or doc, became a pampered house wife, have 3 girls and a boy. they'd all wear nice clothes and drive nice cars. but i dont know about that now. i hope sanda can make the right desions in the upcoming monthes.

this is the conversation.

sanda: marie? i didn't recognize you. i thought it was you since you never wear your hair down.

me *hairy mop covering my face*: sanda! :D

sanda: how are you?

me: fine and you. want to join the cheerleaders?

sanda: O__O you cant be serious?

me: yes! ^_^ it will be fun.

sanda: i'm so sure...i dont have time. :(

me: but you can still join

sanda: i'm having a baby.

me: what? no way!

sanda: yes. 6 monthes *pokes stomach*

me: boy or girl? what? when did this happen!? wtf

sanda: yes. what do u when did this happen?

me: no...i dident know!

sanda: everyone knows! ppl i dont know, know!

me: O-O i dident! you having a baby shower?

sanda: maybe...i dont know

me: do you have a name?

sanda: i dont know...

me: u should have a baby shower. if you do, i'll bring you a gift.

sanda: ok.

me: name your kid "tom paris" not tom cruise, tom paris!

sanda: O__O ok....

me: no really have a baby shower

sanda: maybe...i have your number

*me hugs sanda twice n say that i love her*

>.> imagine... lil tom paris kid should be named paris! lol!

anyways, if sanda doesnt have a baby shower, i'll bring her some gifts. but i dont know she is planning on keeping the kid. i was afraid to ask who the father is. plus is that also private info and should never be asked. if she does decide to keep the kid n have a shower, i'll make my way to the local factory2u (hey, i'm broke & she needs galore of stuff). i'll buy one of those bottle money bank thingies with the bib, bottle, rattle, etc, in spock's fav. color, blue and a stuffed animal of some sort. knowing me, it will be a bird or a maybe a horse. ;) um..should i get sanda something? like a night gown thingie? or slippers? earings? dieapers? SUGGESTIONS WILL BE HELPFUL!


cheerleading pains coming to tomarrow.

ps.  thankyou for all the kind things you ppl must on my blogs. :) love you all.

quick one

hi everyone. going to make this quick. sorry i havent been on. :( no time for site at the moment. 3 day wk this wk. catch up with you guys later. :)


love, marie.

guess who's back....

>.> it's been ages...ages i tell you. the last ice age pasted quicker than me coming back to the site. i've been SUPER DUPER busy in the last couple of days. everything ranging to hockey games to b-day partys. ;)

before i began, i would like to send a super speical

to my lovely friends who posted nice posts on my last blog. :) i was very depressed that day & reading those msgs made me feel better.

rest of the wk:

you already know about monday.

tuesday- almost no recoltion of that day except math quiz u_u and i got a 92 on a gov. test! :D and some dumb lady told me is she jealous because i got a 92 and she got an 80 something on the test. can you say arse hat?

wensday: no memory of it ever being wensday

thursday: got a B on math quiz! :D OMG..THE GREATEST AWESOMEST NEWS EVER! the student activites director told me and "janice" that the cheerleaders get to go to the local hockey game for free and i get to THROW THE FIRST PUCK AT THE GAME!!! OMG! I GOT TO DRESS UP AS POLLY THE MUSTANG AND THROW THE IST PUCK AT THE GAME! OMG IT WAS AWESOME! AWESOME! THE HOCKEY PLAYERS ON BOTH TEAMS WERE TOTALLY HOT! :D :D :D

friday: HOCKEY GAME! HOCKEY GAME! it was supposed to be college nite, but i dont think that many ppl from my school showed up. i got to hug, high 5, give thumbs up, & shake kids hands lol. ponyyyy....horsey..... kids were yelling in all directions and they were vying for a "pony hug" lol. but there were also VERY rude ppl there. kids and adults alike. :evil: can u say brats? when it was half time, we went down to the hall way to walk around [again, i dont why...], the cheerleaders locked arms and roamed the hallways back and forth all while some ppl started laughing really loud, yelling obsenatites, someone even yelled "is that a horse or a jacka$$?" well excuse me, #$%!...atleast i have the female balls to roam around in a hot, sweaty horse suit that i volunteered for b/c i wanted to. so plz, go back to hell where you came from and plz leave the rest of us alone. ppl started grabbing the tail and nose and some boys from the MDA table gathered around me saying " u wanna buy a shoe for a dollar? not once, but twice. brats. the hockey game it self was ok. kinda boring. like i said, the guys were hotttt. b4 i threw the puck, we were backstage hanging out when one of the opposing players came out and was shaking his rear infront of us. us girls were like dammmmm...he's hot and wht not super loud. lol. he was doing it on purpose, but the guy was super hot, ok? ;) then someone rolled out the red carpet and we walked towards the end the end of the entrance where the ice meets the floor where one guy from the local team and one guy from the oppostion team were waiting, i throw the puck, the local player guy picks up the puck, hands it to me, and both guys shake my hand and tell me that i get to keep the puck! :D :D joy! the best part of the game is coming out on camera. we came out on camera a million times. i was cheering, jumping up and down, dancing, and yelling. it was awesome. at one point when were on camera, some dumb kid started booing. moron. whtever..he just jealous that he diden't comeout on camera and i did. then the ineviable happened! :? "buckey" the local hockey team mascot because the team is the bucks, came outa nowhere..i mean nowhere. all of a sudden, a giant hand grabbed my slender shoulders, i turned around and grabbed his mascot stuffing. the cheerleaders were yelling "buckeyyyyyyyy" i turned around and all of a sudden, there was a thrusting motion coming from behind. :? we were on camera for about 3 mins or so, but i couldent see myself because the head was starting to come off and i was trying to keep it on for most of the time. at times, i was able to grab his hands and wiggle a bit. then it was over. u_u i felt soooo voilated. DONT LAUGH! IT'S NOT FUNNY! :cry: pics coming soon. then the game ended, i GREETED CHILDREN AT THE ENTRANCE FOR BUCKEY! we waited for 20 mins or so waiting for buckey so i could give him a piece of my mind. :evil: he never showed up so we went outside until mother who was dropping a friend off came for me. i think drea in spirt was there. ;)

sat: partay. sort of. i envited 15 ppl for the exception for 7 or 8 to atleast show up. and u know how many ppl showed up? 4...count four. the resturant we were at gave us a private section so we could chill. but noooooo only 4 ppl showed up. :evil: janice, "rick" & "lina" [computer club], my friend from youth group, "kateland". whtever..i had fun. we just sat & ate mostly. lol.

sunday: palm sunday. visit dad, lunch and chill.

now if u excuse me, i havta go and file some pieces for my art metal project. love you all. :) OMG..I LEFT THE MUSTANG SUIT AIRING OUT AND IT'S DARK NOW!


my blue cake from sun 25.

btw, my real name is marie. i just like the name "deanna" better. :P

so it's my birthday but it doesnt feel like it...

:( it was just another day as far as i'm concerned.

1) school- duing metal arts dident tell anybody. had to remind friends at school that it's my b-day. mother and father also had to be remind. it doesnt feel like i turned 20.

2) dident study for web design test and got a 64 on it. the teach if we did the review we would get 5 extra points on it. that is going to help me now. my allergies were kicking up and my eyes were the watery and the must have taught i was crying! he told me that he drops the lowest test and the lab work should raise a the grade a little bit. to top it off, the navagation button on the lab work would never show, and when it did, they would show up on some pages and not the others. so the teach put my work on the server and now will tinker with my work. to bad, i was done. :(

3)  it's a rather depressing day since my cat toki, has died. he had been very weak and his nose was bleeding all saturday and sunday. he just sat around slowly breathing and stairing into space for those days & refused to eat. finally around 3:30 pm or so, he finally died. toki prolly kept himself alive just to feel mother and me's presence since he was already blind. i had trash can funeral. his body was so stiff and was so unreal. i miss toki. :( he was a nice, gentle, little kitty who would never harm a soul. he would come by whistle and would meow  very loud at the door wanting attention/food. he will very missed.

4) mother rented a dodge charger for me. i tell you..those are the best freakin' cars of all time. they handle great on the curves, go very fast in a short period of time, the car cools instantly cools, the seats are like clouds...very thick and comfy. the stearing wheel is very wide, thick, and rubbery easy to grip other than excuse for an suv the moutainner that i'am forced to take to school everyday. good thing the lease is up next yr and mother can get  a new car...maybe a charger? yea right........lesson one: NEVER take a charger to the ghetto, b/c in my town, if you have something nice, something is gonna happen to it! :evil: i took it to school and gave my friends a ride around the campuse..they think it's mine >.> mother said she can rent me another one a few weeks from now. (pics coming soon)

5) btw, yes we did kinda celebrate by b-day sunday. lunch at chilies, and a cake eating fest at my house. nxt wk i'll have my real party. so we can net celebrate then. :)



happy belated b-day to el shat. 76 and counting! (3-22)