beware with me this blog is's my tv history!
when some of you post blogs about shows, i usually state "i don't watch any of those shows. :(" which is true because i dont watch heros, ugly betty, crime dramas, medical dramas, live action sitcoms, 24, prision break, the office, smallville [stopped watching when 2nd season started], reality shows, gameshows, boston legal (you'd think i would watch it because it has shatner in it), or any of the shows many of you mention. frankly, they just don't strike my interest at all. i would love to chat about those shows with you guys, but many of them don't seem very me atleast. u_u or maybe i just don't have the time anymore to waste an hr on a drama when i could be studying or cleanning.
the last hr long i took an interest in was smallville (not counting trek, i'll get to that in a minute). at the time i was very obessed with DC comics in general and smallville was right up my alley. back then, cartoon network played batman beyond & justice league (not unlimited!) adnusem. it was great. :) animated superhero shows are great...modern or 'old school'. solid hour of batman beyond & JL on saturday nites followed by some kiddie anime b4 adult swim invaded saturday nites. a little b4 or after that, batman beyond was very late at nite on saturdays and i felt i had this great thing going on with JL, BB, and smallville, and on wkday mornings, THE NEW ADVENTURES OF LOIS AND CLARK ON TNT!! WOOT! I REMBER IT WHEN I WAS A LIL KID DURING THE 90'S! :D i dont know..these were shows i could relate to. i was obsessed with batman's stuggles b/c now i was in the high school, suffering with very bad chronic depression , and a fan of the man when i was little. i just felt "at home" for some reason. same goes with spider man. i'm not ashamed to say SPIDER MAN HAS BEEN APART OF MY LIFE FOR 14 YRS NOW SINCE IT WAS ON FOX. I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS...I CAN RELATE TO THE MAN IN MANY WAYS. that was superhero mania...9th grade and first half of 10th grade
let's jump to anime: i freakin' obessed with anime during my sopormore and jr years in high school. i mean i watched everything thing. even hentai (porn), read every manga. straight, gay whtever i read it and enjoyed it. i used to watch sailor moon during the 90's and in a way, anime was right up my alley. the show that really got and still obessed was BIG O!. this show had everything. suspense, action, drama, love triangles, nutty villians, bascilly batman with a japanese twist. it was insane and it got the point where i even wrote the lyrics to the theme song on desks because i had the sound track! i grew hungry for big robots breaking things. and of course that's all i wanted to watch. BIG ROBOTS or anything having to do with robots. kikaider, gundams, big o, transformers, etc. obsessed, obsessed! another show that really got was hellsing. GORE! GORE! GUTS! awesome. lupin the 3rd, if i'm up that late and not watching remasted tos, then yes. but i already have it on dvd. second half of 10th grade and all of 11th grade.
fyi: i've been watching the simpsons since the 4th grade and i dont plan on stopping anytime soon. family guy since the 7th grade. adult swim when it first started. fox sundays since the 4th grade. fox kids 1992-2001. fox channel off an on. boston public (jeri ryan was pretty good in that show), that 80's show, malcolm in the middle (it was like growing up with them!) mad tv, etc. yes, the fox channel was the channel i used watch the most. somewhere between 11 and 12th grade, i was an instant i dream of jeannie fan. :D
12 grade: this is where the ULTIMATE OBESSESION began. wonder wht i could be refering to. sci-fi became the channel i watched the most because TOS was playing non stop. all i did was watch that show. i forgot all about anime and forucsed on trek. then i started watching tng & tos together when they came on. never took a shinning to ds9. or maybe i never watch it! then i added ent of nov. 04. now it was TOS, TNG, ENT, & SOME DS9. it was the only thing i talked about. non stop. drew on desks "riker n troi forever", "deanna loves will" just about everywhere. "romulans are watching...thier coming" on boards and desks. by this time, i was a loner because of a huge falling out with some "friends". i was a member of tvtome, but only visited the anime boards. usally stalking the trek boards of tvtome and finally became a member in college. then i started watching SGA. wrote "wraith are coming" everywhere. talked nonstopped about the treks n sga. some teachers were also T fans and it was great. then here at i met more t fans and this place became my new home. then the worst happened. it was annonced that ENT was being cancelled. i took ent's ending very hard. i cried and cried. wrote letters and whtnot. i was in deniel for 4 monthes until i started college. then it became TOS, TNG, ENT, now QUANTAM LEAP, SGA, and some DS9. sci-gi played QL every friday when ent ruled the air waves. QL made me feel warm and fuzzy.
fastforward to dec. 06. O__O the trek i had been awaiting for. turns out voy was complete chesse and great at being cheese. at first, i HATED it. it was the only show that made me wanna puke. infact, i almost did puke during the holonazi nononsense. seasons 1-3 pretty good/ok, seasons 4-7 pretty good/ok/gut wrenching nonsense. i havent seen the holo garbage since dec., but thinking about it makes me wanna puke. i had withdrawls for it during the x-mas season. still a TOS'er. currently, i only wanna watch voy. i'm so obessed with voy right now, it's not even funny. i get withdrawls and its the 1st trek i've had dreams about twice. x_x so does this make me a VOY'er? i rember during my x-mas break, i went on that road trip and taught my friend the voy charaters, and i was also very obsesed with metalcalpyse (great cartoon). i even stay up to catch the late nite reruns on spike. :) they make me feel fuzzy and warm inside. now only VOY. :( because i dont wanna stay up all nite saturady-sunday to watch TOS, not home during DS9 or TNG, ENT makes me sad because it ended during it's prime, and i have TAS on dvd, but i'm making time to watch it. b'ellana and troi are the ppl i can relate to the most. i don't plan on leaving trek anytime soon. it's sooooo much fun. :) already done w/the movies.
other shows i watch:
simpsons, family guy, maury, south park, drawn together, american dad, i dream of jeannie, boondocks, oblongs, venture bros, moral oral, robot chicken, metalocaplyse, that girl, i think there are others. btw, i also love cartoons. CARTOONS!!!!!!!!!
ok...thanks for bareing with me. that's my tv history. :)
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