-today was a cold day...i mean it's been 75-80 lately then it randomly dips to 30 and starts raining. x-x
now i have one those "i had to WALK 8 minutes in the rain just get to cla55" stories
-luckily the nice young man from the below warned me about the impending cold. i actually was preparing for the cold with my sweater.
"it's gonna be cold!!1!" he said. "30 later on!1"
-it was chilly and humid before the rain and the cold. =(
-its true. i NEVER check the weather. it's been foggy, cloudy, chilly/humid lately and i just assume it will go away. like everyone else. BUT i'm wearing jeans, socks, shoes, a shirt, and sweater with the cougar, bobcat, horse logo or whtever the school's animal of choice is.
meanwhile everyone else is dressed in sandals, shorts, shinny jeans, and 55% of the ppl are dressed like this:
i mean a TON of ppl look they are in the movie "factory girl" with guy pearce and sienna miller. shinny jeans, band tees, slip on shoes, and smoking cigs.
-i was dressed in a wimpy long sleeve shirt and wizard of oz shirt and 80's nike revival multi-colored shoes. i didn't want those over priced nikes to get dirty or wet so i went back the apt and changed shoes to the basketball, water resistant adias. =D
it was raining and of course as college kids go, sandals, shorts, slip on shoes, no jacket. OR sweater with shorts and sandals. :0
-momma anit here. we don't care. this is college. ages 18-25...not to much logic going on. x-x
cept me..i was dressed for the occasion
other news:
it was rush wk and i joined 4 clubs! =D
-the tv club! (the guy was blue eyed/blond haired version of chris bale :) ) turns they dont much of any thing. i'm gonna do it anyways... tv pwns.
-hiphop congress! idk why!!! those kids were cool, though. :) it was next to the big brothers/big sisters of south tx table and one of the cds fell, the guy couldent reach it, so i picked it up. then we started chatting about music and micheal jackson. =D
-advertising club. they do a ton of cool stuff and i cannot wait to get started in that club.
-big brothers/big sisters of s.tx. idk why, but i did. but it's a long process with two backround checks, interviews and wht not.
-still getting to know ppl. started talking to some girl in the into to mass comm cla55
the gospel according to mac&ch33ez: :0
arron eckh0t is a doofus
chris bale is a dork
guy pearce is a greasy-haired weiner
this ones for you sassy. ^_^
those "insults" only make them h0tter. we can keep going all day loooooong. =D
i cannot wait for wht sir ch33zehas to say about today's hottie. =D
JIM CAVIEZEL!! ![](http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c340/Romulans/stuff/iloveu.gif)
he looks like one heck of a lover...
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